Bug #6722
closedWeird behavior of defined?(super) check invoked from a metaprogrammatically defined class method
Hi guys,
Sorry for the duplicate - I already reported ((<this issue|URL:https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/6644)>))
2 weeks ago, but didn't receive any answer.
I had mistakenly assigned "target version", maybe that was the reason
of no response? Please let me know if my bug report is wrong or irrelevant
in any other respect.
Here's a link to the discussion of the issue on stackoverflow:
Bellow is my initial description:
Lately I came across some weird behavior with the (({defined?})) operator used to check if (({super})) keyword can be invoked in current context. Usually it works fine, but when I tried to combine the (({defined? super})) check with a tiny bit of metaprogramming, it gave me unexpected results.
class A;
def self.def_f!;
singleton_class.send(:define_method, :f) { defined? super }
class AA < A; end
A.f # => nil
AA.f # => nil
AA.f # => "super"
A.f # => "super" - WHY???
The last result is really strange, isn't it?
(({A.f})) has no super method, so I would expect the last (({A.f})) to return (({nil})).