



Feature #5898


raise and Exception#initialize

Added by trans (Thomas Sawyer) about 13 years ago. Updated almost 13 years ago.

Target version:


Calling #raise with a message parameter passes the argument on the Exception class' initialize method. But it does not support any additional arguments if the initialize method has been defined otherwise. Nor is the last optional argument, caller, passed to the initializer. All of which makes for a rather confusing mishmash of an interface between #raise and Exception#initialize.

Ideally I would think whatever arguments are passed to #raise would likewise be passed on to Exception#initialize, e.g.

class MyError < Exception
def initialize(a,b)
super("#{a} and #{b}")

raise MyError, 'foo', 'bar'

Alas, because caller can be passed to #raise this causes an error, as it thinks bar ought to be the caller array. So unless others see a way around it that I do not, this idealized scenario simply is not possible.

So I propose a second best approach. Notice that if caller is passed to #raise it is not being passed on to the #initialize method unlike the message argument. Instead #set_backtrace is being used to set the caller. I propose that the message argument be handled in the same way, and a new method #set_message(msg) be added to the Exception class to handle it.

This would then allow the initializer of subclasses to be freed up to be defined in other ways, should a specialized exception be able to make good use of a variant interface Which, btw, is the exact circumstance I presently find myself in for one of my projects. Consequently I had no choice by to define the #initialize method to take an initial blank argument that will almost always be set to +nil+.


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