Bug #4141
closedTk extension is not accepting any type of parameter combination
As part of RubyInstaller team, we want to include tk extension in the next release. For that purpose, we built both tcl and tk 8.5.9 and made bin, includes and lib directories available using the standard GCC variables (PATH, CPATH and LIBRARY_PATH)
All the existing Ruby extensions (openssl, curses, etc) work with this and properly detect the available headers, except tk extension.
Normally, this is the output:
compiling tk check functions......... check struct members.. Use ActiveTcl libraries (if available). Search tclConfig.sh and tkConfig.sh......... Fail to find [tclConfig.sh, tkConfig.sh] Search Tcl library Warning:: cannot find Tcl library. tcltklib will not be compiled (tcltklib is disabled on your Ruby == Ruby/Tk will not work). Please check configure options. Can't find proper Tcl/Tk libraries. So, can't make tcltklib.so which is required by Ruby/Tk. compiling tk/tkutil
To workaround this, I've tried manually provide parameters to Ruby configure process (like --with-tcl-dir, --with-tk-dir, --with-tcllib and --with-tklib), all been marked as warning and no effect in the extension itself.
Manually trying to build the extension and provide these parameters:
mkdir build
cd build
ruby ..\extconf.rb --with-tcl-dir=../../tcl --with-tk-dir=../../tk --with-tcllib=tcl85s --with-tklib=tk85s
Since tk extension checks for tcl85g, not the static version (as build for RubyInstaller)
Generates the following output:
Configure options for Ruby/Tk may be updated. So, delete files which depend on old configs. check functions.checking for ruby_native_thread_p() in ruby.h... yes .checking for rb_errinfo() in ruby.h... yes .checking for rb_safe_level() in ruby.h... yes .checking for rb_hash_lookup() in ruby.h... yes .checking for rb_proc_new() in ruby.h... yes .checking for rb_obj_untrust() in ruby.h... yes .checking for rb_obj_taint() in ruby.h... yes .checking for rb_set_safe_level_force() in ruby.h... yes .checking for rb_sourcefile() in ruby.h... yes check struct members.checking for struct RArray.ptr in ruby.h... no .checking for struct RArray.len in ruby.h... no Use ActiveTcl libraries (if available). Search tclConfig.sh (in ../../tcl/lib) and tkConfig.sh (in ../../tk/lib).. WARNING: found "../../tcl/lib/tclConfig.sh", but cannot find valid Tcl/Tk libraries on the same directory. So, ignore it. WARNING: found "../../tcl/lib/tclconfig.sh", but cannot find valid Tcl/Tk libraries on the same directory. So, ignore it. Fail to find [tclConfig.sh, tkConfig.sh] Search Tcl library.checking for Tcl_FindExecutable() in -ltcl85s... yes Search Tk library.checking for Tk_Init() in -ltk85s... no Warning:: cannot find Tk library. tcltklib will not be compiled (tcltklib is disabled on your Ruby == Ruby/Tk will not work). Please check configure options. Can't find proper Tcl/Tk libraries. So, can't make tcltklib.so which is required by Ruby/Tk. *** ../extconf.rb failed ***
Checking libtk85s.a for symbols (using nm) the Tk_Init symbol is defined.
I've tried this way and also using --with-old-extconf, both with similar results.
If extconf can't be make compatible with the default build process, what tweak is required for a successful compilation?
Thank you.
Updated by nagai (Hidetoshi Nagai) over 14 years ago
From: Luis Lavena redmine@ruby-lang.org
Subject: [ruby-core:33656] [Ruby 1.9-Bug#4141][Open] Tk extension is not accepting any type of parameter combination
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2010 05:02:24 +0900
Message-ID: 4d0135a0109e7_28b2b60701035e@redmine.ruby-lang.org
Bug #4141: Tk extension is not accepting any type of parameter combination
I'm very sorry. My reply is too late for a new RubyInstaller.
Could you try the following patch (and new options)?
Index: README.tcltklib¶
--- README.tcltklib (revision 30168)
+++ README.tcltklib (working copy)
@@ -29,10 +29,32 @@
Old "extconf.rb" doesn't support this option.
- --with-tcltkversion=,
force version of Tcl/Tk libaray
(e.g. libtcl8.4g.so ==> --with-tcltkversion=8.4g)
(e.g. libtcl8.4g.so & libtk8.4g.so ==> --with-tcltkversion=8.4g
libtcl8.4.so & libtk8.4g.so ==> --with-tcltkversion=8.4,8.4g)
- --without-tcl-config / --without-tk-config
- --enable-tcl-h-ver-check/--disable-tcl-h-ver-check
- --enable-tk-h-ver-check/--disable-tk-h-ver-check
enable or disable for checking MAJOR_VERSION and
MINOR_VERSION on tcl.h/tk.h whether match with
Tcl/Tk libraries' version or not.
- --with-tcl-build-dir=
- --with-tk-build-dir= If you want to compile with pre-installed Tcl/Tk
libraries, you must use these options.
(e.g. --with-tcl-build-dir=./build/tcl8.5.9/unix)
When use these options, --with-tclConfig-dir and
--with-tkConfig-dir options are ignored (however,
--with-tclConfig-file and --with-tkConfig-file
options are still available).
- --with-tclConfig-file=
- --with-tkConfig-file= file path of tclConfig.sh/tkConfig.sh.
If you want use non-standard filenames of config
files (e.g. tclConfig-static.sh), you must use
these options.
- --with-tclConfig-dir=
--with-tkConfig-dir= the directory contains 'tclConfig.sh' and
Index: extconf.rb
--- extconf.rb (revision 30168)
+++ extconf.rb (working copy)
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@%w[8.7 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.1 8.0]¶
%w[8.7 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.0] # to shorten search steps
+TkLib_Config['major_nums'] = '87'
use old extconf.rb ?¶
@@ -111,23 +113,25 @@
/darwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM
+def maybe_64bit?
- /64|universal/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM
def check_tcltk_version(version)
return [nil, nil] unless version.kind_of? String
- version = version.strip
- tclver, tkver = version.split(',')
- tclver = tclver.strip
- return [tclver, tkver.strip] if tkver
- tclver = version.dup
- tkver = version.dup
- dot = major = minor_dot = minor = plvl_dot = plvl = ext = nil
- if version =~ /^(\d)(.?)(\d)(.?)(\d*)(.*)$/
- if tclver =~ /^(\d)(.?)(\d)(.?)(\d*)(.*)$/
major = $1; minor_dot = $2; minor = $3; plvl_dot = $4; plvl = $5; ext = $6
dot = ! minor_dot.empty?
if plvl_dot.empty? && ! plvl.empty?
minor << plvl
- elsif version =~ /^(\d)(.?)(\d?)(.*)$/
elsif tclver =~ /^(\d)(.?)(\d?)(.*)$/
major = $1; minor_dot = $2; minor = $3; ext = $4
dot = ! minor_dot.empty?
else # unknown -> believe user
@@ -140,9 +144,12 @@
tkver = "4" + ((dot)? ".": "") + ((minor.empty)? "": "2") + ext
elsif major == "4" # Tk4.2 ( not support Tkversion < 4.2 )Tcl7.6¶
tkver = tclver
tclver = "7" + ((dot)? ".": "") + ((minor.empty)? "": "6") + ext
end -
tkver = tclver unless tkver
[tclver, tkver]
@@ -187,11 +194,12 @@
elsif is_win32?
if TkLib_Config["ActiveTcl"]
path_head.concat ["c:/ActiveTcl", "c:/Program Files/ActiveTcl"]
path_head.concat ["c:/ActiveTcl", "c:/Program Files/ActiveTcl",
end"c:/Program Files (x86)/ActiveTcl"]
path_head.concat [
"c:/Tcl", "c:/Program Files/Tcl",
"/Tcl", "/Program Files/Tcl"
"c:/Tcl", "c:/Program Files/Tcl", "c:/Program Files (x86)/Tcl",
]"/Tcl", "/Program Files/Tcl", "/Program Files (x86)/Tcl"
path_head.each{|dir| path_dirs << "#{dir}"}
@@ -203,6 +211,7 @@
next unless File.directory?(dir)
path_dirs << "#{dir}/lib64" if maybe_64bit? path_dirs << "#{dir}/lib" path_dirs << "#{dir}" unless Dir.glob("#{dir}/lib*.*", File::FNM_CASEFOLD).empty?
@@ -371,8 +380,8 @@
def get_libpath(lib_flag, lib_spec)
get libpath fro {TCL,Tk}_LIB_FLAG and {TCL,Tk}_LIB_SPEC¶
- libpath = lib_spec.gsub(/(#{lib_flag}|-L)/, "").strip
get libpath from {TCL,Tk}_LIB_FLAG and {TCL,Tk}_LIB_SPEC¶
- lib_spec.gsub(/(#{lib_flag}|-L)/, "").strip
def get_tclConfig_dirs
@@ -387,14 +396,14 @@
dirs.concat [
"c:/ActiveTcl*/lib", "c:/Tcl*/lib",
"c:/Program Files/ActiveTcl*/lib", "c:/Program Files/Tcl*/lib",
"c:/Program Files*/ActiveTcl*/lib", "c:/Program Files*/Tcl*/lib", "/ActiveTcl*/lib", "/Tcl*/lib",
"/Program Files/ActiveTcl*/lib", "/Program Files/Tcl*/lib"
else"/Program Files*/ActiveTcl*/lib", "/Program Files*/Tcl*/lib" ]
dirs = [
"c:/Tcl*/lib", "c:/Program Files/Tcl*/lib",
"/Tcl*/lib", "/Program Files/Tcl*/lib"
"c:/Tcl*/lib", "c:/Program Files*/Tcl*/lib",
end"/Tcl*/lib", "/Program Files*/Tcl*/lib" ]
dirs.collect{|d| Dir.glob(d, File::FNM_CASEFOLD)}.flatten!
@@ -443,22 +452,28 @@
- config_dir.concat [
File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['exec_prefix'], 'lib'),
File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['prefix'], 'lib'),
"/usr/local/opt/lib", "/usr/local/pkg/lib", "/usr/local/share/lib",
"/usr/local/lib", "/usr/opt/lib", "/usr/pkg/lib",
"/usr/share/lib", "/usr/contrib/lib", "/usr/lib"
- ]
config_dir << RbConfig::CONFIG['libdir']
((maybe_64bit?)? ['lib64', 'lib']: ['lib']).each{|dir|
config_dir.concat [
File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['exec_prefix'], dir),
File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['prefix'], dir),
"/usr/local/opt/#{dir}", "/usr/local/pkg/#{dir}",
"/usr/local/share/#{dir}", "/usr/local/#{dir}",
"/usr/opt/#{dir}", "/usr/pkg/#{dir}", "/usr/share/#{dir}",
"/usr/contrib/#{dir}", "/usr/#{dir}"
config_dir.concat [
'/opt', '/pkg', '/share',
'/usr/local/opt', '/usr/local/pkg', '/usr/local/share', '/usr/local',
'/usr/opt', '/usr/pkg', '/usr/share', '/usr/contrib', '/usr'
Dir.glob(dir + '/{tcltk,tcl,tk}[87]*/lib', File::FNM_CASEFOLD)
Dir.glob(dir + '/{tcltk,tcl,tk}[87]*', File::FNM_CASEFOLD)
Dir.glob(dir + "/{tcltk,tcl,tk}[#{TkLib_Config['major_nums']}*/lib",
Dir.glob(dir + "/{tcltk,tcl,tk}[#{TkLib_Config['major_nums']}*",
}.flatten!File::FNM_CASEFOLD) Dir.glob(dir + '/{tcltk,tcl,tk}/lib', File::FNM_CASEFOLD) Dir.glob(dir + '/{tcltk,tcl,tk}', File::FNM_CASEFOLD)
@@ -489,8 +504,8 @@
paths.reverse! unless TkLib_Config["ActiveTcl"]
- paths.each{|framework|
base = File.expand_path(framework)
- paths.each{|frmwk|
base = File.expand_path(frmwk) config_dir << [ File.join(base, 'Tcl.framework'), File.join(base, 'Tk.framework') ]
@@ -511,7 +526,7 @@
-def libcheck_for_tclConfig(dir, tclconf, tkconf)
+def libcheck_for_tclConfig(tcldir, tkdir, tclconf, tkconf)
tcllib_ok = tklib_ok = false
if TkLib_Config["tcltk-stubs"]
@@ -524,29 +539,35 @@
tkfunc = "Tk_Init"
incflags = $INCFLAGS
libpath = $LIBPATH
tcllibs = nilbegin
- tcllib_ok ||= Dir.glob(File.join(dir, "tcl#{stub}#{tclconf['TCL_MAJOR_VERSION']}{.,}#{tclconf['TCL_MINOR_VERSION']}.*"), File::FNM_CASEFOLD).find{|file|
- tcllib_ok ||= Dir.glob(File.join(tcldir, "tcl#{stub}#{tclconf['TCL_MAJOR_VERSION']}{.,}#{tclconf['TCL_MINOR_VERSION']}."), File::FNM_CASEFOLD).find{|file|
if file =~ /^.(tcl#{stub}#{tclconf['TCL_MAJOR_VERSION']}(.|)#{tclconf['TCL_MINOR_VERSION']}.).[^.]$/
#puts "check #{file} #{$1} #{tclfunc} #{dir}"
#find_library($1, tclfunc, dir)
#puts "check #{file} #{$1} #{tclfunc} #{tcldir}"
#find_library($1, tclfunc, tcldir) tcllibs = append_library($libs, $1)
$LIBPATH = libpath | [dir]
}$LIBPATH = libpath | [tcldir] try_func(tclfunc, tcllibs) end
- tklib_ok ||= Dir.glob(File.join(dir, "tk#{stub}#{tkconf['TK_MAJOR_VERSION']}{.,}#{tkconf['TK_MINOR_VERSION']}.*"), File::FNM_CASEFOLD).find{|file|
- tklib_ok ||= Dir.glob(File.join(tkdir, "tk#{stub}#{tkconf['TK_MAJOR_VERSION']}{.,}#{tkconf['TK_MINOR_VERSION']}."), File::FNM_CASEFOLD).find{|file|
if file =~ /^.(tk#{stub}#{tkconf['TK_MAJOR_VERSION']}(.|)#{tkconf['TK_MINOR_VERSION']}.).[^.]$/
#puts "check #{file} #{$1} #{tkfunc} #{dir}"
# find_library($1, tkfunc, dir)
tklibs = append_library(tcllibs, $1)
$LIBPATH = libpath | [dir]
$INCFLAGS << " " << tkconf['TK_XINCLUDES'] if tkconf['TK_XINCLUDES']
#puts "check #{file} #{$1} #{tkfunc} #{tkdir}"
# find_library($1, tkfunc, tkdir)
tklibs = append_library("", $1)
tklibs << " " << tkconf['TK_XLIBSW'] if tkconf['TK_XLIBSW']
tklibs << " " << tcllibs
}$LIBPATH = libpath | [tkdir] try_func(tkfunc, tklibs) end
ensure - $INCFLAGS = incflags
$LIBPATH = libpath
@@ -630,7 +651,8 @@
tcllib_ok = tklib_ok = true
tcllib_ok, tklib_ok = libcheck_for_tclConfig(File.dirname(tclpath),
tclconf, tkconf)
tclconf, tkconf)
tcllib_ok = tklib_ok = false
if TkLib_Config["tcltk-stubs"]
@@ -877,8 +899,8 @@
if !CROSS_COMPILING and is_win32?
default_paths.concat [
"c:/Tcl/lib", "c:/Program Files/Tcl/lib",
"/Tcl/lib", "/Program Files/Tcl/lib"
"c:/Tcl/lib","c:/Program Files/Tcl/lib","c:/Program Files (x86)/Tcl/lib",
].find_all{|dir| File.directory?(dir)}"/Tcl/lib","/Program Files/Tcl/lib","/Program Files (x86)/Tcl/lib"
@@ -928,15 +950,19 @@
[path, find_library(tcllib, func, path)]
sufx_list = ['', 't', 'g', 's', 'x'] st = search_vers_on_path(versions, path, lib, 'tcl').find{|ver|
(print(".");find_library("#{lib}#{ver}", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("#{lib}#{ver.delete('.')}", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("#{lib}#{ver}g", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("#{lib}#{ver.delete('.')}g", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("tcl#{ver}", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("tcl#{ver.delete('.')}", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("tcl#{ver}g", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("tcl#{ver.delete('.')}g", func, path))
dir_enum = Dir.foreach(path)
no_dot_ver = ver.delete('.')
libnames = ["#{lib}#{ver}", "#{lib}#{no_dot_ver}"]
libnames << "tcl#{ver}" << "tcl#{no_dot_ver}" if lib != "tcl"
dir_enum.find{|fname| fname =~ /#{libname + sufx}/} &&
find_library(libname + sufx, func, path)
} } || (!version && (print(".");find_library(lib, func, path))) [path, st]
@@ -989,8 +1015,8 @@if !CROSS_COMPILING and is_win32?
default_paths.concat [
"c:/Tcl/lib", "c:/Program Files/Tcl/lib",
"/Tcl/lib", "/Program Files/Tcl/lib"
"c:/Tcl/lib","c:/Program Files/Tcl/lib","c:/Program Files (x86)/Tcl/lib",
].find_all{|dir| File.directory?(dir)}"/Tcl/lib","/Program Files/Tcl/lib","/Program Files (x86)/Tcl/lib"
@@ -1039,15 +1065,19 @@
[path, find_library(tklib, func, path)]
sufx_list = ['', 't', 'g', 's', 'x'] st = search_vers_on_path(versions, path, lib, 'tk').find{|ver|
(print(".");find_library("#{lib}#{ver}", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("#{lib}#{ver.delete('.')}", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("#{lib}#{ver}g", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("#{lib}#{ver.delete('.')}g", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("tk#{ver}", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("tk#{ver.delete('.')}", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("tk#{ver}g", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("tk#{ver.delete('.')}g", func, path))
dir_enum = Dir.foreach(path)
no_dot_ver = ver.delete('.')
libnames = ["#{lib}#{ver}", "#{lib}#{no_dot_ver}"]
libnames << "tk#{ver}" << "tk#{no_dot_ver}" if lib != "tk"
dir_enum.find{|fname| fname =~ /#{libname + sufx}/} &&
find_library(libname + sufx, func, path)
} } || (!version && (print(".");find_library(lib, func, path))) [path, st]
@@ -1085,8 +1115,10 @@if !CROSS_COMPILING && is_win32?
base_dir.concat [
"c:/Tcl/include", "c:/Program Files/Tcl/include",
"/Tcl/include", "/Program Files/Tcl/include"
"c:/Tcl/include","c:/Program Files/Tcl/include",
"c:/Program Files (x86)/Tcl/include",
"/Tcl/include","/Program Files/Tcl/include",
].find_all{|dir| File.directory?(dir)}"/Program Files (x86)/Tcl/include"
@@ -1097,41 +1129,81 @@
if TclConfig_Info['TCL_INCLUDE_SPEC'] &&
have_tcl_h = try_cpp('#include <tcl.h>', TclConfig_Info['TCL_INCLUDE_SPEC'])
$INCFLAGS << " " << TclConfig_Info['TCL_INCLUDE_SPEC']
- elsif have_tcl_h = have_header('tcl.h')
- if tclver && ! tclver.empty?
versions = [tclver]
- if enable_config("tcl-h-ver-check", true) &&
tclver && tclver =~ /^\D*(\d)\.?(\d)/
elsemajor = $1; minor = $2
versions = TkLib_Config['search_versions']
endmajor = minor = nil
- paths = base_dir.dup
- versions.each{|ver|
[dir + '/tcl' + ver, dir + '/tcl' + ver.delete('.')]
- }
- have_tcl_h = find_header('tcl.h', *paths)
- if major && minor
# version check on tcl.h
have_tcl_h = try_cpp("#include <tcl.h>\n#if TCL_MAJOR_VERSION != #{major} || TCL_MINOR_VERSION != #{minor}\n#error VERSION does not match\n#fi")
- else
have_tcl_h = have_header('tcl.h')
- end
- unless have_tcl_h
if tclver && ! tclver.empty?
versions = [tclver]
versions = TkLib_Config['search_versions']
paths = base_dir.dup
[dir + '/tcl' + ver, dir + '/tcl' + ver.delete('.')]
if enable_config("tcl-h-ver-check", true)
# version check on tcl.h
have_tcl_h = paths.find{|path|
try_cpp("#include <tcl.h>\n#if TCL_MAJOR_VERSION != #{major} || TCL_MINOR_VERSION != #{minor}\n#error VERSION does not match\n#fi", "-I#{path.quote}")
$INCFLAGS << " " << "-I#{have_tcl_h.quote}" if have_tcl_h
have_tcl_h = find_header('tcl.h', *paths)
- end
if TkConfig_Info['TK_INCLUDE_SPEC'] &&
have_tk_h = try_cpp('#include <tk.h>', TkConfig_Info['TK_INCLUDE_SPEC'])
$INCFLAGS << " " << TkConfig_Info['TK_INCLUDE_SPEC']
- elsif have_tk_h = have_header('tk.h')
- if tkver && ! tkver.empty?
versions = [tkver]
- if enable_config("tk-h-ver-check", true) &&
tkver && tkver =~ /^\D*(\d)\.?(\d)/
elsemajor = $1; minor = $2
versions = TkLib_Config['search_versions']
endmajor = minor = nil
- paths = base_dir.dup
- versions.each{|ver|
[dir + '/tk' + ver, dir + '/tk' + ver.delete('.')]
- }
- have_tk_h = find_header('tk.h', *paths)
- if major && minor
# version check on tk.h
have_tk_h = try_cpp("#include <tk.h>\n#if TK_MAJOR_VERSION != #{major} || TK_MINOR_VERSION != #{minor}\n#error VERSION does not match\n#fi")
- else
have_tk_h = have_header('tk.h')
- end
- unless have_tk_h
if tkver && ! tkver.empty?
versions = [tkver]
versions = TkLib_Config['search_versions']
paths = base_dir.dup
[dir + '/tk' + ver, dir + '/tk' + ver.delete('.')]
if enable_config("tk-h-ver-check", true)
# version check on tk.h
have_tk_h = paths.find{|path|
try_cpp("#include <tk.h>\n#if TK_MAJOR_VERSION != #{major} || TK_MINOR_VERSION != #{minor}\n#error VERSION does not match\n#fi", "-I#{path.quote}")
$INCFLAGS << " " << "-I#{have_tk_h.quote}" if have_tk_h
have_tk_h = find_header('tk.h', *paths)
- end
have_tcl_h && have_tk_h
@@ -1200,11 +1272,13 @@
def search_X_libraries
- use_tkConfig = false
if TkConfig_Info['config_file_path']use definitions on tkConfig.sh¶
- if TkConfig_Info['TK_XINCLUDES'] && TkConfig_Info['TK_XLIBSW'] &&
!TkConfig_Info['TK_XINCLUDES'].strip.empty? &&
if (TkConfig_Info['TK_XINCLUDES'] &&
!TkConfig_Info['TK_XINCLUDES'].strip.empty?) ||
(TkConfig_Info['TK_XLIBSW'] && !TkConfig_Info['TK_XLIBSW'].strip.empty?)
use_tkConfig = true #use_X = true && with_config("X11", ! is_win32?) use_X = with_config("X11", true)
@@ -1216,21 +1290,28 @@
use_X = with_config("X11", !(is_win32? || TkLib_Config["tcltk-framework"]))
end -
if TkConfig_Info['TK_XINCLUDES'] &&
$INCFLAGS << " " << TkConfig_Info['TK_XINCLUDES'].strip
if use_X
- puts("Use X11 libraries.")
- puts("Use X11 libraries (or use TK_XINCLUDES/TK_XLIBSW information on tkConfig.sh).")
x11_idir, x11_ldir = dir_config("X11")
x11_ldir2 = with_config("X11-lib")
unless find_X11(x11_ldir2, x11_ldir)
puts("Can't find X11 libraries. So, can't make tcltklib.so which is required by Ruby/Tk.")
puts("Can't find X11 libraries. ")
if use_tkConfig &&
TkConfig_Info['TK_XLIBSW'] && !TkConfig_Info['TK_XLIBSW'].strip.empty?
puts("But, try to use TK_XLIBSW information (believe tkCOnfig.sh).")
$libs << " " << TkConfig_Info['TK_XLIBSW'] << " "
puts("So, can't make tcltklib.so which is required by Ruby/Tk.")
- if TkConfig_Info['TK_XINCLUDES'] &&
- $INCFLAGS << " " << TkConfig_Info['TK_XINCLUDES'].strip
- end
- use_X
@@ -1272,7 +1353,7 @@
puts("Warning: '#{TclConfig_Info['config_file_path']}' may not be a tclConfig file.")
tclConfig = false
end#tclConfig = false end
@@ -1280,7 +1361,7 @@
if tcl_enable_thread == nil && !TclConfig_Info['config_file_path']tcl-thread is unknown and tclConfig is unavailable¶
try_run_available = try_run("int main() { exit(0); }")
rescue Exceptiontry_run("int main() { exit(0); }")
# cannot try_run. Is CROSS-COMPILE environment?
@@ -1439,15 +1520,61 @@
+TclConfig_Info = {}
+TkConfig_Info = {}
+# use Tcl/Tk build dir? (has highest priority)
+TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"] = with_config("tcl-build-dir")
+TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"] = with_config("tk-build-dir")
+if TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"]
- puts("use Tcl build (pre-install) dir "#{TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"]}"")
- TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"] = File.expand_path(TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"])
- base = File.dirname(TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"])
- $INCFLAGS << " -I#{File.join(base, "generic").quote} -I#{TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"].quote}"
- $LIBPATH |= [TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"]]
+if TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"] - puts("use Tk build (pre-install) dir "#{TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"]}"")
- TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"] = File.expand_path(TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"])
- base = File.dirname(TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"])
- $INCFLAGS << " -I#{File.join(base, "generic").quote} -I#{TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"].quote}"
- $LIBPATH |= [TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"]]
check requirement of Tcl/tk version¶
tcltk_version = with_config("tcltkversion")
-tclver, tkver =
- TkLib_Config["tcltkversion"] = check_tcltk_version(tcltk_version)
-puts("Specified Tcl/Tk version is #{[tclver, tkver].inspect}") if tclver&&tkver
+TkLib_Config["tcltkversion"] = check_tcltk_version(tcltk_version)
+if TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"]
- if (cfgfile = with_config("tclConfig-file", Dir.glob(File.join(TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"], "tclConfig*.sh"), File::FNM_CASEFOLD)[0]))
- TclConfig_Info['config_file_path'] = cfgfile
- TkLib_Config["tclConfig_info"] = cfginfo = parse_tclConfig(cfgfile)
- if tclver = TkLib_Config["tcltkversion"][0]
TkLib_Config["tcltkversion"][0].sub!(/\d(\.?)\d/, "#{cfginfo['TCL_MAJOR_VERSION']}\\1#{cfginfo['TCL_MINOR_VERSION']}")
- else
TkLib_Config["tcltkversion"][0] = "#{cfginfo['TCL_MAJOR_VERSION']}.#{cfginfo['TCL_MINOR_VERSION']}"
- end
- end
+if TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"] - if (cfgfile = with_config("tkConfig-file", Dir.glob(File.join(TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"], "tkConfig*.sh"), File::FNM_CASEFOLD)[0]))
- TkConfig_Info['config_file_path'] = cfgfile
- TkLib_Config["tkConfig_info"] = cfginfo = parse_tclConfig(cfgfile)
- if TkLib_Config["tcltkversion"][1]
TkLib_Config["tcltkversion"][1].sub!(/\d(\.?)\d/, "#{cfginfo['TK_MAJOR_VERSION']}\\1#{cfginfo['TK_MINOR_VERSION']}")
- else
TkLib_Config["tcltkversion"][1] = "#{cfginfo['TK_MAJOR_VERSION']}.#{cfginfo['TK_MINOR_VERSION']}"
- end
- end
+tclver, tkver = TkLib_Config["tcltkversion"]
+puts("Specified Tcl/Tk version is #{[tclver, tkver].inspect}") if tclver||tkver
use ActiveTcl ?¶
#if activeTcl = with_config("ActiveTcl")
-if activeTcl = with_config("ActiveTcl", true)
+#if activeTcl = with_config("ActiveTcl", true)
+if activeTcl = with_config("ActiveTcl", !(TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"] && TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"]))
puts("Use ActiveTcl libraries (if available).")
unless activeTcl.kind_of? String
# set default ActiveTcl path
@@ -1490,8 +1617,18 @@
directory configuration of Tcl/Tk libraries¶
-tk_idir, tk_ldir = dir_config("tk")
-tcl_idir, tcl_ldir = dir_config("tcl")
+if TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"]
- tcl_idir = File.join(File.dirname(TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"]),"generic")
- tcl_ldir = TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"]
+else - tcl_idir, tcl_ldir = dir_config("tcl")
+if TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"] - tk_idir = File.join(File.dirname(TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"]),"generic")
- tk_ldir = TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"]
+else - tk_idir, tk_ldir = dir_config("tk")
tcl_idir = tk_idir unless tcl_idir
tcl_ldir = tk_ldir unless tcl_ldir
@@ -1500,14 +1637,21 @@
get tclConfig.sh/tkConfig.sh¶
TkLib_Config["tcltk-NG-path"] = []
-tclcfg, tkcfg = get_tclConfig(with_config("tclConfig-file", true),
with_config("tkConfig-file", true),
with_config("tclConfig-dir", tcl_ldir || true),
with_config("tkConfig-dir", tk_ldir || true))
-TclConfig_Info = TkLib_Config["tclConfig_info"] || {}
-TkConfig_Info = TkLib_Config["tkConfig_info"] || {}
-TclConfig_Info['config_file_path'] = tclcfg
-TkConfig_Info['config_file_path'] = tkcfg
+tclcfg, tkcfg =
- get_tclConfig(
- TclConfig_Info['config_file_path'] || with_config("tclConfig-file", true),
- TkConfig_Info['config_file_path'] || with_config("tkConfig-file", true),
- (TclConfig_Info['config_file_path'])?
File.dirname(TclConfig_Info['config_file_path']) :
with_config("tclConfig-dir", tcl_ldir || true),
- (TkConfig_Info['config_file_path'])?
File.dirname(TkConfig_Info['config_file_path']) :
with_config("tkConfig-dir", tk_ldir || true)
- )
+TclConfig_Info['config_file_path'] ||= tclcfg
+TkConfig_Info['config_file_path'] ||= tkcfg
TclConfig_Info['TCL_INCLUDE_SPEC'] = "-I#{tcl_idir.quote}" if tcl_idir
TkConfig_Info['TK_INCLUDE_SPEC'] = "-I#{tk_idir.quote}" if tk_idir
@@ -1515,9 +1659,26 @@
tk_cfg_dir = File.dirname(TkConfig_Info['config_file_path']) rescue nil
tcl_cfg_dir = File.dirname(TclConfig_Info['config_file_path']) rescue nil
-tk_ldir_list = [tk_ldir, tk_cfg_dir]
-tcl_ldir_list = [tcl_ldir, tcl_cfg_dir]
+tk_ldir_list = [tk_ldir, tk_cfg_dir].uniq
+tcl_ldir_list = [tcl_ldir, tcl_cfg_dir].uniq
+if TkConfig_Info['config_file_path']
- if TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"]
- spec_dir = get_libpath(TkConfig_Info['TK_LIB_FLAG'], TkConfig_Info['TK_BUILD_LIB_SPEC'])
- else
- spec_dir = get_libpath(TkConfig_Info['TK_LIB_FLAG'], TkConfig_Info['TK_LIB_SPEC'])
- end
- tk_ldir_list << spec_dir if File.directory?(spec_dir)
+if TclConfig_Info['config_file_path'] - if TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"]
- spec_dir = get_libpath(TclConfig_Info['TCL_LIB_FLAG'], TclConfig_Info['TCL_BUILD_LIB_SPEC'])
- else
- spec_dir = get_libpath(TclConfig_Info['TCL_LIB_FLAG'], TclConfig_Info['TCL_LIB_SPEC'])
- end
- tcl_ldir_list << spec_dir if File.directory?(spec_dir)
check tk_shlib_search_path¶
@@ -1529,22 +1690,49 @@
MacOS X Frameworks?¶
if TkLib_Config["tcltk-framework"]
puts("Use MacOS X Frameworks.")
- $LDFLAGS << " -L#{TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"].quote}" if TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"]
if tcl_cfg_dir
$INCFLAGS << ' ' << TclConfig_Info['TCL_INCLUDE_SPEC']
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TclConfig_Info['TCL_LIBS']
if stubs
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TclConfig_Info['TCL_STUB_LIB_SPEC']
if TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"] &&
TclConfig_Info['TCL_BUILD_STUB_LIB_SPEC'] &&
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TclConfig_Info['TCL_BUILD_STUB_LIB_SPEC']
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TclConfig_Info['TCL_STUB_LIB_SPEC']
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TclConfig_Info['TCL_LIB_SPEC']
if TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"] &&
TclConfig_Info['TCL_BUILD_LIB_SPEC'] &&
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TclConfig_Info['TCL_BUILD_LIB_SPEC']
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TclConfig_Info['TCL_LIB_SPEC']
end - $LDFLAGS << " -L#{TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"].quote}" if TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"]
if tk_cfg_dir
$INCFLAGS << ' ' << TkConfig_Info['TK_INCLUDE_SPEC']
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TkConfig_Info['TK_LIBS']
if stubs
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TkConfig_Info['TK_STUB_LIB_SPEC']
if TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"] &&
TclConfig_Info['TK_BUILD_STUB_LIB_SPEC'] &&
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TkConfig_Info['TK_BUILD_STUB_LIB_SPEC']
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TkConfig_Info['TK_STUB_LIB_SPEC']
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TkConfig_Info['TK_LIB_SPEC']
if TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"] &&
TclConfig_Info['TK_BUILD_LIB_SPEC'] &&
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TkConfig_Info['TK_BUILD_LIB_SPEC']
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TkConfig_Info['TK_LIB_SPEC']
setup_for_macosx_framework(tclver, tkver) if tcl_cfg_dir && tk_cfg_dir
Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
Department of Artificial Intelligence, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Updated by nagai (Hidetoshi Nagai) over 14 years ago
From: Luis Lavena redmine@ruby-lang.org
Subject: [ruby-core:33656] [Ruby 1.9-Bug#4141][Open] Tk extension is not accepting any type of parameter combination
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2010 05:02:24 +0900
Message-ID: 4d0135a0109e7_28b2b60701035e@redmine.ruby-lang.org
Bug #4141: Tk extension is not accepting any type of parameter combination
I'm very sorry. My reply is too late for a new RubyInstaller.
Could you try the following patch (and new options)?
Index: README.tcltklib¶
--- README.tcltklib (revision 30168)
+++ README.tcltklib (working copy)
@@ -29,10 +29,32 @@
Old "extconf.rb" doesn't support this option.
- --with-tcltkversion=,
force version of Tcl/Tk libaray
(e.g. libtcl8.4g.so ==> --with-tcltkversion=8.4g)
(e.g. libtcl8.4g.so & libtk8.4g.so ==> --with-tcltkversion=8.4g
libtcl8.4.so & libtk8.4g.so ==> --with-tcltkversion=8.4,8.4g)
- --without-tcl-config / --without-tk-config
- --enable-tcl-h-ver-check/--disable-tcl-h-ver-check
- --enable-tk-h-ver-check/--disable-tk-h-ver-check
enable or disable for checking MAJOR_VERSION and
MINOR_VERSION on tcl.h/tk.h whether match with
Tcl/Tk libraries' version or not.
- --with-tcl-build-dir=
- --with-tk-build-dir= If you want to compile with pre-installed Tcl/Tk
libraries, you must use these options.
(e.g. --with-tcl-build-dir=./build/tcl8.5.9/unix)
When use these options, --with-tclConfig-dir and
--with-tkConfig-dir options are ignored (however,
--with-tclConfig-file and --with-tkConfig-file
options are still available).
- --with-tclConfig-file=
- --with-tkConfig-file= file path of tclConfig.sh/tkConfig.sh.
If you want use non-standard filenames of config
files (e.g. tclConfig-static.sh), you must use
these options.
- --with-tclConfig-dir=
--with-tkConfig-dir= the directory contains 'tclConfig.sh' and
Index: extconf.rb
--- extconf.rb (revision 30168)
+++ extconf.rb (working copy)
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@%w[8.7 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.1 8.0]¶
%w[8.7 8.6 8.5 8.4 8.0] # to shorten search steps
+TkLib_Config['major_nums'] = '87'
use old extconf.rb ?¶
@@ -111,23 +113,25 @@
/darwin/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM
+def maybe_64bit?
- /64|universal/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM
def check_tcltk_version(version)
return [nil, nil] unless version.kind_of? String
- version = version.strip
- tclver, tkver = version.split(',')
- tclver = tclver.strip
- return [tclver, tkver.strip] if tkver
- tclver = version.dup
- tkver = version.dup
- dot = major = minor_dot = minor = plvl_dot = plvl = ext = nil
- if version =~ /^(\d)(.?)(\d)(.?)(\d*)(.*)$/
- if tclver =~ /^(\d)(.?)(\d)(.?)(\d*)(.*)$/
major = $1; minor_dot = $2; minor = $3; plvl_dot = $4; plvl = $5; ext = $6
dot = ! minor_dot.empty?
if plvl_dot.empty? && ! plvl.empty?
minor << plvl
- elsif version =~ /^(\d)(.?)(\d?)(.*)$/
elsif tclver =~ /^(\d)(.?)(\d?)(.*)$/
major = $1; minor_dot = $2; minor = $3; ext = $4
dot = ! minor_dot.empty?
else # unknown -> believe user
@@ -140,9 +144,12 @@
tkver = "4" + ((dot)? ".": "") + ((minor.empty)? "": "2") + ext
elsif major == "4" # Tk4.2 ( not support Tkversion < 4.2 )Tcl7.6¶
tkver = tclver
tclver = "7" + ((dot)? ".": "") + ((minor.empty)? "": "6") + ext
end -
tkver = tclver unless tkver
[tclver, tkver]
@@ -187,11 +194,12 @@
elsif is_win32?
if TkLib_Config["ActiveTcl"]
path_head.concat ["c:/ActiveTcl", "c:/Program Files/ActiveTcl"]
path_head.concat ["c:/ActiveTcl", "c:/Program Files/ActiveTcl",
end"c:/Program Files (x86)/ActiveTcl"]
path_head.concat [
"c:/Tcl", "c:/Program Files/Tcl",
"/Tcl", "/Program Files/Tcl"
"c:/Tcl", "c:/Program Files/Tcl", "c:/Program Files (x86)/Tcl",
]"/Tcl", "/Program Files/Tcl", "/Program Files (x86)/Tcl"
path_head.each{|dir| path_dirs << "#{dir}"}
@@ -203,6 +211,7 @@
next unless File.directory?(dir)
path_dirs << "#{dir}/lib64" if maybe_64bit? path_dirs << "#{dir}/lib" path_dirs << "#{dir}" unless Dir.glob("#{dir}/lib*.*", File::FNM_CASEFOLD).empty?
@@ -371,8 +380,8 @@
def get_libpath(lib_flag, lib_spec)
get libpath fro {TCL,Tk}_LIB_FLAG and {TCL,Tk}_LIB_SPEC¶
- libpath = lib_spec.gsub(/(#{lib_flag}|-L)/, "").strip
get libpath from {TCL,Tk}_LIB_FLAG and {TCL,Tk}_LIB_SPEC¶
- lib_spec.gsub(/(#{lib_flag}|-L)/, "").strip
def get_tclConfig_dirs
@@ -387,14 +396,14 @@
dirs.concat [
"c:/ActiveTcl*/lib", "c:/Tcl*/lib",
"c:/Program Files/ActiveTcl*/lib", "c:/Program Files/Tcl*/lib",
"c:/Program Files*/ActiveTcl*/lib", "c:/Program Files*/Tcl*/lib", "/ActiveTcl*/lib", "/Tcl*/lib",
"/Program Files/ActiveTcl*/lib", "/Program Files/Tcl*/lib"
else"/Program Files*/ActiveTcl*/lib", "/Program Files*/Tcl*/lib" ]
dirs = [
"c:/Tcl*/lib", "c:/Program Files/Tcl*/lib",
"/Tcl*/lib", "/Program Files/Tcl*/lib"
"c:/Tcl*/lib", "c:/Program Files*/Tcl*/lib",
end"/Tcl*/lib", "/Program Files*/Tcl*/lib" ]
dirs.collect{|d| Dir.glob(d, File::FNM_CASEFOLD)}.flatten!
@@ -443,22 +452,28 @@
- config_dir.concat [
File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['exec_prefix'], 'lib'),
File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['prefix'], 'lib'),
"/usr/local/opt/lib", "/usr/local/pkg/lib", "/usr/local/share/lib",
"/usr/local/lib", "/usr/opt/lib", "/usr/pkg/lib",
"/usr/share/lib", "/usr/contrib/lib", "/usr/lib"
- ]
config_dir << RbConfig::CONFIG['libdir']
((maybe_64bit?)? ['lib64', 'lib']: ['lib']).each{|dir|
config_dir.concat [
File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['exec_prefix'], dir),
File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['prefix'], dir),
"/usr/local/opt/#{dir}", "/usr/local/pkg/#{dir}",
"/usr/local/share/#{dir}", "/usr/local/#{dir}",
"/usr/opt/#{dir}", "/usr/pkg/#{dir}", "/usr/share/#{dir}",
"/usr/contrib/#{dir}", "/usr/#{dir}"
config_dir.concat [
'/opt', '/pkg', '/share',
'/usr/local/opt', '/usr/local/pkg', '/usr/local/share', '/usr/local',
'/usr/opt', '/usr/pkg', '/usr/share', '/usr/contrib', '/usr'
Dir.glob(dir + '/{tcltk,tcl,tk}[87]*/lib', File::FNM_CASEFOLD)
Dir.glob(dir + '/{tcltk,tcl,tk}[87]*', File::FNM_CASEFOLD)
Dir.glob(dir + "/{tcltk,tcl,tk}[#{TkLib_Config['major_nums']}*/lib",
Dir.glob(dir + "/{tcltk,tcl,tk}[#{TkLib_Config['major_nums']}*",
}.flatten!File::FNM_CASEFOLD) Dir.glob(dir + '/{tcltk,tcl,tk}/lib', File::FNM_CASEFOLD) Dir.glob(dir + '/{tcltk,tcl,tk}', File::FNM_CASEFOLD)
@@ -489,8 +504,8 @@
paths.reverse! unless TkLib_Config["ActiveTcl"]
- paths.each{|framework|
base = File.expand_path(framework)
- paths.each{|frmwk|
base = File.expand_path(frmwk) config_dir << [ File.join(base, 'Tcl.framework'), File.join(base, 'Tk.framework') ]
@@ -511,7 +526,7 @@
-def libcheck_for_tclConfig(dir, tclconf, tkconf)
+def libcheck_for_tclConfig(tcldir, tkdir, tclconf, tkconf)
tcllib_ok = tklib_ok = false
if TkLib_Config["tcltk-stubs"]
@@ -524,29 +539,35 @@
tkfunc = "Tk_Init"
incflags = $INCFLAGS
libpath = $LIBPATH
tcllibs = nilbegin
- tcllib_ok ||= Dir.glob(File.join(dir, "tcl#{stub}#{tclconf['TCL_MAJOR_VERSION']}{.,}#{tclconf['TCL_MINOR_VERSION']}.*"), File::FNM_CASEFOLD).find{|file|
- tcllib_ok ||= Dir.glob(File.join(tcldir, "tcl#{stub}#{tclconf['TCL_MAJOR_VERSION']}{.,}#{tclconf['TCL_MINOR_VERSION']}."), File::FNM_CASEFOLD).find{|file|
if file =~ /^.(tcl#{stub}#{tclconf['TCL_MAJOR_VERSION']}(.|)#{tclconf['TCL_MINOR_VERSION']}.).[^.]$/
#puts "check #{file} #{$1} #{tclfunc} #{dir}"
#find_library($1, tclfunc, dir)
#puts "check #{file} #{$1} #{tclfunc} #{tcldir}"
#find_library($1, tclfunc, tcldir) tcllibs = append_library($libs, $1)
$LIBPATH = libpath | [dir]
}$LIBPATH = libpath | [tcldir] try_func(tclfunc, tcllibs) end
- tklib_ok ||= Dir.glob(File.join(dir, "tk#{stub}#{tkconf['TK_MAJOR_VERSION']}{.,}#{tkconf['TK_MINOR_VERSION']}.*"), File::FNM_CASEFOLD).find{|file|
- tklib_ok ||= Dir.glob(File.join(tkdir, "tk#{stub}#{tkconf['TK_MAJOR_VERSION']}{.,}#{tkconf['TK_MINOR_VERSION']}."), File::FNM_CASEFOLD).find{|file|
if file =~ /^.(tk#{stub}#{tkconf['TK_MAJOR_VERSION']}(.|)#{tkconf['TK_MINOR_VERSION']}.).[^.]$/
#puts "check #{file} #{$1} #{tkfunc} #{dir}"
# find_library($1, tkfunc, dir)
tklibs = append_library(tcllibs, $1)
$LIBPATH = libpath | [dir]
$INCFLAGS << " " << tkconf['TK_XINCLUDES'] if tkconf['TK_XINCLUDES']
#puts "check #{file} #{$1} #{tkfunc} #{tkdir}"
# find_library($1, tkfunc, tkdir)
tklibs = append_library("", $1)
tklibs << " " << tkconf['TK_XLIBSW'] if tkconf['TK_XLIBSW']
tklibs << " " << tcllibs
}$LIBPATH = libpath | [tkdir] try_func(tkfunc, tklibs) end
ensure - $INCFLAGS = incflags
$LIBPATH = libpath
@@ -630,7 +651,8 @@
tcllib_ok = tklib_ok = true
tcllib_ok, tklib_ok = libcheck_for_tclConfig(File.dirname(tclpath),
tclconf, tkconf)
tclconf, tkconf)
tcllib_ok = tklib_ok = false
if TkLib_Config["tcltk-stubs"]
@@ -877,8 +899,8 @@
if !CROSS_COMPILING and is_win32?
default_paths.concat [
"c:/Tcl/lib", "c:/Program Files/Tcl/lib",
"/Tcl/lib", "/Program Files/Tcl/lib"
"c:/Tcl/lib","c:/Program Files/Tcl/lib","c:/Program Files (x86)/Tcl/lib",
].find_all{|dir| File.directory?(dir)}"/Tcl/lib","/Program Files/Tcl/lib","/Program Files (x86)/Tcl/lib"
@@ -928,15 +950,19 @@
[path, find_library(tcllib, func, path)]
sufx_list = ['', 't', 'g', 's', 'x'] st = search_vers_on_path(versions, path, lib, 'tcl').find{|ver|
(print(".");find_library("#{lib}#{ver}", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("#{lib}#{ver.delete('.')}", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("#{lib}#{ver}g", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("#{lib}#{ver.delete('.')}g", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("tcl#{ver}", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("tcl#{ver.delete('.')}", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("tcl#{ver}g", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("tcl#{ver.delete('.')}g", func, path))
dir_enum = Dir.foreach(path)
no_dot_ver = ver.delete('.')
libnames = ["#{lib}#{ver}", "#{lib}#{no_dot_ver}"]
libnames << "tcl#{ver}" << "tcl#{no_dot_ver}" if lib != "tcl"
dir_enum.find{|fname| fname =~ /#{libname + sufx}/} &&
find_library(libname + sufx, func, path)
} } || (!version && (print(".");find_library(lib, func, path))) [path, st]
@@ -989,8 +1015,8 @@if !CROSS_COMPILING and is_win32?
default_paths.concat [
"c:/Tcl/lib", "c:/Program Files/Tcl/lib",
"/Tcl/lib", "/Program Files/Tcl/lib"
"c:/Tcl/lib","c:/Program Files/Tcl/lib","c:/Program Files (x86)/Tcl/lib",
].find_all{|dir| File.directory?(dir)}"/Tcl/lib","/Program Files/Tcl/lib","/Program Files (x86)/Tcl/lib"
@@ -1039,15 +1065,19 @@
[path, find_library(tklib, func, path)]
sufx_list = ['', 't', 'g', 's', 'x'] st = search_vers_on_path(versions, path, lib, 'tk').find{|ver|
(print(".");find_library("#{lib}#{ver}", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("#{lib}#{ver.delete('.')}", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("#{lib}#{ver}g", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("#{lib}#{ver.delete('.')}g", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("tk#{ver}", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("tk#{ver.delete('.')}", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("tk#{ver}g", func, path)) or
(print(".");find_library("tk#{ver.delete('.')}g", func, path))
dir_enum = Dir.foreach(path)
no_dot_ver = ver.delete('.')
libnames = ["#{lib}#{ver}", "#{lib}#{no_dot_ver}"]
libnames << "tk#{ver}" << "tk#{no_dot_ver}" if lib != "tk"
dir_enum.find{|fname| fname =~ /#{libname + sufx}/} &&
find_library(libname + sufx, func, path)
} } || (!version && (print(".");find_library(lib, func, path))) [path, st]
@@ -1085,8 +1115,10 @@if !CROSS_COMPILING && is_win32?
base_dir.concat [
"c:/Tcl/include", "c:/Program Files/Tcl/include",
"/Tcl/include", "/Program Files/Tcl/include"
"c:/Tcl/include","c:/Program Files/Tcl/include",
"c:/Program Files (x86)/Tcl/include",
"/Tcl/include","/Program Files/Tcl/include",
].find_all{|dir| File.directory?(dir)}"/Program Files (x86)/Tcl/include"
@@ -1097,41 +1129,81 @@
if TclConfig_Info['TCL_INCLUDE_SPEC'] &&
have_tcl_h = try_cpp('#include <tcl.h>', TclConfig_Info['TCL_INCLUDE_SPEC'])
$INCFLAGS << " " << TclConfig_Info['TCL_INCLUDE_SPEC']
- elsif have_tcl_h = have_header('tcl.h')
- if tclver && ! tclver.empty?
versions = [tclver]
- if enable_config("tcl-h-ver-check", true) &&
tclver && tclver =~ /^\D*(\d)\.?(\d)/
elsemajor = $1; minor = $2
versions = TkLib_Config['search_versions']
endmajor = minor = nil
- paths = base_dir.dup
- versions.each{|ver|
[dir + '/tcl' + ver, dir + '/tcl' + ver.delete('.')]
- }
- have_tcl_h = find_header('tcl.h', *paths)
- if major && minor
# version check on tcl.h
have_tcl_h = try_cpp("#include <tcl.h>\n#if TCL_MAJOR_VERSION != #{major} || TCL_MINOR_VERSION != #{minor}\n#error VERSION does not match\n#fi")
- else
have_tcl_h = have_header('tcl.h')
- end
- unless have_tcl_h
if tclver && ! tclver.empty?
versions = [tclver]
versions = TkLib_Config['search_versions']
paths = base_dir.dup
[dir + '/tcl' + ver, dir + '/tcl' + ver.delete('.')]
if enable_config("tcl-h-ver-check", true)
# version check on tcl.h
have_tcl_h = paths.find{|path|
try_cpp("#include <tcl.h>\n#if TCL_MAJOR_VERSION != #{major} || TCL_MINOR_VERSION != #{minor}\n#error VERSION does not match\n#fi", "-I#{path.quote}")
$INCFLAGS << " " << "-I#{have_tcl_h.quote}" if have_tcl_h
have_tcl_h = find_header('tcl.h', *paths)
- end
if TkConfig_Info['TK_INCLUDE_SPEC'] &&
have_tk_h = try_cpp('#include <tk.h>', TkConfig_Info['TK_INCLUDE_SPEC'])
$INCFLAGS << " " << TkConfig_Info['TK_INCLUDE_SPEC']
- elsif have_tk_h = have_header('tk.h')
- if tkver && ! tkver.empty?
versions = [tkver]
- if enable_config("tk-h-ver-check", true) &&
tkver && tkver =~ /^\D*(\d)\.?(\d)/
elsemajor = $1; minor = $2
versions = TkLib_Config['search_versions']
endmajor = minor = nil
- paths = base_dir.dup
- versions.each{|ver|
[dir + '/tk' + ver, dir + '/tk' + ver.delete('.')]
- }
- have_tk_h = find_header('tk.h', *paths)
- if major && minor
# version check on tk.h
have_tk_h = try_cpp("#include <tk.h>\n#if TK_MAJOR_VERSION != #{major} || TK_MINOR_VERSION != #{minor}\n#error VERSION does not match\n#fi")
- else
have_tk_h = have_header('tk.h')
- end
- unless have_tk_h
if tkver && ! tkver.empty?
versions = [tkver]
versions = TkLib_Config['search_versions']
paths = base_dir.dup
[dir + '/tk' + ver, dir + '/tk' + ver.delete('.')]
if enable_config("tk-h-ver-check", true)
# version check on tk.h
have_tk_h = paths.find{|path|
try_cpp("#include <tk.h>\n#if TK_MAJOR_VERSION != #{major} || TK_MINOR_VERSION != #{minor}\n#error VERSION does not match\n#fi", "-I#{path.quote}")
$INCFLAGS << " " << "-I#{have_tk_h.quote}" if have_tk_h
have_tk_h = find_header('tk.h', *paths)
- end
have_tcl_h && have_tk_h
@@ -1200,11 +1272,13 @@
def search_X_libraries
- use_tkConfig = false
if TkConfig_Info['config_file_path']use definitions on tkConfig.sh¶
- if TkConfig_Info['TK_XINCLUDES'] && TkConfig_Info['TK_XLIBSW'] &&
!TkConfig_Info['TK_XINCLUDES'].strip.empty? &&
if (TkConfig_Info['TK_XINCLUDES'] &&
!TkConfig_Info['TK_XINCLUDES'].strip.empty?) ||
(TkConfig_Info['TK_XLIBSW'] && !TkConfig_Info['TK_XLIBSW'].strip.empty?)
use_tkConfig = true #use_X = true && with_config("X11", ! is_win32?) use_X = with_config("X11", true)
@@ -1216,21 +1290,28 @@
use_X = with_config("X11", !(is_win32? || TkLib_Config["tcltk-framework"]))
end -
if TkConfig_Info['TK_XINCLUDES'] &&
$INCFLAGS << " " << TkConfig_Info['TK_XINCLUDES'].strip
if use_X
- puts("Use X11 libraries.")
- puts("Use X11 libraries (or use TK_XINCLUDES/TK_XLIBSW information on tkConfig.sh).")
x11_idir, x11_ldir = dir_config("X11")
x11_ldir2 = with_config("X11-lib")
unless find_X11(x11_ldir2, x11_ldir)
puts("Can't find X11 libraries. So, can't make tcltklib.so which is required by Ruby/Tk.")
puts("Can't find X11 libraries. ")
if use_tkConfig &&
TkConfig_Info['TK_XLIBSW'] && !TkConfig_Info['TK_XLIBSW'].strip.empty?
puts("But, try to use TK_XLIBSW information (believe tkCOnfig.sh).")
$libs << " " << TkConfig_Info['TK_XLIBSW'] << " "
puts("So, can't make tcltklib.so which is required by Ruby/Tk.")
- if TkConfig_Info['TK_XINCLUDES'] &&
- $INCFLAGS << " " << TkConfig_Info['TK_XINCLUDES'].strip
- end
- use_X
@@ -1272,7 +1353,7 @@
puts("Warning: '#{TclConfig_Info['config_file_path']}' may not be a tclConfig file.")
tclConfig = false
end#tclConfig = false end
@@ -1280,7 +1361,7 @@
if tcl_enable_thread == nil && !TclConfig_Info['config_file_path']tcl-thread is unknown and tclConfig is unavailable¶
try_run_available = try_run("int main() { exit(0); }")
rescue Exceptiontry_run("int main() { exit(0); }")
# cannot try_run. Is CROSS-COMPILE environment?
@@ -1439,15 +1520,61 @@
+TclConfig_Info = {}
+TkConfig_Info = {}
+# use Tcl/Tk build dir? (has highest priority)
+TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"] = with_config("tcl-build-dir")
+TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"] = with_config("tk-build-dir")
+if TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"]
- puts("use Tcl build (pre-install) dir "#{TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"]}"")
- TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"] = File.expand_path(TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"])
- base = File.dirname(TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"])
- $INCFLAGS << " -I#{File.join(base, "generic").quote} -I#{TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"].quote}"
- $LIBPATH |= [TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"]]
+if TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"] - puts("use Tk build (pre-install) dir "#{TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"]}"")
- TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"] = File.expand_path(TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"])
- base = File.dirname(TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"])
- $INCFLAGS << " -I#{File.join(base, "generic").quote} -I#{TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"].quote}"
- $LIBPATH |= [TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"]]
check requirement of Tcl/tk version¶
tcltk_version = with_config("tcltkversion")
-tclver, tkver =
- TkLib_Config["tcltkversion"] = check_tcltk_version(tcltk_version)
-puts("Specified Tcl/Tk version is #{[tclver, tkver].inspect}") if tclver&&tkver
+TkLib_Config["tcltkversion"] = check_tcltk_version(tcltk_version)
+if TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"]
- if (cfgfile = with_config("tclConfig-file", Dir.glob(File.join(TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"], "tclConfig*.sh"), File::FNM_CASEFOLD)[0]))
- TclConfig_Info['config_file_path'] = cfgfile
- TkLib_Config["tclConfig_info"] = cfginfo = parse_tclConfig(cfgfile)
- if tclver = TkLib_Config["tcltkversion"][0]
TkLib_Config["tcltkversion"][0].sub!(/\d(\.?)\d/, "#{cfginfo['TCL_MAJOR_VERSION']}\\1#{cfginfo['TCL_MINOR_VERSION']}")
- else
TkLib_Config["tcltkversion"][0] = "#{cfginfo['TCL_MAJOR_VERSION']}.#{cfginfo['TCL_MINOR_VERSION']}"
- end
- end
+if TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"] - if (cfgfile = with_config("tkConfig-file", Dir.glob(File.join(TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"], "tkConfig*.sh"), File::FNM_CASEFOLD)[0]))
- TkConfig_Info['config_file_path'] = cfgfile
- TkLib_Config["tkConfig_info"] = cfginfo = parse_tclConfig(cfgfile)
- if TkLib_Config["tcltkversion"][1]
TkLib_Config["tcltkversion"][1].sub!(/\d(\.?)\d/, "#{cfginfo['TK_MAJOR_VERSION']}\\1#{cfginfo['TK_MINOR_VERSION']}")
- else
TkLib_Config["tcltkversion"][1] = "#{cfginfo['TK_MAJOR_VERSION']}.#{cfginfo['TK_MINOR_VERSION']}"
- end
- end
+tclver, tkver = TkLib_Config["tcltkversion"]
+puts("Specified Tcl/Tk version is #{[tclver, tkver].inspect}") if tclver||tkver
use ActiveTcl ?¶
#if activeTcl = with_config("ActiveTcl")
-if activeTcl = with_config("ActiveTcl", true)
+#if activeTcl = with_config("ActiveTcl", true)
+if activeTcl = with_config("ActiveTcl", !(TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"] && TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"]))
puts("Use ActiveTcl libraries (if available).")
unless activeTcl.kind_of? String
# set default ActiveTcl path
@@ -1490,8 +1617,18 @@
directory configuration of Tcl/Tk libraries¶
-tk_idir, tk_ldir = dir_config("tk")
-tcl_idir, tcl_ldir = dir_config("tcl")
+if TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"]
- tcl_idir = File.join(File.dirname(TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"]),"generic")
- tcl_ldir = TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"]
+else - tcl_idir, tcl_ldir = dir_config("tcl")
+if TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"] - tk_idir = File.join(File.dirname(TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"]),"generic")
- tk_ldir = TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"]
+else - tk_idir, tk_ldir = dir_config("tk")
tcl_idir = tk_idir unless tcl_idir
tcl_ldir = tk_ldir unless tcl_ldir
@@ -1500,14 +1637,21 @@
get tclConfig.sh/tkConfig.sh¶
TkLib_Config["tcltk-NG-path"] = []
-tclcfg, tkcfg = get_tclConfig(with_config("tclConfig-file", true),
with_config("tkConfig-file", true),
with_config("tclConfig-dir", tcl_ldir || true),
with_config("tkConfig-dir", tk_ldir || true))
-TclConfig_Info = TkLib_Config["tclConfig_info"] || {}
-TkConfig_Info = TkLib_Config["tkConfig_info"] || {}
-TclConfig_Info['config_file_path'] = tclcfg
-TkConfig_Info['config_file_path'] = tkcfg
+tclcfg, tkcfg =
- get_tclConfig(
- TclConfig_Info['config_file_path'] || with_config("tclConfig-file", true),
- TkConfig_Info['config_file_path'] || with_config("tkConfig-file", true),
- (TclConfig_Info['config_file_path'])?
File.dirname(TclConfig_Info['config_file_path']) :
with_config("tclConfig-dir", tcl_ldir || true),
- (TkConfig_Info['config_file_path'])?
File.dirname(TkConfig_Info['config_file_path']) :
with_config("tkConfig-dir", tk_ldir || true)
- )
+TclConfig_Info['config_file_path'] ||= tclcfg
+TkConfig_Info['config_file_path'] ||= tkcfg
TclConfig_Info['TCL_INCLUDE_SPEC'] = "-I#{tcl_idir.quote}" if tcl_idir
TkConfig_Info['TK_INCLUDE_SPEC'] = "-I#{tk_idir.quote}" if tk_idir
@@ -1515,9 +1659,26 @@
tk_cfg_dir = File.dirname(TkConfig_Info['config_file_path']) rescue nil
tcl_cfg_dir = File.dirname(TclConfig_Info['config_file_path']) rescue nil
-tk_ldir_list = [tk_ldir, tk_cfg_dir]
-tcl_ldir_list = [tcl_ldir, tcl_cfg_dir]
+tk_ldir_list = [tk_ldir, tk_cfg_dir].uniq
+tcl_ldir_list = [tcl_ldir, tcl_cfg_dir].uniq
+if TkConfig_Info['config_file_path']
- if TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"]
- spec_dir = get_libpath(TkConfig_Info['TK_LIB_FLAG'], TkConfig_Info['TK_BUILD_LIB_SPEC'])
- else
- spec_dir = get_libpath(TkConfig_Info['TK_LIB_FLAG'], TkConfig_Info['TK_LIB_SPEC'])
- end
- tk_ldir_list << spec_dir if File.directory?(spec_dir)
+if TclConfig_Info['config_file_path'] - if TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"]
- spec_dir = get_libpath(TclConfig_Info['TCL_LIB_FLAG'], TclConfig_Info['TCL_BUILD_LIB_SPEC'])
- else
- spec_dir = get_libpath(TclConfig_Info['TCL_LIB_FLAG'], TclConfig_Info['TCL_LIB_SPEC'])
- end
- tcl_ldir_list << spec_dir if File.directory?(spec_dir)
check tk_shlib_search_path¶
@@ -1529,22 +1690,49 @@
MacOS X Frameworks?¶
if TkLib_Config["tcltk-framework"]
puts("Use MacOS X Frameworks.")
- $LDFLAGS << " -L#{TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"].quote}" if TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"]
if tcl_cfg_dir
$INCFLAGS << ' ' << TclConfig_Info['TCL_INCLUDE_SPEC']
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TclConfig_Info['TCL_LIBS']
if stubs
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TclConfig_Info['TCL_STUB_LIB_SPEC']
if TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"] &&
TclConfig_Info['TCL_BUILD_STUB_LIB_SPEC'] &&
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TclConfig_Info['TCL_BUILD_STUB_LIB_SPEC']
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TclConfig_Info['TCL_STUB_LIB_SPEC']
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TclConfig_Info['TCL_LIB_SPEC']
if TkLib_Config["tcl-build-dir"] &&
TclConfig_Info['TCL_BUILD_LIB_SPEC'] &&
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TclConfig_Info['TCL_BUILD_LIB_SPEC']
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TclConfig_Info['TCL_LIB_SPEC']
end - $LDFLAGS << " -L#{TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"].quote}" if TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"]
if tk_cfg_dir
$INCFLAGS << ' ' << TkConfig_Info['TK_INCLUDE_SPEC']
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TkConfig_Info['TK_LIBS']
if stubs
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TkConfig_Info['TK_STUB_LIB_SPEC']
if TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"] &&
TclConfig_Info['TK_BUILD_STUB_LIB_SPEC'] &&
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TkConfig_Info['TK_BUILD_STUB_LIB_SPEC']
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TkConfig_Info['TK_STUB_LIB_SPEC']
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TkConfig_Info['TK_LIB_SPEC']
if TkLib_Config["tk-build-dir"] &&
TclConfig_Info['TK_BUILD_LIB_SPEC'] &&
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TkConfig_Info['TK_BUILD_LIB_SPEC']
$LDFLAGS << ' ' << TkConfig_Info['TK_LIB_SPEC']
setup_for_macosx_framework(tclver, tkver) if tcl_cfg_dir && tk_cfg_dir
Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
Department of Artificial Intelligence, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Updated by luislavena (Luis Lavena) over 14 years ago
On Sun, Dec 26, 2010 at 10:05 PM, Hidetoshi NAGAI
nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp wrote:
Bug #4141: Tk extension is not accepting any type of parameter combination
http://redmine.ruby-lang.org/issues/show/4141I'm very sorry. My reply is too late for a new RubyInstaller.
No need to apologize. I appreciate you took the time to answer.
Could you try the following patch (and new options)?
I've tried the patch you provided, and this is what I got in the console:
compiling syslog
compiling tk
check functions.........
check struct members..
Use ActiveTcl libraries (if available).
Search tclConfig.sh and tkConfig.sh.........
Fail to find [tclConfig.sh, tkConfig.sh]
c:/Users/Luis/Projects/oss/ruby/ext/tk/extconf.rb:1651:in merge!': can't convert nil into Hash (TypeError) from c:/Users/Luis/Projects/oss/ruby/ext/tk/extconf.rb:1651:in
<top (required)>'
from ../../../../ruby/ext/extmk.rb:157:in load' from ../../../../ruby/ext/extmk.rb:157:in
from ../../../../ruby/ext/extmk.rb:444:in block in <main>' from ../../../../ruby/ext/extmk.rb:440:in
from ../../../../ruby/ext/extmk.rb:440:in `'
make: *** [mkmain.sh] Error 1
Some additional information:
tcl and tk were build statically (configure --enable-static --disable-shared)
sandbox/tcl contains:
bin: tclsh85s.exe
lib: libtcl85s.a, libtclstub85s.a, tclConfig.sh (along some tcl8.5 directories)
- sandbox/tk contains:
bin: wish85s.exe
lib: libtk85s.a, libtkstub85s.a, tkConfig.sh
Please note the following:
tcl and tk are compiled and installed in different folders, as tk
requires tcl, first I compile and 'activate it' for the build process
All this is automated with RubyInstaller recipes under the tcl-tk branch:
This can be easily tested and hacked, using a Ruby 1.8.7 interpreter
as baseruby:
git clone git://github.com/oneclick/rubyinstaller.git
cd rubyinstaller
git checkout tcl-tk
rake ruby19
(That will build using latest 1.9.2-p136 codebase)
If you want to build against a SVN checkout or git workcopy, you can
use LOCAL and the PATH:
rake ruby19 LOCAL=C:\Path\To\Ruby
Thank you for your time looking into this issue.
Luis Lavena
Perfection in design is achieved not when there is nothing more to add,
but rather when there is nothing more to take away.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Updated by nagai (Hidetoshi Nagai) over 14 years ago
From: Luis Lavena luislavena@gmail.com
Subject: [ruby-core:33922] Re: [Ruby 1.9-Bug#4141][Open] Tk extension is not accepting any type of parameter combination
Date: Mon, 27 Dec 2010 21:04:29 +0900
Message-ID: AANLkTikngfu6Ty0o9BqCb3ab3pdn5ETR+CVF8YKZHwee@mail.gmail.com
I've tried the patch you provided, and this is what I got in the console:
c:/Users/Luis/Projects/oss/ruby/ext/tk/extconf.rb:1651:in `merge!':
can't convert nil into Hash (TypeError)
Oh, I'm sorry. Please replace line 1651 - 1652 from¶
TclConfig_Info.merge!(TkLib_Config["tclConfig_info"]) if TkLib_Config["tclConfig_info"]
TkConfig_Info.merge!(TkLib_Config["tkConfig_info"]) if TkLib_Config["tkConfig_info"]
tcl and tk are compiled and installed in different folders, as tk
I'm not enough to assume such case.
Could you tell me configure options which you gave for tcltklib?
And, if you can, please show me tclConfig.sh and tkConfig.sh.
Hidetoshi NAGAI (nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp)
Department of Artificial Intelligence, Kyushu Institute of Technology
Updated by luislavena (Luis Lavena) over 14 years ago
On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 10:34 PM, Hidetoshi NAGAI
nagai@ai.kyutech.ac.jp wrote:
Oh, I'm sorry. Please replace line 1651 - 1652 from¶
TclConfig_Info.merge!(TkLib_Config["tclConfig_info"]) if TkLib_Config["tclConfig_info"]
TkConfig_Info.merge!(TkLib_Config["tkConfig_info"]) if TkLib_Config["tkConfig_info"]
Replaced, output:
compiling tk
check functions.........
check struct members..
Use ActiveTcl libraries (if available).
Search tclConfig.sh and tkConfig.sh.........
Fail to find [tclConfig.sh, tkConfig.sh]
Search Tcl library
Warning:: cannot find Tcl library. tcltklib will not be compiled
(tcltklib is disabled on your Ruby
== Ruby/Tk will not work). Please check configure options.
Can't find proper Tcl/Tk libraries. So, can't make tcltklib.so which
is required by Ruby/Tk.
compiling tk/tkutil
tcl and tk are compiled and installed in different folders, as tk
I'm not enough to assume such case.
Could you tell me configure options which you gave for tcltklib?
I gave no configure options to tcltklib extension, I'm compiling
tcltklib as part of Ruby own configure/make process.
And, if you can, please show me tclConfig.sh and tkConfig.sh.
Find attached both files.
tcl was configure with:
--disable-shared --enable-static
tk was configure with
--disable-shared --enable-static --with-tcl=/path/to/tcl/build/directory
my ENV:
echo %PATH%
Files (x86)\GNU\GnuPG\pub;C:\Users\Luis\Tools\bin;C:\Users\Luis\Tools\Git\cmd;C:\Users\Luis\Tools\Svn\bin;C:\Users\Luis\Tools\Hg;C:\Users\Luis\Tools\Unix\bin;C:\Users\Luis\Tools\Vim;C:\Program
Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_18\bin
echo %CPATH%
These correspond to PATH, INCLUDE and LIB definitions of Visual
Studio, but for GCC
These parameters worked perfectly for extensions like fiddle and psych
that depend on libffi and libyaml respectively.
Thank you again for your time looking into this issue.¶
Luis Lavena
Perfection in design is achieved not when there is nothing more to add,
but rather when there is nothing more to take away.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Attachment: tclConfig.sh
Attachment: tkConfig.sh
Updated by shyouhei (Shyouhei Urabe) about 14 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Assigned
Updated by nagai (Hidetoshi Nagai) almost 14 years ago
- Status changed from Assigned to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
This issue was solved with changeset r31742.
Luis, thank you for reporting this issue.
Your contribution to Ruby is greatly appreciated.
May Ruby be with you.
ext/tk/lib/tk.rb: hang-up at exit before calling Tk.mainloop.
ext/tk/lib/tk/extconf.rb: cannot make on MinGW [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #4141].
Updated by luislavena (Luis Lavena) almost 14 years ago
Hidetoshi Nagai, thank you, It is now possible to compile Tcl/Tk with MinGW without issues.
I've open a backport request so this get merged back into 1.9.2:
On a sidenote I'm going to check if is possible build 1.8.7 out of the repository too, as we aim to provide the same binaries for it.
Thank you!