



Bug #15292


Since r64852, on Solaris with Oracle Developer Studio 12.6, compile error of iseq.c

Added by ngoto (Naohisa Goto) over 6 years ago. Updated about 6 years ago.

Third Party's Issue
Target version:


r64852以降、Solaris 10 上の Oracle Developer Studio 12.6 にてコンパイルすると、以下のエラーでiseq.c のコンパイルに失敗します。(r65641 にて確認)

cc -errtags=yes  -xO4 -xtarget=sparc64xplus -m64 -DRUBY_DEVEL=1 -DRUBY_EXPORT -DCANONICALIZATION_FOR_MATHN -I/usr/local/64/lib/libffi-3.0.10/include -I/usr/local/64/include  -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=600   -I. -I.ext/include/sparc64-solaris2.10 -I./include -I. -I./enc/unicode/10.0.0  -o iseq.o -c iseq.c
"iseq.c", line 579: identifier redefined: flag
	current : unsigned long
	previous: unsigned long : "iseq.c", line 578
"iseq.c", line 580: identifier redefined: flag
	current : unsigned long
	previous: unsigned long : "iseq.c", line 579
"iseq.c", line 581: identifier redefined: flag
	current : unsigned long
	previous: unsigned long : "iseq.c", line 580
"iseq.c", line 582: identifier redefined: flag
	current : unsigned long
	previous: unsigned long : "iseq.c", line 581
"iseq.c", line 583: identifier redefined: flag
	current : unsigned long
	previous: unsigned long : "iseq.c", line 582
"iseq.c", line 584: identifier redefined: flag
	current : unsigned long
	previous: unsigned long : "iseq.c", line 583
"iseq.c", line 585: identifier redefined: flag
	current : unsigned long
	previous: unsigned long : "iseq.c", line 584
"iseq.c", line 586: identifier redefined: flag
	current : unsigned long
	previous: unsigned long : "iseq.c", line 585
"iseq.c", line 587: identifier redefined: flag
	current : unsigned long
	previous: unsigned long : "iseq.c", line 586
"iseq.c", line 705: warning: operands have incompatible types:
	 const struct rb_compile_option_struct {unsigned int inline_const_cache :1, unsigned int peephole_optimization :1, unsigned int tailcall_optimization :1, unsigned int specialized_instruction :1, unsigned int operands_unification :1, unsigned int instructions_unification :1, unsigned int stack_caching :1, unsigned int frozen_string_literal :1, unsigned int debug_frozen_string_literal :1, unsigned int coverage_enabled :1, int debug_level} ":" struct rb_compile_option_struct {unsigned int inline_const_cache :1, unsigned int peephole_optimization :1, unsigned int tailcall_optimization :1, unsigned int specialized_instruction :1, unsigned int operands_unification :1, unsigned int instructions_unification :1, unsigned int stack_caching :1, unsigned int frozen_string_literal :1, unsigned int debug_frozen_string_literal :1, unsigned int coverage_enabled :1, int debug_level} (E_OPERANDS_INCOMPATIBLE_TYPES)
"iseq.c", line 1976: warning: statement not reached (E_STATEMENT_NOT_REACHED)
"iseq.c", line 2389: warning: statement not reached (E_STATEMENT_NOT_REACHED)
cc: acomp failed for iseq.c
make: *** [iseq.o] Error 2

flag という変数が再定義された、というエラーが出ていますが、理由はよくわかりません。
当該コンパイラ Oracle Developer Studio 12.6 のバグかもしれないと疑っています。
なお、前バージョン Oracle Developer Studio 12.5 では発生せず正常にコンパイル終了します。
(Oracle Solaris Studio 12.4 以前ではさらに別のエラーが発生しますが、別チケットにて報告します。)

以下のように、Cのマクロの定石の一つである do-while(0) でブロックを囲むコードに変更すると、エラー無くコンパイルできるようになりました。

--- iseq.c      (revision 65645)
+++ iseq.c      (working copy)
@@ -567,14 +567,14 @@
 set_compile_option_from_hash(rb_compile_option_t *option, VALUE opt)
 #define SET_COMPILE_OPTION(o, h, mem) \
-  { VALUE flag = rb_hash_aref((h), ID2SYM(rb_intern(#mem))); \
+  do { VALUE flag = rb_hash_aref((h), ID2SYM(rb_intern(#mem))); \
       if (flag == Qtrue)  { (o)->mem = 1; } \
       else if (flag == Qfalse)  { (o)->mem = 0; } \
-  }
+  } while (0)
 #define SET_COMPILE_OPTION_NUM(o, h, mem) \
-  { VALUE num = rb_hash_aref(opt, ID2SYM(rb_intern(#mem))); \
+  do { VALUE num = rb_hash_aref(opt, ID2SYM(rb_intern(#mem))); \
       if (!NIL_P(num)) (o)->mem = NUM2INT(num); \
-  }
+  } while (0)
     SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, inline_const_cache);
     SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, peephole_optimization);
     SET_COMPILE_OPTION(option, opt, tailcall_optimization);

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Ruby master - Bug #15293: Since r64852, on Solaris with Oracle Developer Studio 12.4, syntax errorClosedActions

Also available in: Atom PDF
