Bug #1281
closedsdbm extension missing #include ruby.h
Compiling with VC2008, -W3, there are a number of undefined functions. Problem is that _sdbm.c does not include the ruby header file.
I'm not sure if it should be:
#include "ruby.h"
- or -
#include <ruby/ruby.h>
Different extensions do it different ways. I went with the first choice.
cl -nologo -I. -I../../.ext/include/i386-mswin32_90 -I../.././../include -I../.././../ext/sdbm -MDd -Zi -RTC1 -W3 -wd4996 -Od -Zm600 -DRUBY_EXTCONF_H="extconf.h" -I. -I./.. -I./../missing -DLIBRUBY_SO="ruby19.dll" -IC:\Development\msvc\include -Fo_sdbm.obj -c -Tc../.././../ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c _sdbm.c
../.././../ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c(201) : warning C4013: 'open' undefined; assuming extern returning int
../.././../ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c(222) : warning C4013: 'close' undefined; assuming extern returning int
../.././../ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c(268) : warning C4013: 'lseek' undefined; assuming extern returning int
../.././../ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c(269) : warning C4013: 'write' undefined; assuming extern returning int
../.././../ext/sdbm/_sdbm.c(443) : warning C4013: 'read' undefined; assuming extern returning int
Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) about 16 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Applied in changeset r23072.