



Bug #1251


gsub problem

Added by pettel (Alexander Pettelkau) about 16 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

Target version:
ruby -v:
ruby 1.9.1p0 (2009-01-30 revision 21907) [i386-darwin9.6.0]


I wanted to replace "" with "\" in the string "\TEST":

puts s # Output --> "\TEST"
puts s # Output --> "\TEST"
# but EXPECTED Output "\TEST"


tr.rb (46 Bytes) tr.rb gsub doesn't replace as it should pettel (Alexander Pettelkau), 03/07/2009 06:09 PM
Actions #1

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) about 16 years ago


In message "Re: [ruby-core:22715] [Bug #1251] gsub problem"
on Sat, 7 Mar 2009 18:08:11 +0900, Alexander Pettelkau writes:

|I wanted to replace "" with "\" in the string "\TEST":
|puts s # Output --> "\TEST"
|puts s # Output --> "\TEST"
| # but EXPECTED Output "\TEST"

You specified four backslashes in double quotes, which is two
backslashes in a string. But replacement character does backslash
escapement such as \1, and \ (two backslashes) are transformed into
one backslash. That means you've substituted one backslash to one

To substitute one backslash into two, you have to do






Actions #2

Updated by WoNaDo (Wolfgang Nádasi-Donner) about 16 years ago

Alexander Pettelkau schrieb:

Bug #1251: gsub problem

Author: Alexander Pettelkau
Status: Open, Priority: Normal
Category: core, Target version: 1.9.1
ruby -v: ruby 1.9.1p0 (2009-01-30 revision 21907) [i386-darwin9.6.0]

I wanted to replace "" with "\" in the string "\TEST":

puts s # Output --> "\TEST"
puts s # Output --> "\TEST"
# but EXPECTED Output "\TEST"

After the first step, the String contains two backslashes. This string
will be interpreted again, because there can be references to matched
groups inside (e.g. '\1'). This second interpretation sees a escaped
backslash (backslash-backslash, which results in one backslash.

I think it should be documented,

Wolfgang Nádasi-Donner


Actions #3

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) about 16 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Rejected



Actions #4

Updated by WoNaDo (Wolfgang Nádasi-Donner) about 16 years ago

Yukihiro Matsumoto schrieb:

To substitute one backslash into two, you have to do

myprompt> irb191-p0
irb(main):001:0> puts "a\b".gsub!("\","\\\")
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> puts "a\b".gsub!("\","\\\\")
=> nil

I was surprized by this result long ago, until I started to assume, that
the second replacement works only for <...>, \nr, \, and leaves the
backslash as it is in all other combinations (even at end of the string).

This ist different from the first replacement, which consumes always a
backslash as escape character...

myprompt> irb191-p0
irb(main):001:0> puts "\\w"
=> nil

I think this behaviour should be documented somewhere, because it can
really confuse persons, which do not use complex RegExes during their
daily work.

Wolfgang Nádasi-Donner


Actions #5

Updated by pettel (Alexander Pettelkau) about 16 years ago

Thanks a lot for clearing that up so fast !

Alexander Pettelkau

Actions #6

Updated by matz (Yukihiro Matsumoto) about 16 years ago


In message "Re: [ruby-core:22719] Re: [Bug #1251] gsub problem"
on Sat, 7 Mar 2009 21:00:34 +0900, Wolfgang Nádasi-Donner writes:

|I think this behaviour should be documented somewhere, because it can
|really confuse persons, which do not use complex RegExes during their
|daily work.

Agreed. Any opinion for concrete description? Anyone?



Actions #7

Updated by WoNaDo (Wolfgang Nádasi-Donner) about 16 years ago

Yukihiro Matsumoto schrieb:

In message "Re: [ruby-core:22719] Re: [Bug #1251] gsub problem"
on Sat, 7 Mar 2009 21:00:34 +0900, Wolfgang Nádasi-Donner writes:
|I think this behaviour should be documented somewhere, because it can
|really confuse persons, which do not use complex RegExes during their
|daily work.
Agreed. Any opinion for concrete description? Anyone?
The contents should describe the fact, that the second parsing of the
replacement string will replace \ by , \n by the string found by
anonymous group n or by empty string if the group doesn't exist and n is
between 1 and 9, or <name> and 'name' by the named group.

But don't use my english. It may lead to more confusion.

Wolfgang Nádasi-Donner


Actions #8

Updated by stepheneb (Stephen Bannasch) about 16 years ago

This sequence helped me understand the issue better:

a = b = "1_2_3"
=> "1_2_3"
for i in 0..b.length do print "#{b[i]} " end
49 95 50 95 51 => 0..5
b = a.gsub('', '\')
=> "1\2\3"
for i in 0..b.length do print "#{b[i]} " end
49 92 50 92 51 => 0..5
b = a.gsub('
', '\\')
=> "1\2\3"
for i in 0..b.length do print "#{b[i]} " end
49 92 50 92 51 => 0..5
b = a.gsub('_', '\\\')
=> "1\\2\\3"
for i in 0..b.length do print "#{b[i]} " end
49 92 92 50 92 92 51 => 0..7


Actions #9

Updated by rue (Eero Saynatkari) about 16 years ago

Excerpts from Yukihiro Matsumoto's message of Fri Mar 13 12:47:48 +0200 2009:


In message "Re: [ruby-core:22719] Re: [Bug #1251] gsub problem"
on Sat, 7 Mar 2009 21:00:34 +0900, Wolfgang Ndasi-Donner writes:

|I think this behaviour should be documented somewhere, because it can
|really confuse persons, which do not use complex RegExes during their
|daily work.

Agreed. Any opinion for concrete description? Anyone?

RubySpec has this to say (please add any clarifications and
missing behaviour--I am sure there are some 1.9.1 cases at

ruby 1.8.7 (2008-08-11 patchlevel 72) [i686-darwin9]

String#sub with pattern, replacement

  • returns a copy of self with all occurrences of pattern replaced with replacement
  • ignores a block if supplied
  • supports \G which matches at the beginning of the string
  • supports /i for ignoring case
  • doesn't interpret regexp metacharacters if pattern is a string
  • replaces \1 sequences with the regexp's corresponding capture
  • treats \1 sequences without corresponding captures as empty strings
  • replaces & and \0 with the complete match
  • replaces ` with everything before the current match
  • replaces ' with everything after the current match
  • replaces \+ with \+
  • replaces + with the last paren that actually matched
  • treats + as an empty string if there was no captures
  • maps \ in replacement to \
  • leaves unknown \x escapes in replacement untouched
  • leaves \ at the end of replacement untouched
  • taints the result if the original string or replacement is tainted
  • tries to convert pattern to a string using to_str
  • raises a TypeError when pattern can't be converted to a string
  • tries to convert replacement to a string using to_str
  • raises a TypeError when replacement can't be converted to a string
  • returns subclass instances when called on a subclass
  • sets $~ to MatchData of match and nil when there's none
  • replaces \1 with \1
  • replaces \1 with \1
  • replaces \\1 with \

String#sub with pattern and block

  • returns a copy of self with the first occurrences of pattern replaced with the block's return value
  • sets $~ for access from the block
  • restores $~ after leaving the block
  • sets $~ to MatchData of last match and nil when there's none for access from outside
  • doesn't raise a RuntimeError if the string is modified while substituting
  • doesn't interpolate special sequences like \1 for the block's return value
  • converts the block's return value to a string using to_s
  • taints the result if the original string or replacement is tainted

String#sub! with pattern, replacement

  • modifies self in place and returns self
  • taints self if replacement is tainted
  • returns nil if no modifications were made
  • raises a TypeError when self is frozen

String#sub! with pattern and block

  • modifies self in place and returns self
  • taints self if block's result is tainted
  • returns nil if no modifications were made
  • raises a RuntimeError if the string is modified while substituting
  • raises a RuntimeError when self is frozen

String#gsub with pattern and replacement

  • doesn't freak out when replacing ^
  • returns a copy of self with all occurrences of pattern replaced with replacement
  • ignores a block if supplied
  • supports \G which matches at the beginning of the remaining (non-matched) string
  • supports /i for ignoring case
  • doesn't interpret regexp metacharacters if pattern is a string
  • replaces \1 sequences with the regexp's corresponding capture
  • treats \1 sequences without corresponding captures as empty strings
  • replaces & and \0 with the complete match
  • replaces ` with everything before the current match
  • replaces ' with everything after the current match
  • replaces + with the last paren that actually matched
  • treats + as an empty string if there was no captures
  • maps \ in replacement to \
  • leaves unknown \x escapes in replacement untouched
  • leaves \ at the end of replacement untouched
  • taints the result if the original string or replacement is tainted
  • tries to convert pattern to a string using to_str
  • raises a TypeError when pattern can't be converted to a string
  • tries to convert replacement to a string using to_str
  • raises a TypeError when replacement can't be converted to a string
  • returns subclass instances when called on a subclass
  • sets $~ to MatchData of last match and nil when there's none

String#gsub with pattern and block

  • returns a copy of self with all occurrences of pattern replaced with the block's return value
  • sets $~ for access from the block
  • restores $~ after leaving the block
  • sets $~ to MatchData of last match and nil when there's none for access from outside
  • raises a RuntimeError if the string is modified while substituting
  • doesn't interpolate special sequences like \1 for the block's return value
  • converts the block's return value to a string using to_s
  • taints the result if the original string or replacement is tainted

String#gsub! with pattern and replacement

  • modifies self in place and returns self
  • taints self if replacement is tainted
  • returns nil if no modifications were made
  • raises a TypeError when self is frozen

String#gsub! with pattern and block

  • modifies self in place and returns self
  • taints self if block's result is tainted
  • returns nil if no modifications were made
  • raises a RuntimeError when self is frozen

Finished in 0.030081 seconds

2 files, 82 examples, 251 expectations, 0 failures, 0 errors

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