Bug #1164
closed1.9/windows memroy leak with rand() AND inspect
Here is my codes. memory jump far away with ruby 1.9.1, stable with 1.8.6¶
seems that a issue arrive when inspect() AND rand() are call in the same function (?!)¶
def test1 ss=[] ; 0.upto($MAXC) {|j| ss << j }; ss.inspect ; end
def test2 ss=[] ; 0.upto($MAXC) {|j| ss << jrand() }; end
def test3 ss=[] ; 0.upto($MAXC) {|j| ss << rand() }; ss.inspect ; end # bug
def test4 ss=[] ; 0.upto($MAXC) {|j| ss << rand() }; end
def test5 ss=[] ; 0.upto(1000$MAXC) {|j| rand() } end
def test6 ss=[] ; 0.upto(1000*$MAXC) {|j| rand().inspect } end # bug
def test7 ss=[] ; 0.upto(1000*$MAXC) {|j| j.inspect } end
notest==1 && 0.upto(100010001000) { test1 } # ok
notest==2 && 0.upto(100010001000) { test2 } # ok
notest==3 && 0.upto(100010001000) { test3 } # >>>> bug 1.9.1
notest==4 && 0.upto(100010001000) { test4 } # ok
notest==5 && 0.upto(100010001000) { test5 } # ok
notest==6 && 0.upto(100010001000) { test6 } # >>>> bug 1.9.1
notest==7 && 0.upto(100010001000) { test7 } # ok