


Feature #6522 » 0001-Migrate-extconf.rb-documentation-from-README.EXT-to-MakeMakefile.patch

zzak (zzak _), 06/01/2012 06:37 AM

View differences:

Appendix C. Functions Available in extconf.rb
These functions are available in extconf.rb:
have_macro(macro, headers, opt)
Checks whether macro is defined with header. Returns true if the macro
is defined.
have_library(lib, func, opt)
Checks whether the library exists, containing the specified function.
Returns true if the library exists.
find_library(lib, func, path...)
Checks whether a library which contains the specified function exists in
path. Returns true if the library exists.
have_func(func, headers, opt)
Checks whether func exists with header. Returns true if the function
exists. To check functions in an additional library, you need to
check that library first using have_library().
The func shall be either mere function name or function name with
have_var(var, header, opt)
Checks whether var exists with header. Returns true if the variable
exists. To check variables in an additional library, you need to
check that library first using have_library().
have_header(header, preheaders, opt)
Checks whether header exists. Returns true if the header file exists.
find_header(header, path...)
Checks whether header exists in path. Returns true if the header file
have_struct_member(type, member, headers, opt)
Checks whether type has member with header. Returns true if the type
is defined and has the member.
have_type(type, headers, opt)
Checks whether type is defined with header. Returns true if the type
is defined.
check_sizeof(type, header)
Checks the size of type in char with header. Returns the size if the
type is defined, otherwise nil.
Generates the Makefile for the extension library. If you don't invoke
this method, the compilation will not be done.
find_executable(bin, path)
Finds command in path, which is File::PATH_SEPARATOR-separated list of
directories. If path is nil or omitted, environment variable PATH
will be used. Returns the path name of the command if it is found,
otherwise nil.
with_config(withval[, default=nil])
Parses the command line options and returns the value specified by
enable_config(config, *defaults)
disable_config(config, *defaults)
Parses the command line options for boolean. Returns true if
--enable-<config> is given, or false if --disable-<config> is given.
Otherwise, yields defaults to the given block and returns the result
if it is called with a block, or returns defaults.
dir_config(target[, default_dir])
dir_config(target[, default_include, default_lib])
Parses the command line options and adds the directories specified by
--with-<target>-dir, --with-<target>-include, and/or --with-<target>-lib
to $CFLAGS and/or $LDFLAGS. --with-<target>-dir=/path is equivalent to
--with-<target>-include=/path/include --with-<target>-lib=/path/lib.
Returns an array of the added directories ([include_dir, lib_dir]).
Obtains the information for pkg by pkg-config command. The actual
command name can be overridden by --with-pkg-config command line
See MakeMakefile for functions that are available to extconf.rb
* Local variables:
# :startdoc:
# :call-seq:
# have_macro(macro, headers, opt)
# Returns whether or not +macro+ is defined either in the common header
# files or within any +headers+ you provide.
# :call-seq:
# have_library(lib, func, opt)
# Returns whether or not the given entry point +func+ can be found within
# +lib+. If +func+ is nil, the <code>main()</code> entry point is used by
# +lib+. If +func+ is +nil+, the <code>main()</code> entry point is used by
# default. If found, it adds the library to list of libraries to be used
# when linking your extension.
# :call-seq:
# find_library(lib, func, paths...)
# Returns whether or not the entry point +func+ can be found within the
# library +lib+ in one of the +paths+ specified, where +paths+ is an array
# of strings. If +func+ is nil , then the <code>main()</code> function is
# of strings. If +func+ is +nil+ , then the <code>main()</code> function is
# used as the entry point.
# If +lib+ is found, then the path it was found on is added to the list of
# :call-seq:
# have_func(func, headers, opt)
# Returns whether or not the function +func+ can be found in the common
# header files, or within any +headers+ that you provide. If found, a macro
# is passed as a preprocessor constant to the compiler using the function
# name, in uppercase, prepended with +HAVE_+.
# For example, if <code>have_func('foo')</code> returned true, then the
# To check functions in an additional library, you need to check that
# library first using <code>have_library()</code>. The +func+ shall be
# either mere function name or function name with arguments.
# For example, if <code>have_func('foo')</code> returned +true+, then the
# +HAVE_FOO+ preprocessor macro would be passed to the compiler.
def have_func(func, headers = nil, opt = "", &b)
# :call-seq:
# have_var(var, header, opt)
# Returns whether or not the variable +var+ can be found in the common
# header files, or within any +headers+ that you provide. If found, a macro
# is passed as a preprocessor constant to the compiler using the variable
# name, in uppercase, prepended with +HAVE_+.
# To check variables in an additional library, you need to check that
# library first using <code>have_library()</code>.
# For example, if <code>have_var('foo')</code> returned true, then the
# +HAVE_FOO+ preprocessor macro would be passed to the compiler.
# :call-seq:
# have_header(header, preheaders, opt)
# Returns whether or not the given +header+ file can be found on your system.
# If found, a macro is passed as a preprocessor constant to the compiler
# using the header file name, in uppercase, prepended with +HAVE_+.
# :call-seq:
# find_header(header, paths...)
# Instructs mkmf to search for the given +header+ in any of the +paths+
# provided, and returns whether or not it was found in those paths.
# :call-seq:
# have_struct_member(type, member, headers, opt)
# Returns whether or not the struct of type +type+ contains +member+. If
# it does not, or the struct type can't be found, then false is returned.
# You may optionally specify additional +headers+ in which to look for the
# :call-seq:
# have_type(type, headers, opt)
# Returns whether or not the static type +type+ is defined. You may
# optionally pass additional +headers+ to check against in addition to the
# common header files.
# :startdoc:
# :call-seq:
# check_sizeof(type, header)
# Returns the size of the given +type+. You may optionally specify
# additional +headers+ to search in for the +type+.
# :startdoc:
# :call-seq:
# find_executable(bin, path)
# Searches for the executable +bin+ on +path+. The default path is your
# +PATH+ environment variable. If that isn't defined, it will resort to
# searching /usr/local/bin, /usr/ucb, /usr/bin and /bin.
# :startdoc:
# :call-seq:
# with_config(withval[, default=nil])
# Tests for the presence of a <tt>--with-</tt>_config_ or
# <tt>--without-</tt>_config_ option. Returns true if the with option is
# given, false if the without option is given, and the default value
# <tt>--without-</tt>_config_ option. Returns +true+ if the with option is
# given, +false+ if the without option is given, and the default value
# otherwise.
# This can be useful for adding custom definitions, such as debug
# :call-seq:
# enable_config(config, *defaults)
# Tests for the presence of an <tt>--enable-</tt>_config_ or
# <tt>--disable-</tt>_config_ option. Returns true if the enable option is
# given, false if the disable option is given, and the default value
# <tt>--disable-</tt>_config_ option. Returns +true+ if the enable option is
# given, +false+ if the disable option is given, and the default value
# otherwise.
# This can be useful for adding custom definitions, such as debug
$extconf_h = header
# :call-seq:
# dir_config(target[, default_dir])
# dir_config(target[, default_include, default_lib])
# Sets a +target+ name that the user can then use to configure various
# "with" options with on the command line by using that name. For example,
# if the target is set to "foo", then the user could use the
# :stopdoc:
# :call-seq:
# pkg_config(pkg)
# Handles meta information about installed libraries. Uses your platform's
# pkg-config program if it has one.
# The actual command name can be overridden by
# <code>--with-pkg-config</code> command line option.
def pkg_config(pkg)
if pkgconfig = with_config("#{pkg}-config") and find_executable0(pkgconfig)
# iff package specific config command is given
# :call-seq:
# create_makefile(target)
# Generates the Makefile for your extension, passing along any options and
# preprocessor constants that you may have generated through other methods.