

eileencodes (Eileen Uchitelle)

  • Login: eileencodes
  • Registered on: 03/01/2015
  • Last sign in: 02/27/2025


open closed Total
Assigned issues 6 46 52
Reported issues 0 6 6


Project Roles Registered on
Ruby Committer 10/07/2024
Backport187 Committer 10/07/2024
Backport191 Committer 10/07/2024
Backport192 Committer 10/07/2024
Backport193 Committer 10/07/2024
Backport200 Committer 10/07/2024
Backport21 Committer 10/07/2024
Backport22 Committer 10/07/2024
Ruby 1.8 Committer 10/07/2024
Ruby master Committer 10/07/2024




10:15 PM Ruby master Bug #21152: Enumerator's #size returned by Range#reverse_each raises an exception for endless Range
In 3.3 `each` does raise with this example:
```,1).each do |x|
p x
And `reverse_eac...
eileencodes (Eileen Uchitelle)
10:12 PM Ruby master Bug #21152: Enumerator's #size returned by Range#reverse_each raises an exception for endless Range
This changed in to fix a similar bug.
`, "a").size` also rais...
eileencodes (Eileen Uchitelle)


06:19 PM Ruby master Bug #21094: Module#set_temporary_name does not affect a name of a nested module
This seems like a bug to me because if you set the temp name before creating `N` it works as you expected. Opened a P... eileencodes (Eileen Uchitelle)


07:35 PM Ruby master Revision ad96c5a7 (git): [ruby/prism] Throw syntax error for endless method with `[]=`
Prism shoudld throw a syntax error for endless methods when the method
name uses brackets. Previously it would not. T...
eileencodes (Eileen Uchitelle)
07:21 PM Ruby master Bug #21010: Endless method definition of `[]=` is SyntaxError in parse.y but allowed in Prism
Fixed in eileencodes (Eileen Uchitelle)


03:51 PM Ruby master Revision a2123757 (git): [ruby/prism] Fix 3112 - disallow commas after block arg
Prism was already disallowing arguments after block args, but in
parse.y, any comma after a block arg is a syntax err...
eileencodes (Eileen Uchitelle)


11:06 PM Ruby master Bug #20938 (Closed): Percent String literal delimiter impacts string contents with parse.y
Applied in changeset commit:git|9fe6fd86936ead769fe983feb5461ca4f192f16e.
[ruby/prism] Fix percent delimi...
eileencodes (Eileen Uchitelle)
11:06 PM Ruby master Revision 9fe6fd86 (git): [ruby/prism] Fix percent delimiter strings with crlfs
parse.y treats CRLF as a LF and basically "normalizes" them before
parsing. That means a string like `%\nfoo\r\n` is...
eileencodes (Eileen Uchitelle)


12:47 PM Ruby master Misc #20728: Propose Eileen Uchitelle as a core committer
Email send and PR opened here
Thank you!
eileencodes (Eileen Uchitelle)


03:28 PM Ruby master Misc #20728: Propose Eileen Uchitelle as a core committer
Thank you for nominating me Kevin, and the support those who have commented so far. It would be an honor to be accept... eileencodes (Eileen Uchitelle)

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