

coyote (Alexey Babich)


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12:36 PM Ruby master Feature #9999: Type Annotations (Static Type Checking)
Nobuyoshi Nakada wrote:
> Alexey Babich wrote:
> > ~~~ruby
> > def ReturnType method(Type value: default, ...)
> ...
coyote (Alexey Babich)
09:33 AM Ruby master Feature #9999: Type Annotations (Static Type Checking)
**For usage level**:
Static type checking looks most useful as syntax pre-compilation feature to speed-up code execu...
coyote (Alexey Babich)


01:44 PM Ruby master Bug #10023: Hash#merge fails duplicating objects
Please, note that only Rails' `deep_dup` seems helpful to workaround the issue coyote (Alexey Babich)
01:42 PM Ruby master Bug #10023: Hash#merge fails duplicating objects
The same with duplication
>> c=A.dup #same .clone
=> {:b=>{}}
>> c.merge!({c: {d: 'e'}})
=> {:b=>{}, :c=>{:d=>"...
coyote (Alexey Babich)
01:38 PM Ruby master Bug #10023: Hash#merge fails duplicating objects
Please, also note that Rails' `deep_merge` does not help coyote (Alexey Babich)
01:36 PM Ruby master Bug #10023 (Rejected): Hash#merge fails duplicating objects
Here is an example in IRB (ruby 2.1.2):
>> A={b:{}}
=> {:b=>{}}
>> c=A.merge({c: {d: 'e'}})
=> {:b=>{}, :c=>{:d=>...
coyote (Alexey Babich)

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