

alexrothenberg (Alex Rothenberg)


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08:22 PM Ruby master Bug #9605: Chaining "each_with_index.detect &lambda" raises ArgumentError
@nobu I meant to tell you how honored I am that you and matz are taking so much time talking about this issue and eve... alexrothenberg (Alex Rothenberg)


02:53 PM Ruby master Bug #9605: Chaining "each_with_index.detect &lambda" raises ArgumentError
If I understand correctly what you're saying is that it would behave as below.
plus = ->(x,y) {puts x+y}
alexrothenberg (Alex Rothenberg)
12:46 PM Ruby master Bug #9605: Chaining "each_with_index.detect &lambda" raises ArgumentError
I created a jruby issue to track the odd "lambda" vs "->" difference. alexrothenberg (Alex Rothenberg)
12:34 PM Ruby master Bug #9605: Chaining "each_with_index.detect &lambda" raises ArgumentError
Finally found another implementation that behaves identically to MRI. RubyMotion acts the same with "each_with_index.... alexrothenberg (Alex Rothenberg)
12:24 PM Ruby master Bug #9605: Chaining "each_with_index.detect &lambda" raises ArgumentError
A little more digging and I found Rubinius is consistent with the lambda and -> syntax but neither raises the Argumen... alexrothenberg (Alex Rothenberg)
12:20 PM Ruby master Bug #9605: Chaining "each_with_index.detect &lambda" raises ArgumentError
Wow this gets weirder and weirder. It seems to be happening when jruby turns a lambda created with "->" syntax into a... alexrothenberg (Alex Rothenberg)


12:58 PM Ruby master Bug #9605: Chaining "each_with_index.detect &lambda" raises ArgumentError
Nobuyoshi Nakada wrote:
> It conflicts with existing behaviors too much.
I'm not surprised this caused other prob...
alexrothenberg (Alex Rothenberg)


08:14 PM Ruby master Bug #9605: Chaining "each_with_index.detect &lambda" raises ArgumentError
@nobu Wow, you fixed this issue so quickly. I wrote a few additional test cases that fail on trunk but pass on your ... alexrothenberg (Alex Rothenberg)


09:11 PM Ruby master Bug #9605 (Closed): Chaining "each_with_index.detect &lambda" raises ArgumentError
I found an odd edge case where "detect" and "select" behave differently from other methods of Enumerable.
alexrothenberg (Alex Rothenberg)

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