

atlas (Atlas Prime)

  • Login: atlas
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  • Registered on: 11/21/2013
  • Last sign in: 09/20/2014


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 2 3 5



01:01 PM Ruby master Feature #10270: Hash#insert
The name "insert" seems good to me because it implies a *new* entry and unable to change an *old* entry. But key-valu... atlas (Atlas Prime)
02:04 AM Ruby master Feature #10273 (Open): Immutable Ruby
I watched Matz recent keynote about the future of Ruby. I wonder if Ruby can become an immutable language? That could... atlas (Atlas Prime)


01:25 PM Ruby master Feature #10270 (Feedback): Hash#insert
Hash doesn't appear to have a "safe" way to insert an entry that won't clobber another key if it is already there. So... atlas (Atlas Prime)


03:56 PM Ruby master Feature #9487 (Rejected): Add #dup?, #dup! and #clone? and #clone!
Some objects can't use #dup or #clone b/c they are singleton, like Integer. So an error is raised if one tries.
atlas (Atlas Prime)
01:54 PM Ruby master Feature #9423: Improve warning semantics
Daniel, that does seem like an even better idea. But it's also a much bigger change. I wonder what effect would that ... atlas (Atlas Prime)


03:21 PM Ruby master Feature #9423: Improve warning semantics
That's a great idea! Abstracting the interface away as a method leaves the underpinnings free for adjustment. With th... atlas (Atlas Prime)


01:19 AM Ruby master Feature #9423: Improve warning semantics
I realized if `-W0` is to remain the same meaning as it does now than one modification to the above idea is required:... atlas (Atlas Prime)


04:14 PM Ruby master Feature #9423 (Closed): Improve warning semantics
Two suggestions for future version of Ruby that wold make warning levels more intuitive easier to work with.
atlas (Atlas Prime)


03:58 AM Ruby master Misc #9136: Deprecated, method) bad for BasicObject
@nobu I found that out but it seems kind of hackish way to have to do it. (Also a little counter-intuitive since Kern... atlas (Atlas Prime)


10:24 PM Ruby master Misc #9136: Deprecated, method) bad for BasicObject
P.S. This interface for bug reports is buggy (and I see no way to fix what I submitted). Not to offend, but why do it... atlas (Atlas Prime)

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