

JEG2 (James Gray)

  • Login: JEG2
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  • Registered on: 07/09/2008
  • Last sign in: 02/17/2016


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 22 22
Reported issues 0 9 9



04:08 AM Ruby master Bug #11953: ThreadError in 2.3 on code that works on 2.2.4
My recreation may not be useful though as it has the same error on Ruby 2.2.4. The longer code does not. JEG2 (James Gray)
03:49 AM Ruby master Bug #11953: ThreadError in 2.3 on code that works on 2.2.4
This is the minimal reproduction I could come up with:
require "forwardable"
require "singleton"
JEG2 (James Gray)


02:47 AM Ruby master Feature #11839 (Closed): CSV: liberal_parsing option
JEG2 (James Gray)


02:38 PM Ruby master Bug #8405 (Closed): CSV module - improper regexp for escaping special characters
Applied in changeset r45374.
* lib/csv.rb: Fixed a broken regular expression that was causing
CSV to mi...
JEG2 (James Gray)


04:26 PM Ruby master Bug #9582 (Rejected): CSV#headers not giving expected results.
Yeah, I also looked at making this change, but the behavior of returning just the first line is documented:
JEG2 (James Gray)


09:47 AM Ruby master Feature #9143 (Closed): Optimize CSV to share hash key objects between rows
JEG2 (James Gray)
08:14 AM Ruby master Bug #8560 (Closed): CSV, skip_lines option causes error when passing a string
JEG2 (James Gray)


01:11 AM Ruby master Bug #8815: Enumerable.drop_while returns an Enumerator. Calling next twice on the Enumerator raises StopIteration even if there are still items available
Isn't that backwards?
>> [1, 2, 3].drop_while { nil }
=> [1, 2, 3]
>> [1, 2, 3].drop_while { false }...
JEG2 (James Gray)


02:42 AM Ruby master Bug #7528 (Closed): CSV.== fails to check object type
This issue was solved with changeset r38265.
Stephen, thank you for reporting this issue.
Your contribution to Ruby i...
JEG2 (James Gray)


01:28 AM Ruby master Bug #5906 (Rejected): CSV converter option fails in case of :date_time
The converters do work, just not on the date format you gave them.
Your format is ambiguous. Should we treat it a...
JEG2 (James Gray)

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