

KyleFromKitware (Kyle Edwards)

  • Login: KyleFromKitware
  • Registered on: 05/19/2022
  • Last sign in: 05/20/2022


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07:25 PM Ruby master Bug #16829: Exceptions raised from within an enumerated method lose part of their stacktrace
> is it feasible to improve stacktraces raised within fibers?
As a more general solution, I'm wondering if excepti...
KyleFromKitware (Kyle Edwards)


08:05 PM Ruby master Bug #16829: Exceptions raised from within an enumerated method lose part of their stacktrace
For anyone looking for a workaround, this seems to work pretty well:
``` ruby
# assume `enum` is an `Enumerator`
KyleFromKitware (Kyle Edwards)
05:07 PM Ruby master Bug #16829: Exceptions raised from within an enumerated method lose part of their stacktrace
Came here to say that I ran into this same issue and found it very frustrating. I had to go over a lot of code to fin... KyleFromKitware (Kyle Edwards)

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