

jirkamarsik (Jirka Marsik)

  • Login: jirkamarsik
  • Registered on: 11/23/2020
  • Last sign in: 02/27/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 8 3 11



05:21 PM Ruby master Bug #20316 (Open): Regexp quantifier behavior changes in different syntactic context.
In the example below, adding a vertical bar to the end of a regular expression changes what is being matched by the p... jirkamarsik (Jirka Marsik)
04:59 PM Ruby master Bug #20315 (Open): Quantifier expansion leads to different results in Regexp.
Consider the following series of regular expression matches:
irb(main):001:0> /(|a)(|a)(|a)(|a)(|a)b/.match("aa...
jirkamarsik (Jirka Marsik)


11:04 PM Ruby master Bug #20225: Inconsistent behavior of regex matching for a regex has a null loop
In TruffleRuby, we implement null checks which take into account both matching position and captures, in the spirit o... jirkamarsik (Jirka Marsik)
10:55 PM Ruby master Bug #20225: Inconsistent behavior of regex matching for a regex has a null loop
As I understand it, the idea behind the null check is for the regex matcher to be able to identify unproductive branc... jirkamarsik (Jirka Marsik)


03:44 PM Ruby master Bug #18631 (Closed): Range check breaks multiplex backreferences in regular expressions
The regular expression engine can sometimes produce wrong results when using multiplex backreferences near the end of... jirkamarsik (Jirka Marsik)


12:05 PM Ruby master Bug #18013: Unexpected results when mxiing negated character classes and case-folding
duerst (Martin Dürst) wrote in #note-2:
> Just a question: What's the purpose of nested character classes?
They a...
jirkamarsik (Jirka Marsik)
09:28 AM Ruby master Bug #18013: Unexpected results when mxiing negated character classes and case-folding
This is a simpler reproducer.
irb(main):003:0> /[^a]/i.match("a")
=> nil
irb(main):004:0> /[[^a]]/i.match("a"...
jirkamarsik (Jirka Marsik)
08:55 AM Ruby master Bug #18013 (Open): Unexpected results when mxiing negated character classes and case-folding
irb(main):001:0> /[^a-c]/i.match("A")
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> /[[^a-c]]/i.match("A")
=> #<MatchData "A">
jirkamarsik (Jirka Marsik)
08:35 AM Ruby master Bug #18012 (Open): Case-insensitive character classes can only match multiple code points when top-level character class is not negated
Some Unicode characters case-fold to strings of multiple code points, e.g. the ligature `\ufb00` can match the string... jirkamarsik (Jirka Marsik)


09:30 AM Ruby master Bug #18010 (Open): Character class with single character gets case-folded with following string
irb(main):001:0> /ff/i.match("\ufb00")
=> #<MatchData "ff">
irb(main):002:0> /[f]f/i.match("\ufb00")
=> #<Matc...
jirkamarsik (Jirka Marsik)

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