

jemmai (Jemma Issroff)

  • Login: jemmai
  • Registered on: 10/09/2020
  • Last sign in: 01/09/2024


open closed Total
Assigned issues 1 18 19
Reported issues 1 11 12


Project Roles Registered on
Ruby Committer 06/02/2023



06:47 PM Ruby Revision 8bf12d7b (git): [ruby/prism] First pass at documenting information about the CRuby compiler jemmai (Jemma Issroff)


08:20 PM Ruby Revision 84f14ff0 (git): [PRISM] Pre-concatenate Strings in InterpolatedStringNode
This commit concatenates String VALUEs within
InterpolatedStringNodes to allow us to preserve frozenness of
jemmai (Jemma Issroff)


10:11 PM Ruby Revision 5587bd4b (git): [PRISM] Implement safe navigation in CallNodes
This commit implements safe navigation for CallNodes,
CallAndWriteNodes and CallOperatorWriteNodes
jemmai (Jemma Issroff)
06:45 PM Ruby Revision 7ac93e99 (git): [PRISM] Account for multiple anonymous locals
This commit adjusts the local table size to be consistent regardless
of the number of anonymous locals.
jemmai (Jemma Issroff)
04:46 PM Ruby Revision e71f0117 (git): [PRISM] Fix bugs in compiling optional keyword parameters
This PR fixes two bugs when compiling optional keyword parameters:
- It moves keyword parameter compilation to STEP 5...
jemmai (Jemma Issroff)
04:46 PM Ruby Revision 157e6c8a (git): [PRISM] Check for static literal, excluding array, hash, range
jemmai (Jemma Issroff)
04:14 PM Ruby Revision 8e1c148f (git): [PRISM] Use frozen flag on StringNode
jemmai (Jemma Issroff)


05:59 PM Ruby Bug #20063 (Rejected): Inconsistent behavior with required vs optional parameters
Using repeated anonymous parameters, gives different behavior with the parameters in the same order based on whether ... jemmai (Jemma Issroff)
01:11 PM Ruby Revision 798a89fa (git): [PRISM] If receiver on CallNode is SelfNode, use FCALL flags
jemmai (Jemma Issroff)
03:00 AM Ruby Revision 196c2462 (git): [PRISM] Correctly parse non-base 10 integers in Prism
This commit passes an `end` to rb_int_parse_cstr which allows us
to correctly parse non-base 10 integers which are en...
jemmai (Jemma Issroff)

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