

sylvain303 (Sylvain Viart)

  • Login: sylvain303
  • Registered on: 07/08/2011
  • Last sign in: 07/20/2011


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09:59 PM Ruby master Bug #4994: DelegateClass don't find extern global public method in 1.9.2
Fixed DelegateClass with method_missing(), somewhat ugly right?... sylvain303 (Sylvain Viart)
07:37 PM Ruby master Bug #4994: DelegateClass don't find extern global public method in 1.9.2
The Issue topic could be rewritten: "DelegateClass don't lookup toplevel method in 1.9.2"
Reading and patching the...
sylvain303 (Sylvain Viart)


05:15 PM Ruby master Bug #4994: DelegateClass don't find extern global public method in 1.9.2
Sorry, but links are in Japanese.
I can read the code, but not why the DelegateClass shouldn't search the toplevel me...
sylvain303 (Sylvain Viart)


01:51 PM Ruby master Bug #4994 (Rejected): DelegateClass don't find extern global public method in 1.9.2
How to reproduce:... sylvain303 (Sylvain Viart)

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