

sylvain.joyeux (Sylvain Joyeux)

  • Login: sylvain.joyeux
  • Registered on: 01/23/2010
  • Last sign in: 08/21/2020


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 10 11



08:37 PM Ruby master Bug #16853: calling bla(hash, **kw) with a string-based hash passes the strings into **kw (worked < 2.7)
> If there is a call like foo(**h), and h has both Symbol and non-Symbol keys, in <2.7 the Hash is "split" which I fi... sylvain.joyeux (Sylvain Joyeux)


01:55 PM Ruby master Bug #16853: calling bla(hash, **kw) with a string-based hash passes the strings into **kw (worked < 2.7)
Hi Yusuke. Thanks for the long thought-out answer. I really appreciate you taking the time.
> But the behavior was...
sylvain.joyeux (Sylvain Joyeux)


12:21 AM Ruby master Feature #16891: Restore Positional Argument to Keyword Conversion
sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada) wrote in #note-2:
> The core of that problem actually has nothing to do with allowing non-symb...
sylvain.joyeux (Sylvain Joyeux)


08:18 PM Ruby master Bug #16853: calling bla(hash, **kw) with a string-based hash passes the strings into **kw (worked < 2.7)
> This change was deliberate and mentioned in the 2.7.0 release announcement:
I missed this specific implication of ...
sylvain.joyeux (Sylvain Joyeux)
12:00 PM Ruby master Bug #16853 (Rejected): calling bla(hash, **kw) with a string-based hash passes the strings into **kw (worked < 2.7)
The following code
def bla(hash = {}, **kw)
puts "H: #{hash}"
puts "K: #{kw}"
bla "some" =>...
sylvain.joyeux (Sylvain Joyeux)


12:32 PM Ruby master Feature #15438: Threads can't switch faster than TIME_QUANTUM_(NSEC|USEC|MSEC)
> Does it matter what the exact timeslice is in absolute units, or what matters is how often is a high-priority Threa... sylvain.joyeux (Sylvain Joyeux)


08:02 PM Ruby master Feature #15438: Threads can't switch faster than TIME_QUANTUM_(NSEC|USEC|MSEC)
OK ... since it seems that everyone is camping on their own position, I have an alternative proposal: initialize the ... sylvain.joyeux (Sylvain Joyeux)


05:25 PM Ruby master Feature #15438: Threads can't switch faster than TIME_QUANTUM_(NSEC|USEC|MSEC)
> -5 would still mean "the highest priority", yes, but then e.g. -4 or -3 which starts to mean "high but not highest ... sylvain.joyeux (Sylvain Joyeux)


11:22 PM Ruby master Feature #15438: Threads can't switch faster than TIME_QUANTUM_(NSEC|USEC|MSEC)
> I think it's important, otherwise how is Ruby code supposed to know what are the limits and which value it can use ... sylvain.joyeux (Sylvain Joyeux)
05:05 PM Ruby master Feature #15438: Threads can't switch faster than TIME_QUANTUM_(NSEC|USEC|MSEC)
`RUBY_THREAD_PRIORITY_MIN` is changed to give the developer the choice to make some threads really low priority, at t... sylvain.joyeux (Sylvain Joyeux)

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