Bug #17673
Updated by stiuna (Juan Gregorio) over 3 years ago
The first byte of my file starts with the value **'1A'** . Then: ``` ruby descriptor = IO.sysopen(filePath) file2Read = IO.new(descriptor) file2Read.sysseek(0) p file2Read.sysread(2).unpack('H*') #=> "EOFError (end of file reached)" ``` But when I change the first byte of my file to **'AA'** 'AA' for example. Then: ``` ruby #=> "aa45" ``` Is it a bug or am I missing something? I thought sysseek only changed the cursor and nothing else. This error only occurs with byte **'1A'** I did the test with the rest of the bytes [00..FF] and there is no problem except with "1A".