


Feature #17259

Updated by Eregon (Benoit Daloze) over 4 years ago

`Kernel#warn` currently does not skip `<internal:` entries from core library methods defined in Ruby. 
 This can cause rather unhelpful locations to be used for warnings. 

 For instance: 
 $ ruby -v --disable=gems -e 'def deprecated; warn "use X instead", uplevel: 1; end; tap(&:deprecated)' 
 ruby 3.0.0preview1 (2020-09-25 master 0096d2b895) [x86_64-linux] 
 <internal:kernel>:90: warning: use X instead 
 # expected: "-e:1: warning: use X instead" 

 Note that RubyGems overrides Kernel#warn since and, 
 so `--disable-gems` is needed to observe this behavior. 
 I think it is very suboptimal that RubyGems needs to monkey-patch Kernel#warn to remove RubyGems' `require` from `Kernel#warn` location. 
 That is both fragile (as we've seen from various incompatible behavior and bugs in that monkey-patch) and inefficient (walking the stack multiple times). 

 So I would suggest to actually skip all backtraces entries starting with `<internal:` for `Kernel#warn(message, uplevel:)`. 
 BTW this is already what [TruffleRuby does]( 

 As a bonus, by filtering out `<internal:`, RubyGems could define its `require` in an `eval(code, nil, '<internal:rubygems-require>', line)` and it would automatically be skipped, without needing to monkey-patch Kernel#warn at all!
