


Feature #16684

Updated by sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada) over 4 years ago

The most-recent-call-last order of backtrace introduced by #8661: 

 def a; raise end 
 def b; a end 
 def c; b end 

 Traceback (most recent call last): 
	 3: from foo.rb:4:in `<main>' 
	 2: from foo.rb:3:in `c' 
	 1: from foo.rb:2:in `b' 
 foo.rb:1:in `a': unhandled exception 

 is intuitive, and I hope it is retained. However, there are people complaining that it is confusing. I believe the unnaturalness is (at least partly) due to the fact that the word "from" is used, which made sense when backtrace was displayed in most-recent-call-first order, 

 foo.rb:1:in `a': unhandled exception 
	 1: from foo.rb:2:in `b' 
	 2: from foo.rb:3:in `c' 
	 3: from foo.rb:4:in `<main>' 

 but not any more. Here, my understanding is that "from" means that the previous line was called **from** that line. 

 I propose that, so long as the most-recent-call-last order is adopted, the word "to" should be used rather than "from": 

 Traceback (most recent call last): 
	 3: to foo.rb:4:in `<main>' 
	 2: to foo.rb:3:in `c' 
	 1: to foo.rb:2:in `b' 
 foo.rb:1:in `a': unhandled exception 

 Or, as an alternative, if it looks unnatural to have "to" in the first line, and to lack one before the message line, we may put it at the end of a line: 

 Traceback (most recent call last) 
	 3: foo.rb:4:in `<main>' to: 
	 2: foo.rb:3:in `c' to: 
	 1: foo.rb:2:in `b' to: 
 foo.rb:1:in `a': unhandled exception 

 By using different words, it would become easier to understand the display order at a glance, and even by just looking at a single line.
