


Feature #14565

Updated by sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada) almost 5 years ago


 I have quite a bit of code like this: 


       require 'x/tools/cdrskin.rb' 
     rescue LoadError; end 

 I also use the longer variant, e.g., 

 e. g.  

       require 'foobar' 
     rescue LoadError 
       puts 'project foobar is not available - consider '\ 
            'installing it via gem install foobar' 

 Often, However had, often I really do not need even want to or notneed 
 to inform the user about a missing gems/projects that gem/project, because  
 some of these gems are tiny and not very important. In 
 my larger ruby projects, projects I handle the cases where a smaller 
 project is not available or available, so I can proceed 
 either way. It Notifying the user, who is usually me, is 
 a bit pointless to notify the user when in these cases; that is me; that is why I would like 
 to have a one-liner. 

 I am thinking of an API such as any of the following: following, belonging 
 to the require family (we already have a bit variety in the 
 require family such as require_relative()) 


 This is for really just the first variant, that is, loading with 
 a rescue LoadError LoadError, without notification. If (If I need to notify 
 a user then I am fine with the longer variant. variant.) 

 If So mostly this is just a suggestion for me to be lazy/lazier 
 but to also get rid of a few lines in my code base. 

 The name is of course important but the functionality is, to 
 me, more important, so if anyone has better names, feel free 
 to add them! I just tried to be somewhat explicit which is 
 why I suggested the first variant. I think people are more 
 likely to remember the require-family, e. g. require 'foo.rb' 
 or require_relative 'bar.rb' and so forth. (I may be wrong 
 but I think there are many more cases of require than load 
 in ruby code bases out there in the wild.) 

 --- I am not sure if others may find this semi-useful or not. 

 In my ruby code, there are not so many instances where I use 
 it; perhaps 100 or so. But still, it would be nice if we could 
 have a one-liner. 

 Anyway, I think I mentioned all I wanted to mention here 
 about it. I also wanted to propose a stronger `require`/`import`, require/import 
 feature of ruby, including the possibility to refer to `.rb` .rb 
 files without a hardcoded path (if the .rb file is moved, 
 all explicit requires to it, in particular from external 
 projects, would have to change; and my vague idea is to  
 replace this with some kind of project-specific way to 
 "label" files and load these files based on these "labels", "labels" 
 but that is for another suggestion; I only want to mention 
 it because Hiroshi Shibata made some suggestion as  
 extension to require, require and I think the use case he mentioned 
 may also be useful to see whether ruby may get a stronger 
 "load code in files" functionality for ruby 3.x eventually). eventually) 

 Please feel free to close this issue at any time if it is 
 not a good fit. Thanks! 
