Feature #16006
Updated by sawa (Tsuyoshi Sawada) over 5 years ago
In non-proportional font, multibyte characters have twice the width of ASCII characters. Since `String#length`, `String#ljust`, `String#rjust`, and `String#center` do not take this into consideration, applying these methods do not give the desired output. ```ruby array = ["aaあああ", "bいいいいいいいい", "cc"] col_width = array.max(&:length) array.map(&:length).max array.each{|w| puts w.ljust(col_width, "*")} # >> aaあああ**** # >> bいいいいいいいい # >> cc******* ``` In order to do justification of strings that have multi-byte characters, we have to do something much more complicated such as the following: ```ruby col_widths = array.to_h{|w| [ w, w .chars .partition(&:ascii_only?) .then{|ascii, non| ascii.length + (non.length * 2)} ]} col_width = col_widths.values.max array.each{|w| puts w + "*" * (col_width - col_widths[w])} # Note that the following gives the desired alignment in non-proportional font, but may not appear so in this issue tracker. # >> aaあああ********* # >> bいいいいいいいい # >> cc*************** ``` This issue seems to be common, as several webpages can be found that attempt to do something similar. I propose to give the relevant methods an option to take multi-byte characters into consideration. Perhaps something like the `non_ascii` keyword in the following may work: ```ruby "aaあああ".length(non_ascii: 2) # => 8 "aaあああ".ljust(17, "*", non_ascii: 2) # => "aaあああ*********" ``` Then, the desired output would be given by this code: ```ruby col_width = array.max{|w| array.map{|w| w.length(non_ascii: 2)} 2)}.max array.each{|w| puts w.ljust(col_width, "*", non_ascii: 2)} # >> aaあああ********* # >> bいいいいいいいい # >> cc*************** ```