Bug #11316
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 9 years ago
In Ruby 2.2 on Windows it's impossible to install the "rhc" gem since the BAT wrapper has a typo. steps to reproduce: 1) install ruby 2.2.2 into a directory with spacer (C:\Program Files\ruby22) 2) install git 3) open console and install "rhc" gem: ~~~ Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601] Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Windows\system32>ruby -v ruby 2.2.2p95 (2015-04-13 revision 50295) [i386-mingw32] C:\Windows\system32>gem install rhc Fetching: open4-1.3.4.gem (100%) Successfully installed open4-1.3.4 Fetching: httpclient- (100%) Successfully installed httpclient- Fetching: highline-1.6.21.gem (100%) Successfully installed highline-1.6.21 Fetching: commander-4.2.1.gem (100%) Successfully installed commander-4.2.1 Fetching: archive-tar-minitar-0.5.2.gem (100%) Successfully installed archive-tar-minitar-0.5.2 Fetching: net-ssh-2.9.2.gem (100%) Successfully installed net-ssh-2.9.2 Fetching: net-ssh-gateway-1.2.0.gem (100%) Successfully installed net-ssh-gateway-1.2.0 Fetching: net-ssh-multi-1.2.1.gem (100%) Successfully installed net-ssh-multi-1.2.1 Fetching: net-scp-1.2.1.gem (100%) Successfully installed net-scp-1.2.1 Fetching: rhc-1.35.4.gem (100%) =========================================================================== If this is your first time installing the RHC tools, please run 'rhc setup' =========================================================================== Successfully installed rhc-1.35.4 Parsing documentation for open4-1.3.4 Installing ri documentation for open4-1.3.4 Parsing documentation for httpclient- Installing ri documentation for httpclient- Parsing documentation for highline-1.6.21 Installing ri documentation for highline-1.6.21 Parsing documentation for commander-4.2.1 Installing ri documentation for commander-4.2.1 Parsing documentation for archive-tar-minitar-0.5.2 Installing ri documentation for archive-tar-minitar-0.5.2 Parsing documentation for net-ssh-2.9.2 Installing ri documentation for net-ssh-2.9.2 Parsing documentation for net-ssh-gateway-1.2.0 Installing ri documentation for net-ssh-gateway-1.2.0 Parsing documentation for net-ssh-multi-1.2.1 Installing ri documentation for net-ssh-multi-1.2.1 Parsing documentation for net-scp-1.2.1 Installing ri documentation for net-scp-1.2.1 Parsing documentation for rhc-1.35.4 Installing ri documentation for rhc-1.35.4 Done installing documentation for open4, httpclient, highline, commander, archiv e-tar-minitar, net-ssh, net-ssh-gateway, net-ssh-multi, net-scp, rhc after 17 se conds 10 gems installed ~~~ 4) try to run it: ~~~ C:\Windows\system32>rhc --help '""C:\My' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. ~~~ here's rhc.bat: ~~~batch @ECHO OFF IF NOT "%~f0" == "~f0" GOTO :WinNT @""C:\Program Files\ruby22\bin\ruby.exe" "C:/Program Files/ruby22/bin/rhc" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 GOTO :EOF :WinNT @""C:\Program Files\ruby22\bin\ruby.exe" "%~dpn0" %* ~~~ To make this work I had to remove the extra double quote in the last line: ~~~batch @"C:\Program Files\ruby22\bin\ruby.exe" "%~dpn0" %* ~~~