Feature #7883
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 10 years ago
Just a small addition to the standard library: ~~~ruby class Regexp def to_proc; lambda {|s| self =~ s} end end ~~~ With that one can use a `Regexp` Regex everywhere a `Proc` Proc is used as filtering criteria saving a bit of typing. While we have `Enumerable#grep` Enumerable#grep already there may be other cases where you want to do something like ~~~ruby irb(main):008:0> %w{foo bar baz}.select &/\Ab/ => ["bar", "baz"] irb(main):009:0> %w{foo bar baz}.reject &/\Ab/ => ["foo"] irb(main):010:0> %w{foo bar baz}.find &/\Ab/ => "bar" ~~~ Note: line 9 and 10 are not possible with `Enumerable#grep` Enumerable#grep AFAIK. I see low risk of breaking something.