Bug #10210
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) about 10 years ago
While attempting to build Ruby on custom linux setup versions from 1.9.3-p547 to 2.1.2 fail to build, setting `LDSHARED` LDSHARED to "gcc -shared" and `LDSHAREDXX` LDSHAREDXX to "g++ -shared" kind of sorted the problem but I still see some messages in the build log like: ~~~ make[2]: o: Command not found make[2]: [../../.ext/i686-linux/ripper.so] Error 127 (ignored) ~~~ I'm attaching the config.log. Also, I want to highlight that on this setup Busybox is used and during the configure step I see the following (stripped) message: ~~~ checking whether ELF binaries are produced... cat: invalid option -- 'e' BusyBox v1.22.1 (2014-08-30 20:49:51 UTC) multi-call binary. ... no ~~~