


Feature #9948

Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) almost 10 years ago

When I insert an object using `Array#insert(index, object)` method (or `Array#[index]= object`), it happened sometimes that I mistakenly passed `index` that is too big, and too often in such cases was the bug very difficult to detect because in such case, `insert` will silently insert `nil` to fill up the empty slots: 


     [:foo, :bar].insert(4, :baz) # => [:foo, :bar, nil, nil, :baz] 

 On the other hand, when the index is too small (negative), `index` raises an index error. I wish that an error were raised when the index is too big (when `index` is greater than `length` of `self`), but it is perhaps a bad idea to change the feature of `insert` by now. So I propose that a new method being added, something like `Array#safely_insert`, which works the same as `insert`, except that when `index` is larger than the size of the array, it should raise: 

     Index Error: index #{indexs} #{indes} too large for array; maximum: #{length} 
