


Feature #19472

Updated by ko1 (Koichi Sasada) almost 2 years ago

This ticket propose `Ractor::Selector` API to wait multiple ractor events. 

 Now, if we want to wait for taking from r1, r2 and r3, we can use `` like that. 

 r, v =, r2, r3) 
 p "taking an object #{v} from #{r}" 

 With proposed `Ractor::Selector` API, we can write the following: 

 selector =, r2) # make a waiting set with r1 and r2 
 selector.add(r3) # we can add r3 to the waiting set after that. 
 selector.remove(r4) # we can remove r4 from the waiting set. 

 r, v = selector.wait 
 p "taking an object #{v} from #{r}" 

 * `*ractors)`: create a selector 
 * `Ractor::Selector#add(r)`: add `r` to the waiting list 
 * `Ractor::Selector#remove(r)`: remove `r` from the waiting list 
 * `Ractor::Selector#clear`: `Ractor::clear`: remove all ractors from the waiting list 
 * `Ractor::Selector#wait`: `Ractor::wait`: wait for the ractor events 

 The advantages comparing with from `` are: is: 

 * (1) (API design) We can preset the waiting set before waiting. Providing unified way to manage waiting list seems better. 
 * (2) (Performance) It is lighter than passing an array object to the `*rs)` if `rs` is bigger and bigger. 

 For (2), it is important to supervise thousands of ractors. 

 `Ractor::Selector#wait` also has additional features: 

 * `wait(receive: true)` also waits receiving. 
   * `*rs, Ractor.current)` does same, but I believe `receive: true` keyword is more direct to understand. 
 * `wait(yield_value: obj, move: true/false)` also waits yielding. 
   * Same as ` obj, move: true/false)` 
 * If a ractor `r` is closing, then `#wait` removes `r` automatically. 
 * If there is no waiting ractors, it raises an exception (now `Ractor::Error` is raised but it should be a better exception class) 

 With automatic removing, we can write the code to wait n tasks. 

 rs ={{ do_task } } 
 selector =*rs) 

 loop do 
   r, v = selector.wait 
   handle_answers(r, v) 
 rescue Ractor::Error 
   p :all_tasks_done 

 Without auto removing, we can write the following code. 

 rs ={{ do_task } } 
 selector =*rs) 

 loop do 
   r, v = selector.wait 
   handle_answers(r, v) 
 rescue Ractor::ClosedError => e 
   selector.remove e.ractor 
 rescue Ractor::Error 
   p :all_tasks_done 

 # or on this case worker ractors only yield one value (at exit) so the following code works as well. 

 loop do 
   r, v = selector.wait 
   handle_answers(r, v) 
   selector.remove r 
 rescue Ractor::Error 
   p :all_tasks_done 


 I already merged it but I want to discuss about the spec. 


 * The name `Selector` is acceptable? 
 * Auto-removing seems convenient but it can hide the behavior. 
   * allow auto-removing 
   * allow auto-removing as configurable option 
     * per ractor or per selector 
     * which is default? 
   * disallow auto-removing 
 * What happens on no taking ractors 
   * raise an exception (which exception?) 
   * return nil simply 

 maybe and more... 
