


Misc #19120

Updated by jaruga (Jun Aruga) over 1 year ago

We are trying to add the new YJIT feature that is ported to Rust[1][2] in Ruby 3.2 RPM on Fedora project.[3] 
 I am trying to understand how the YJIT works in the case the `./configure --enable-yjit --enable-shared`. In the case below, when building Ruby on the latest master branch `199b59f065ce6f1c13b8424f35a70c513523211b`, the static libraries `libruby-static.a` and `./libruby-static.a` were built. 

 <mock-chroot> sh-5.2$ cat /etc/fedora-release  
 Fedora release 38 (Rawhide) 

 <mock-chroot> sh-5.2$ ./ 

 <mock-chroot> sh-5.2$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local/ruby-yjit-199b59f065 --enable-shared --enable-yjit 2>&1 | tee configure.log 
    * MJIT support:          yes 
    * YJIT support:          yes 

 <mock-chroot> sh-5.2$ make 

 <mock-chroot> sh-5.2$ find . -name "*.a" 

 After running `make install`, these static libraries (`*.a` files) were not copied to the installed directory. That makes sense, as Ruby works with shared libraries (`*.so` files). 

 <mock-chroot> sh-5.2$ make install 2>&1 | tee make_install.log 

 <mock-chroot> sh-5.2$ find ~/local/ruby-yjit-199b59f065/ -name "*.a" 
 => empty 

 In this case, we really don't need the `libyjit.a` to run the YJIT right? I couldn't find the .so file something like ``. Which .so file contains the YJIT feature (maybe the content of the `yjit/src/**/*.rs`)? 

 <mock-chroot> sh-5.2$ find ~/local/ruby-yjit-199b59f065/ -name "*.so" | grep 
 => empty 

 How can we test the content of the `yjit/src/**/*.rs`? For example, if the command below works, I can say that I tested the content of the `yjit/src/**/*.rs`? 

 <mock-chroot> sh-5.2$ which rustc 

 <mock-chroot> sh-5.2$ rustc --version 
 rustc 1.65.0 (Fedora 1.65.0-1.fc38) 

 <mock-chroot> sh-5.2$ ~/local/ruby-yjit-199b59f065/bin/ruby --yjit -e 'puts "abc"' 

 ## References 

 * [1] 
 * [2] 
 * [3] 
