Feature #8683
closedCSV library can't append to the current row. It should be able to.
The CSV library can only add new rows, and it provides no way to update the current row after it has been created.
For example:
CSV.generate headers: true do |csv|
csv << ["one"]
["two", "three"].each do |e|
csv << e # This creates a new row, I want to append.
csv.headers << ["two", "three"] # No, this doesn't work either.
Is this possible? I find it hard to believe the API could be that limited and inflexible.
Updated by robertgleeson (Robert Gleeson) over 11 years ago
I guess I could settle for:
headers = ["one"]
CSV.generate headers: true do
["two", three"].each do |e|
headers << e
csv << headers
but, this is preferable:
headers = ["one"]
CSV.generate headers: true do
csv << headers
["two", three"].each do |e|
Updated by nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) over 11 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Rejected
CSV class is a reader/writer, not to edit CSV data on memory.
You may want to use CSV::Table instead.
Updated by robertgleeson (Robert Gleeson) over 11 years ago
@nobu (Nobuyoshi Nakada) Thanks! I've re-created an example using CSV::Table:
require "csv"
row = CSV::Row.new ["Name"], ["Name"], true
table = CSV::Table.new [row]
table[0] << ["Hair Color", "Hair Color"]
p table.to_csv
It works like I want, but CSV::Row has a strange API. Why does it have a concept of a header, and try to
map it to a value, as if it were a Hash? Couldn't it just be a row of values with no header? And if it is being
treated like a Hash, why isn't the argument just {:header => :value} instead of [:header], [:value] ? It looks
like it even has a method called field(), which may as well be Hash#fetch.
This isn't a bug anymore, but I am curious why it works like that. My problem is solved, so thanks again.