Since the comment from time.c and time.rb will be combined for ri output the introductory sentence should be reworded. Something like:
When 'time' is required, Time is extended with additional methods for parsing and converting Times
Unqualified method names should be prefixed with # instead of surrounded by ++, qualified names don't need ++ either and classes should not be surrounded with ++. This allows rdoc to link methods and classes to their specific documentation:
The easiest way to create a new time object is to use either #parse¶
#strptime. Each uses Date.__parse and Date.__strptime to create a new instance of Time.¶
For Time.parse, I think an unambiguous date like 2010-10-31 should be used so the month and day position are easy to determine.
The strptime format explanation should be moved to Time.strptime and the list should use :: instead of - as the separator.
This issue was solved with changeset r33414.
Shane, thank you for reporting this issue.
Your contribution to Ruby is greatly appreciated.
May Ruby be with you.
time.c (Init_Time): Improve Time documentation. Patch by Shane
Emmons. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5404]
lib/time.rb: Improve time.rb documentation including Time.strptime.
Patch by Shane Emmons. [Ruby 1.9 - Bug #5402]