



Feature #21156


Prettier RUBY_DEBUG_LOG output in cruby

Added by luke-gru (Luke Gruber) 15 days ago. Updated 15 days ago.

Target version:



The easiest way I find for debugging ractor and thread scheduling issues is to look at the RUBY_DEBUG_LOG output (must be compiled with -DUSE_RUBY_DEBUG_LOG).

For example, I would run test.rb with miniruby like this:

RUBY_DEBUG_LOG=stderr RUBY_DEBUG_LOG_FILTER=-vm_lock,ractor,thread make run > debug.txt 2>&1 | tee -a debug.txt

This removes all the vm_lock stuff from the output and we only get ractor and thread scheduling output.
However, the output is hard to read. Here's some example output (it's often thousands of lines):

11: rb_ractor_blocking_threads_dec 	r->threads.blocking_cnt:1--, r->threads.cnt:1	thread.c:1521	test.rb:51	nt:1	r:#1/3 (1)	th:1
 512: blocking_region_end 	end	thread.c:1526	test.rb:51	nt:1	r:#1/3 (1)	th:1
 513: rb_mutex_unlock_th 	0x0000600003934d40	thread_sync.c:455	test.rb:51	nt:1	r:#1/3 (1)	th:1
 514: thread_sched_lock_ 	th:1 prev_owner:0	thread_pthread.c:1317	<internal:ractor>:711	nt:1	r:#1/3 (1)	th:1
 515: thread_sched_deq 	next_th:0 readyq_cnt:0	thread_pthread.c:732	<internal:ractor>:711	nt:1	r:#1/3 (1)	th:1
 516: thread_sched_wakeup_next_thread 	next_th:0	thread_pthread.c:962	<internal:ractor>:711	nt:1	r:#1/3 (1)	th:1
 517: thread_sched_set_running 	th:1->th:0	thread_pthread.c:694	<internal:ractor>:711	nt:1	r:#1/3 (1)	th:1
 518: thread_sched_wakeup_running_thread 	no waiting threads	thread_pthread.c:791	<internal:ractor>:711	nt:1	r:#1/3 (1)	th:1 (rth:1,sth:-1)
 519: thread_sched_setup_running_threads 	+:0 -:1 +ts:0 -ts:0	thread_pthread.c:567	<internal:ractor>:711	nt:1	r:#1/3 (1)	th:1 (rth:1,sth:-1)
 520: ractor_sched_lock_ 	cr:1 prev_owner:0	thread_pthread.c:569	<internal:ractor>:711	nt:1	r:#1/3 (1)	th:1 (rth:1,sth:-1)
 521: ractor_sched_unlock_ 	cr:1	thread_pthread.c:622	<internal:ractor>:711	nt:1	r:#1/3 (0)	th:1 (rth:1,sth:-1)
 522: thread_sched_setup_running_threads 	run:1->0	thread_pthread.c:641	<internal:ractor>:711	nt:1	r:#1/3 (0)	th:1 (rth:1,sth:-1)
 523: thread_sched_wait_running_turn 	th:1	thread_pthread.c:835	<internal:ractor>:711	nt:1	r:#1/3 (0)	th:1 (rth:1,sth:-1)
 524: thread_sched_wait_running_turn 	(nt) sleep th:1 running:0	thread_pthread.c:848	<internal:ractor>:711	nt:1	r:#1/3 (0)	th:1 (rth:1,sth:-1)
 525: thread_sched_set_lock_owner 	th:0	thread_pthread.c:406	<internal:ractor>:711	nt:1	r:#1/3 (0)	th:1 (rth:1,sth:-1)
 526: thread_sched_wait_running_turn 	nt:1 cond:0x00006000008207d0	thread_pthread.c:852	<internal:ractor>:711	nt:1	r:#1/3 (0)	th:1 (rth:1,sth:-1)

and an example of how I would like it to look:

 228: rb_ractor_thread_switch           	th:1->1 (same)                               	nt:1	th:1
 229: rb_ractor_blocking_threads_dec    	r->threads.blocking_cnt:1--, r->threads.cnt:1	nt:1	th:1
 230: blocking_region_end               	end                                          	nt:1	th:1
 231: rb_thread_io_blocking_call        	th:1 fd:6 ev:1                               	nt:1	th:1
 232: rb_ractor_blocking_threads_inc    	cr->threads.blocking_cnt:0++                 	nt:1	th:1
 233: blocking_region_begin             	thread_id:0x00000002084c0840                 	nt:1	th:1
 234: thread_sched_lock_                	th:1 prev_owner:0                            	nt:1	th:1
 235: thread_sched_to_waiting_common    	dedicated:1                                  	nt:1	th:1
 236: native_thread_dedicated_inc       	nt:1 1->2                                    	nt:1	th:1
 237: thread_sched_to_waiting_common0   	th:1                                         	nt:1	th:1
 238: thread_sched_deq                  	next_th:0 readyq_cnt:0                       	nt:1	th:1
 239: thread_sched_wakeup_next_thread   	next_th:0                                    	nt:1	th:1
 240: thread_sched_set_running          	th:1->th:0                                   	nt:1	th:1
 241: thread_sched_wakeup_running_thread 	no waiting threads                           	nt:1	th:1 (rth:1,sth:-1)
 242: thread_sched_setup_running_threads 	+:0 -:1 +ts:0 -ts:0                          	nt:1	th:1 (rth:1,sth:-1)
 243: ractor_sched_lock_                	cr:1 prev_owner:0                            	nt:1	th:1 (rth:1,sth:-1)
 244: ractor_sched_unlock_              	cr:1                                         	nt:1	th:1 (rth:1,sth:-1)
 245: thread_sched_setup_running_threads 	run:1->0                                     	nt:1	th:1 (rth:1,sth:-1)
 246: thread_sched_unlock_              	th:1                                         	nt:1	th:1 (rth:1,sth:-1)
 247: unregister_ubf_list               	th:1                                         	nt:1	th:1 (rth:1,sth:-1)
 248: thread_sched_lock_                	th:1 prev_owner:0                            	nt:1	th:1 (rth:1,sth:-1)
 249: thread_sched_to_running_common    	th:1 dedicated:1                             	nt:1	th:1 (rth:1,sth:-1)
 250: native_thread_dedicated_dec       	nt:1 2->1                                    	nt:1	th:1 (rth:1,sth:-1)
 251: thread_sched_to_ready_common      	th:1 running:0 redyq_cnt:0                   	nt:1	th:1 (rth:1,sth:-1)
 252: thread_sched_set_running          	th:0->th:1                                   	nt:1	th:1 (rth:1,sth:-1)

I would like to be able to turn off showing the C file location and ruby file location info and for it to be nicely columnized.


Before, every different information type was separated by tabs. Maybe some others who work with the RUBY_DEBUG_LOG still like this format, so I would keep it as default and only
format it the pretty way with an environment variable like RUBY_DEBUG_LOG_PRETTY_COLUMNS. For hiding file location info I would like to introduce another environment variable
RUBY_DEBUG_LOG_NO_FILE_LOCATIONS, and to still have it show these locations by default as it's sometimes useful.


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