



Feature #17375


Add scheduler callbacks for transferring fibers

Added by nevans (Nicholas Evans) almost 4 years ago.

Target version:


When working on #17325 (Fiber#cancel) and #17331 (Fiber#raise on transferring fibers), two very reasonable questions keep coming up:

  • "how and when should control pass back to the current fiber?" and
  • "is it expected that terminating fibers will return to the root fiber chain?"

Rather than deal with that complexity, I've passed the buck: that's out of scope for those tickets. The end user should just call their scheduler library and let it coordinate, right?

But with a couple of optional hooks on the scheduler, I think we can answer both of those questions. I'm not sure that these are the ideal API, but what do you think about something similar to the following?

"how and when should control pass back to the current fiber?"

# Called before transferring into another fiber.
# @param target [Fiber] the fiber that will be transferred into
# @param reason [:transfer, :raise, :cancel] How the transfer was initiated 
# @param args the arguments sent to transfer, raise, or cancel.
# @raise [FiberTransferInterrupted] to prevent the transfer without raising an
#     exception in the calling fiber.
# @raise [Exception] prevents the transfer and raises in the calling fiber
# This can be used to ensure the current fiber is appropriately scheduled for
# return, and it can also prevent the transfer or schedule the transfer to
# happen asynchronously.
# In addition to raising exceptions, any call to a fiber switching method (e.g.
# resume, yield, or transfer) will prevent the transfer. When a transfer is
# prevented, any associated cancellation or exception will not happen.
# This will only be called for transfers, not for resume, yield, or termination.
def transferring(target, reason, *args)
  # one possible implementation:
  return if Fiber.current == @scheduler # always allow transfer from scheduler
  if target == @scheduler
    # guard transfer to the scheduler
    raise FiberError, "invalid transfer to scheduler" if invalid?(reason, *args)
    # schedule all transfers instead of running immediately
    @next_tick << [target, reason, *args]
    @next_tick << [Fiber.current, :transfer] unless blocking?

This would be useful for more than just Fiber#raise and Fiber#cancel. It could allows any non-scheduler code to safely call Fiber#transfer (or to indirectly transfer via #raise or #cancel) without confusing or breaking the scheduler. Or the scheduler could disallow any transfers but its own. Or it could intercept certain internal framework exceptions. It allows the scheduler some control over transfer and over raise/cancel with transferring fibers.

"exceptions raised from terminating transferred fibers will return to the root fiber chain"

# Select the return fiber for a transferring fiber when it terminates.
# @param terminating [Fiber] The terminating fiber
# @param retval [Object] return value of the terminating fiber
# @param error [Exception, nil] raised by terminating fiber
# @return [Fiber, nil] fiber to transfer into. `nil` uses default behavior
# If the selected return fiber can't be transferred to (because it is yielding
# or resuming or dead), FiberError will be raised on root fiber chain.
# This will be run in the terminating fiber after its block has completed.
# If this raises an exception, that will be raised on the root fiber chain.
def select_return_fiber(terminating, retval, error)
  supervisor = @supervised[terminating]
  if supervisor&.alive?
  elsif @scheduled.include?(terminating)
  elsif !error
    raise FiberError, "unsupervised transfer fiber terminated"

In addition to answering the question raised by #17325 and #17331, I think this also simplifies some other useful patterns, e.g. supervisors.

It would also let me easily fix one of the things that ruby 3.0 breaks in my current code: I liked to "init" my transfer fibers by first resuming into them from their supervisor and then immediately transferring back out. That sets the return_fiber for when it terminates. A workaround is to use an ensured supervisor.transfer on the last line of the fiber and then abandon the almost dead fiber. But that might lead to a bug later if some other code held onto a reference to that fiber, saw it was still alive, and transferred into it (unlikely, but plausible). And it's still brittle: if any errant code calls Fiber.yield, the return_fiber will be lost and can never be recovered. Letting the scheduler manage this would provide the lost ruby 2 functionality and more.

What do you think?

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