Bug #15753
closedunknown keyword when passing an hash to a method that accepts a default argument and a named argument
Target version:
ruby -v:
ruby 2.7.0dev (2019-03-18 trunk 67296) [x86_64-darwin17] / ruby 2.6.2p47 (2019-03-13 revision 67232) [x86_64-darwin17]
>> def a(b = {}, c: 1); p [b, c]; end; a(a: 1)
Traceback (most recent call last):
3: from (irb):3
2: from (irb):3:in `rescue in irb_binding'
1: from (irb):3:in `a'
ArgumentError (unknown keyword: a)
Prettier version:
def do_something(thing = {}, force: true)
# doing things
do_something({ user: { id: 1 } })
# => ArgumentError (unknown keyword: user)
Tested on ruby-head from ~1 month ago and ruby 2.6.2
Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) almost 6 years ago
Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) over 5 years ago
- Related to Feature #14183: "Real" keyword argument added
Updated by jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans) over 5 years ago
- Status changed from Open to Closed
The first example should fail, because you are passing an unsupported keyword to a method that accepts a keyword.
With the acceptance of #14183, the second example now submits a warning:
do_something({ user: { id: 1 } })
# (irb):85: warning: The last argument is used as the keyword parameter
# (irb):82: warning: for `do_something' defined here
# ArgumentError (unknown keyword: :user)
In Ruby 3, the second example will pass the hash as the first argument. To get the Ruby 3 behavior with the master branch:
do_something({ user: { id: 1 } }, **(;{}))
# => nil