



Feature #15166


2.5 times faster implementation than current gcd implmentation

Added by jzakiya (Jabari Zakiya) over 6 years ago. Updated almost 6 years ago.

Target version:


This is to be more explicit (and accurate) than

This is my modified gcd benchmarks code, originally presented by Daniel Lemire (see 15161).

Ruby's current implementation of Stein's gcd algorithm is only slightly faster than the
code posted on the wikepedia page, and over 2.5 times slower than the fastest implementation
in the benchmarks.

[jzakiya@localhost ~]$ ./gcdbenchmarks
gcd between numbers in [1 and 2000]

gcdwikipedia7fast32   :  time = 99
gcdwikipedia4fast     :  time = 121
gcdFranke             :  time = 126
gcdwikipedia3fast     :  time = 134
gcdwikipedia2fastswap :  time = 136
gcdwikipedia5fast     :  time = 139
gcdwikipedia7fast     :  time = 138
gcdwikipedia2fast     :  time = 136
gcdwikipedia6fastxchg :  time = 144
gcdwikipedia2fastxchg :  time = 156
gcd_iterative_mod     :  time = 210
gcd_recursive         :  time = 215
basicgcd              :  time = 211
rubygcd               :  time = 267
gcdwikipedia2         :  time = 321
gcd between numbers in [1000000001 and 1000002000]

gcdwikipedia7fast32   :  time = 100
gcdwikipedia4fast     :  time = 121
gcdFranke             :  time = 126
gcdwikipedia3fast     :  time = 134
gcdwikipedia2fastswap :  time = 136
gcdwikipedia5fast     :  time = 138
gcdwikipedia7fast     :  time = 138
gcdwikipedia2fast     :  time = 136
gcdwikipedia6fastxchg :  time = 144
gcdwikipedia2fastxchg :  time = 156
gcd_iterative_mod     :  time = 210
gcd_recursive         :  time = 215
basicgcd              :  time = 211
rubygcd               :  time = 269
gcdwikipedia2         :  time = 323

This is Ruby's code per:
which is basically the wikepedia implementation.

inline static long
i_gcd(long x, long y)
    unsigned long u, v, t;
    int shift;

    if (x < 0)
	x = -x;
    if (y < 0)
	y = -y;

    if (x == 0)
	return y;
    if (y == 0)
	return x;

    u = (unsigned long)x;
    v = (unsigned long)y;
    for (shift = 0; ((u | v) & 1) == 0; ++shift) {
	u >>= 1;
	v >>= 1;

    while ((u & 1) == 0)
	u >>= 1;

    do {
	while ((v & 1) == 0)
	    v >>= 1;

	if (u > v) {
	    t = v;
	    v = u;
	    u = t;
	v = v - u;
    } while (v != 0);

    return (long)(u << shift);

This is the fastest implementation from the benchmarks. (I originally, wrongly, cited
the implementation in the article, which is 4|5th fastest in benchmarks, but
still almost 2x faster than the Ruby implementation.)

// based on wikipedia's article, 
// fixed by D. Lemire,  K. Willets
unsigned int gcdwikipedia7fast32(unsigned int u, unsigned int v)
     int shift, uz, vz;
     if ( u == 0) return v;
     if ( v == 0) return u;
     uz = __builtin_ctz(u);
     vz = __builtin_ctz(v);
     shift = uz > vz ? vz : uz;
     u >>= uz;
     do {
       v >>= vz;
       int diff = v;
       diff -= u;
       if ( diff == 0 ) break;
       vz = __builtin_ctz(diff);
       if ( v <  u ) u = v;
       v = abs(diff);
     } while( 1 );
     return u << shift;

The key to speeding up all the algorithms is using the __builtin_ctz(x) directive
to determine the number of trailing binary '0's.


rational.c.patch (1.22 KB) rational.c.patch gcd ahorek (Pavel Rosický), 12/28/2018 06:32 PM
Actions #1

Updated by jzakiya (Jabari Zakiya) over 6 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
  • Backport deleted (2.3: UNKNOWN, 2.4: UNKNOWN, 2.5: UNKNOWN)

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Assigned
  • Assignee set to watson1978 (Shizuo Fujita)

Thanks. Assigned to @watson1978 (Shizuo Fujita).

It would be very helpful if you could provide us a patch and perform the benchmark with Ruby implementation, not a toy benchmark program. Note that __builtin_ctzl is not available on some compilers. You need to check if it is available or not.

Updated by jzakiya (Jabari Zakiya) over 6 years ago


I just submitted this issue feature request:

to deal with the issue of using (or not) the __builtin_ctz compiler directive.

I implemented code that mimicked it that also greatly increases the ruby gcd performance.
I included the new code and benchmarks to the gist I previously linked.

[jzakiya@jabari-pc ~]$ ./gcd2
gcd between numbers in [1 and 2000]

gcdwikipedia7fast32   :  time = 73
gcdwikipedia4fast     :  time = 113
gcdFranke             :  time = 133
gcdwikipedia3fast     :  time = 139
gcdwikipedia2fastswap :  time = 162
gcdwikipedia5fast     :  time = 140
gcdwikipedia7fast     :  time = 129
gcdwikipedia2fast     :  time = 161
gcdwikipedia6fastxchg :  time = 145
gcdwikipedia2fastxchg :  time = 168
gcd_iterative_mod     :  time = 230
gcd_recursive         :  time = 232
basicgcd              :  time = 234
rubygcd               :  time = 305
gcdwikipedia2         :  time = 312
gcdwikipedia7fast32_a :  time = 129
gcdwikipedia4fast_a   :  time = 149
rubygcd_a             :  time = 193
rubygcd_b             :  time = 169
gcd between numbers in [1000000001 and 1000002000]

gcdwikipedia7fast32   :  time = 76
gcdwikipedia4fast     :  time = 106
gcdFranke             :  time = 121
gcdwikipedia3fast     :  time = 127
gcdwikipedia2fastswap :  time = 153
gcdwikipedia5fast     :  time = 126
gcdwikipedia7fast     :  time = 118
gcdwikipedia2fast     :  time = 148
gcdwikipedia6fastxchg :  time = 134
gcdwikipedia2fastxchg :  time = 154
gcd_iterative_mod     :  time = 215
gcd_recursive         :  time = 214
basicgcd              :  time = 220
rubygcd               :  time = 287
gcdwikipedia2         :  time = 289
gcdwikipedia7fast32_a :  time = 116
gcdwikipedia4fast_a   :  time = 142
rubygcd_a             :  time = 180
rubygcd_b             :  time = 155

Note using the __builtin_ctz mimicking code, instead of the directive itself,
still makes the gcdwikipedia7fast32_a the third fastest version, and obviously
the preferred implementation if not using __builtin_ctz.

I present this in asking you how you want me to proceed, because I don't really know
C code and how to do PRs to Ruby. If you can lay out a detailed process for me to do
that maybe I can assess what is in my capacity to do.

At minimum, the code for rubygcd_a could|can be incorporated into the codebase
without dealing right now with the __builtin_ctz directive issue.

Actions #4

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) over 6 years ago

No, no. You can just use __builtin_ctzl when it is available. All you need is check if it is available or not, and keep the original code for the case where __builtin_ctzl is unavailable. Gcc and clang provide it, so it is actually available in almost all cases. Even if __builtin_ctzl is unavailable, it should still build and work, but the performance does not matter, I think.

Ruby is already using __builtin_ctz and __builtin_ctzll. See and internal.h.

Updated by ahorek (Pavel Rosický) about 6 years ago

your micro-benchmarks aren't always fair, because some algorithms don't handle all edge cases, different data types etc.

for jruby I choose a different algorithm that is slightly slower than the fastest gcdwikipedia7fast32 (~15%) but in my opinion more readable.

here's the PR (gcdwikipedia7fast32 + minor changes)

and some ruby numbers (benchmark

all variants tested on AMD FX 8300 8C and gcc version 8.1.0 (Ubuntu 8.1.0-5ubuntu1~14.04)
ruby 2.7.0dev (2018-12-28 trunk 66617) [x86_64-linux]

         Time#subsec      2.969M (± 9.6%) i/s -     14.733M in   5.010950s
              Time#-      5.716M (±11.4%) i/s -     28.103M in   5.000934s
          Time#round    400.712k (±11.9%) i/s -      1.992M in   5.046665s
           Time#to_f      6.422M (±10.5%) i/s -     31.613M in   4.999488s
           Time#to_r      2.251M (±10.4%) i/s -     11.124M in   5.002516s
          Rational#+      5.377M (±10.1%) i/s -     26.577M in   5.001636s
          Rational#-      5.542M (± 9.5%) i/s -     27.419M in   5.001546s
          Rational#*      6.341M (± 9.5%) i/s -     31.390M in   5.002212s
                 gcd      6.922M (± 9.0%) i/s -     34.285M in   5.001389s

trunk + new gcd

         Time#subsec      3.348M (± 8.9%) i/s -     16.592M in   4.999620s / 1.13
              Time#-      5.840M (±11.6%) i/s -     28.728M in   5.000946s / 1.02
          Time#round    468.770k (±12.5%) i/s -      2.319M in   5.028050s / 1.17
           Time#to_f      6.713M (± 9.8%) i/s -     33.214M in   4.999639s / 1.05
           Time#to_r      3.191M (± 7.9%) i/s -     15.884M in   5.010305s / 1.42
          Rational#+      5.893M (±10.6%) i/s -     29.082M in   4.999884s / 1.10
          Rational#-      6.183M (±11.2%) i/s -     30.443M in   4.999746s / 1.12
          Rational#*      7.069M (±10.5%) i/s -     34.922M in   5.001804s / 1.11
                 gcd      9.742M (±10.4%) i/s -     48.159M in   5.007085s / 1.40

trunk + new gcd without __builtin_ctz support

         Time#subsec      2.699M (± 8.9%) i/s -     13.385M in   5.002527s / 0.89
              Time#-      5.734M (±10.6%) i/s -     28.224M in   5.002541s / 1.00
          Time#round    392.314k (±13.8%) i/s -      1.926M in   5.012040s / 0.98
           Time#to_f      6.725M (±10.5%) i/s -     33.163M in   4.999346s / 1.04
           Time#to_r      2.366M (± 9.1%) i/s -     11.705M in   5.004491s / 1.05
          Rational#+      5.429M (±10.1%) i/s -     26.851M in   5.006358s / 1.01
          Rational#-      5.544M (± 9.8%) i/s -     27.430M in   5.002418s / 0.98
          Rational#*      6.225M (±10.7%) i/s -     30.833M in   5.018386s / 0.98
                 gcd      7.001M (± 7.1%) i/s -     34.855M in   5.006972s / 1.01

alternative implementations
jruby (2.5.3) 2018-12-27 e51a3e4 Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 11.0.1+13-LTS on 11.0.1+13-LTS +jit [linux-x86_64]

         Time#subsec      5.018M (± 6.3%) i/s -     24.866M in   4.979170s
              Time#-      7.868M (± 5.6%) i/s -     39.066M in   4.985576s
          Time#round      3.461M (± 8.1%) i/s -     17.138M in   4.998527s
           Time#to_f      8.198M (± 5.2%) i/s -     40.775M in   4.990224s
           Time#to_r      4.789M (± 6.9%) i/s -     23.777M in   4.992261s
          Rational#+      5.217M (± 6.3%) i/s -     25.944M in   4.995694s
          Rational#-      5.701M (± 7.4%) i/s -     28.329M in   4.998743s
          Rational#*      6.290M (± 6.7%) i/s -     31.283M in   4.997365s
                 gcd      7.376M (± 7.2%) i/s -     36.625M in   4.995073s

truffleruby 1.0.0-rc10, like ruby 2.4.4, GraalVM CE Native [x86_64-linux]

         Time#subsec      3.541M (±67.8%) i/s -     13.706M in   4.986699s
              Time#-      8.279M (± 9.4%) i/s -     38.671M in   4.984896s
          Time#round    311.696k (±43.3%) i/s -    502.226k in   4.991276s
           Time#to_f     16.719M (± 9.2%) i/s -     75.067M in   4.981367s
           Time#to_r      1.386M (±21.2%) i/s -      5.045M in   4.993055s
          Rational#+      7.332M (±14.7%) i/s -     28.100M in   4.982371s
          Rational#-      7.354M (±24.3%) i/s -     22.682M in   4.992218s
          Rational#*      7.340M (±19.3%) i/s -     28.534M in   5.003816s
                 gcd     68.576M (± 4.7%) i/s -    326.812M in   4.908116s

as you can see Time#to_r and Integer#gcd is about 40% faster which is the best case scenario even when in your micro-benchmark it was 300% faster.

using the new algorithm without __builtin_ctz introduced some perf regressions, but they're within margin of error

I don't think this change will have some impact on real application's performance, all of these cases are just micro-benchmarks...


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