Bug #21097: `x = a rescue b in c` and `def f = a rescue b in c` parsed differently between parse.y and prism
Feature #20564: Switch default parser to Prism: #20564#note-8
Bug #20939: When using the parse.y parser, it occurs argument stack underflow (-1) if there is processing after the shareable_constant_value: experimental_everything comment and `C = { **{ k: v } }`: #20939#note-1
Bug #20785: Should `a in b, and c` `a in b, or c` `a in b, rescue c` be syntax ok?
Bug #20785: Should `a in b, and c` `a in b, or c` `a in b, rescue c` be syntax ok?: #20785#note-10
Feature #20624: Enhance `RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node#locations` method and `RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Location` class