


Bug #13337 ยป doc-eval-local-var.patch

jeremyevans0 (Jeremy Evans), 06/24/2019 08:56 PM

View differences:

the local variable is assigned-to then you attempt to call a nonexistent
== Local Variables and eval
Using +eval+ to evaluate Ruby code will allow access to local variables in
the same scope, even if if the local variables are not assigned until after
the call to +eval+. However, local variables set inside the call to +eval+
will not be reflected in the surrounding scope. Inside the call to +eval+,
local variables in the scope and local variables defined inside the call to
+eval+ will be accessible. However, you will not be able to access local
variables assigned in previous or subsequent calls to +eval+ in the same
scope. Consider each +eval+ call a separate nested scope. Example:
def m
eval "bar = 1"
lvs = eval "baz = 2; ary = [local_variables, foo, baz]; x = 2; ary"
eval "quux = 3"
foo = 1
lvs << local_variables
# => [[:baz, :ary, :x, :lvs, :foo], nil, 2, [:lvs, :foo]]
== Instance Variables
Instance variables are shared across all methods for the same object.