


Feature #13740 ยป 0001-doc-extension.rdoc-start-entries-for-threading-and-I.patch

normalperson (Eric Wong), 07/12/2017 09:53 PM

View differences:

must be a VALUE). Since it conflicts with "%i", for integers in
format strings, use "%d".
=== Threading
As of Ruby 1.9, Ruby supports native 1:1 threading with one kernel
thread per Ruby Thread object. Currently, there is a GVL (Global VM Lock)
which prevents simultaneous execution of Ruby code.
void rb_thread_schedule(void) ::
Give the scheduler a hint to pass execution to another thread.
void *rb_thread_call_without_gvl(void *(*func)(void *), void *data1, rb_unblock_function_t *ubf, void *data2) ::
Permits parallel execution of the given +func+ given the +data1+
argument. It will:
1. check for interrupts
2. release the GVL, allowing other Ruby threads to run
3. call +func(data1)+
4. acquire the GVL, disallowing other Ruby threads from running
5. check for interrupts
If an interrupt hits the the thread executing +func+, the +ubf+
("unblocking function") will be called with +data2+ to cancel
the running +func+. This allows Thread#kill, signal delivery,
VM-shutdown (Ctrl+C), etc to function properly.
There are built-in +ubf+ functions which may be specified:
* RUBY_UBF_IO - unblock an IO operation
* RUBY_UBF_PROCESS - unblock a process operation
+data2+ is ignored by these built-in functions
void *rb_thread_call_without_gvl2(void *(*func)(void *), void *data1, rb_unblock_function_t *ubf, void *data2) ::
Identical to rb_thread_call_without_gvl, but without checking
for interrupts before and after acquiring the GVL. +ubf+ is
still honored while +func+ is executing.
=== Input/Output (IO) on a single file descriptor
int rb_io_wait_readable(int fd) ::
Wait indefinitely for the given FD to become readable, allowing other
threads to be scheduled. Returns a true value if a read may be
performed, false if there is an unrecoverable error.
int rb_io_wait_writable(int fd) ::
Like rb_io_wait_readable, but for writability.
int rb_wait_for_single_fd(int fd, int events, struct timeval *timeout) ::
Allows waiting on a single FD for one or multiple events with a
specified timeout.
+events+ is a mask of any combination of the following values:
* RB_WAITFD_IN - wait for readability of normal data
* RB_WAITFD_OUT - wait for writability
* RB_WAITFD_PRI - wait for readability of urgent data
Use a NULL +timeout+ to wait indefinitely.
=== I/O Multiplexing
Ruby supports I/O multiplexing based on the select(2) system call.
The Linux select_tut(2) manpage
provides a good overview on how to use select(2), and the Ruby API has
analogous functions and data structures to the well-known select API.
Understanding of select(2) is required to understand this section.
typedef struct rb_fdset_t ::
The data structure which wraps the fd_set bitmap used by select(2).
This allows Ruby to use FD sets larger than that allowed by
historic limitations on modern platforms.
void rb_fd_init(rb_fdset_t *) ::
Initializes the rb_fdset_t, it must be initialized before other rb_fd_*
operations. Analogous to calling malloc(3) to allocate an fd_set.
void rb_fd_term(rb_fdset_t *) ::
Destroys the rb_fdset_t, releasing any memory and resources it used.
It must be reinitialized using rb_fd_init before future use.
Analogous to calling free(3) to release memory for an fd_set.
void rb_fd_zero(rb_fdset_t *) ::
Clears all FDs from the rb_fdset_t, analogous to FD_ZERO(3).
void rb_fd_set(int fd, rb_fdset_t *) ::
Adds a given FD in the rb_fdset_t, analogous to FD_SET(3).
void rb_fd_clr(int fd, rb_fdset_t *) ::
Removes a given FD from the rb_fdset_t, analogous to FD_CLR(3).
int rb_fd_isset(int fd, const rb_fdset_t *) ::
Returns true if a given FD is set in the rb_fdset_t, false if not.
Analogous to FD_ISSET(3).
int rb_thread_fd_select(int nfds, rb_fdset_t *readfds, rb_fdset_t *writefds, rb_fdset_t *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout) ::
Analogous to the select(2) system call, but allows other Ruby
threads to be scheduled while waiting.
When only waiting on a single FD, favor rb_io_wait_readable,
rb_io_wait_writable, or rb_wait_for_single_fd functions since
they can be optimized for specific platforms (currently, only Linux).
=== Initialize and Start the Interpreter
The embedding API functions are below (not needed for extension libraries):