


Feature #9071 » slice_after.patch

akr (Akira Tanaka), 05/10/2014 11:34 AM

View differences:

enum.c (working copy)
return enumerator;
struct sliceafter_arg {
VALUE pat;
VALUE pred;
VALUE prev_elts;
VALUE yielder;
static VALUE
sliceafter_ii(RB_BLOCK_CALL_FUNC_ARGLIST(i, _memo))
#define UPDATE_MEMO ((memo = MEMO_FOR(struct sliceafter_arg, _memo)), 1)
struct sliceafter_arg *memo;
int split_p;
if (NIL_P(memo->prev_elts)) {
memo->prev_elts = rb_ary_new3(1, i);
else {
rb_ary_push(memo->prev_elts, i);
split_p = 1;
if (!NIL_P(memo->pat)) {
split_p = RTEST(rb_funcall(memo->pat, id_eqq, 1, i));
if (split_p && !NIL_P(memo->pred)) {
split_p = RTEST(rb_funcall(memo->pred, id_call, 1, i));
if (split_p) {
rb_funcall(memo->yielder, id_lshift, 1, memo->prev_elts);
memo->prev_elts = Qnil;
return Qnil;
static VALUE
sliceafter_i(RB_BLOCK_CALL_FUNC_ARGLIST(yielder, enumerator))
VALUE enumerable;
VALUE arg;
struct sliceafter_arg *memo = NEW_MEMO_FOR(struct sliceafter_arg, arg);
enumerable = rb_ivar_get(enumerator, rb_intern("sliceafter_enum"));
memo->pat = rb_ivar_get(enumerator, rb_intern("sliceafter_pat"));
memo->pred = rb_attr_get(enumerator, rb_intern("sliceafter_pred"));
memo->prev_elts = Qnil;
memo->yielder = yielder;
rb_block_call(enumerable, id_each, 0, 0, sliceafter_ii, arg);
memo = MEMO_FOR(struct sliceafter_arg, arg);
if (!NIL_P(memo->prev_elts))
rb_funcall(memo->yielder, id_lshift, 1, memo->prev_elts);
return Qnil;
* call-seq:
* enum.slice_after(pattern) -> an_enumerator
* enum.slice_after { |elt| bool } -> an_enumerator
* Creates an enumerator for each chunked elements.
* The ends of chunks are defined by _pattern_ and the block.
* If <code>_pattern_ === _elt_</code> returns <code>true</code> or the block
* returns <code>true</code> for the element, the element is end of a
* chunk.
* The <code>===</code> and _block_ is called from the first element to the last
* element of _enum_.
* The result enumerator yields the chunked elements as an array.
* So +each+ method can be called as follows:
* enum.slice_after(pattern).each { |ary| ... }
* enum.slice_after { |elt| bool }.each { |ary| ... }
* Other methods of the Enumerator class and Enumerable module,
* such as map, etc., are also usable.
* For example, continuation lines (lines end with backslash) can be
* concatenated as follows:
* lines = ["foo\n", "bar\\\n", "baz\n", "\n", "qux\n"]
* e = lines.slice_after(/(?<!\\)\n\z/)
* p e.to_a
* #=> [["foo\n"], ["bar\\\n", "baz\n"], ["\n"], ["qux\n"]]
* p {|ll| ll[0...-1].map {|l| l.sub(/\\\n\z/, "") }.join + ll.last }
* #=>["foo\n", "barbaz\n", "\n", "qux\n"]
static VALUE
enum_slice_after(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE enumerable)
VALUE enumerator;
VALUE pat, pred;
rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "01", &pat);
if (rb_block_given_p())
pred = rb_block_proc();
pred = Qnil;
if (NIL_P(pat) && NIL_P(pred)) {
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "no pattan/block given");
if (!NIL_P(pat) && !NIL_P(pred)) {
rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "both pattan and block are given");
enumerator = rb_obj_alloc(rb_cEnumerator);
rb_ivar_set(enumerator, rb_intern("sliceafter_pat"), pat);
rb_ivar_set(enumerator, rb_intern("sliceafter_pred"), pred);
rb_ivar_set(enumerator, rb_intern("sliceafter_enum"), enumerable);
rb_block_call(enumerator, idInitialize, 0, 0, sliceafter_i, enumerator);
return enumerator;
* The <code>Enumerable</code> mixin provides collection classes with
* several traversal and searching methods, and with the ability to
rb_define_method(rb_mEnumerable, "cycle", enum_cycle, -1);
rb_define_method(rb_mEnumerable, "chunk", enum_chunk, -1);
rb_define_method(rb_mEnumerable, "slice_before", enum_slice_before, -1);
rb_define_method(rb_mEnumerable, "slice_after", enum_slice_after, -1);
id_next = rb_intern("next");
id_call = rb_intern("call");
enumerator.c (working copy)
rb_define_method(rb_cLazy, "lazy", lazy_lazy, 0);
rb_define_method(rb_cLazy, "chunk", lazy_super, -1);
rb_define_method(rb_cLazy, "slice_before", lazy_super, -1);
rb_define_method(rb_cLazy, "slice_after", lazy_super, -1);
rb_define_alias(rb_cLazy, "force", "to_a");
test/ruby/test_enum.rb (working copy)
def test_slice_after0
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { [].slice_after }
def test_slice_after1
e = [].slice_after {|a| flunk "should not be called" }
assert_equal([], e.to_a)
e = [1,2].slice_after(1)
assert_equal([[1], [2]], e.to_a)
e = [1,2].slice_after(3)
assert_equal([[1, 2]], e.to_a)
[true, false].each {|b|
block_results = [true, b]
e = [1,2].slice_after {|a| block_results.shift }
assert_equal([[1], [2]], e.to_a)
assert_equal([], block_results)
block_results = [false, b]
e = [1,2].slice_after {|a| block_results.shift }
assert_equal([[1, 2]], e.to_a)
assert_equal([], block_results)
def test_slice_after_both_pattern_and_block
assert_raise(ArgumentError) { [].slice_after(1) {|a| true } }
def test_slice_after_continuation_lines
lines = ["foo\n", "bar\\\n", "baz\n", "\n", "qux\n"]
e = lines.slice_after(/[^\\]\n\z/)
assert_equal([["foo\n"], ["bar\\\n", "baz\n"], ["\n", "qux\n"]], e.to_a)
def test_slice_before_empty_line
lines = ["foo", "", "bar"]
e = lines.slice_after(/\A\s*\z/)
assert_equal([["foo", ""], ["bar"]], e.to_a)
def test_detect
@obj = ('a'..'z')
assert_equal('c', @obj.detect {|x| x == 'c' })
test/ruby/test_lazy_enumerator.rb (working copy)
bug7507 = '[ruby-core:51510]'
slice_before: //,
slice_after: //,
with_index: nil,
cycle: nil,
each_with_object: 42,