


Misc #9421 ยป 0001-doc-contributing.rdoc-allow-encourage-other-git-host.patch

normalperson (Eric Wong), 01/16/2014 09:34 AM

View differences:

Now that you've got some code you want to contribute, let's get set up to
generate a patch. Start by forking the github mirror, check the {github docs on
forking}[] if you get stuck here.
here. You will also need a github account if you don't yet have one.
here. You will only need a github account if you intend to host your repository
on github.
Next copy the writable url for your fork and add it as a git remote, replace
"my_username" with your github account name:
tracker. Alternatively you can submit a pull request, but for the best chances
to receive feedback add it is recommended you add it to redmine.
Since git is a distributed system, you are welcome to host your git repository
on any {publically accessible hosting
site}[], including {hosting your
You may use the {'git format-patch'}[]
command to generate patch files to upload to redmine. You may also use
the {'git request-pull'}[] command for
formatting pull request messages to redmine.