


Bug #6749 ยป time_rdoc_explanation_of_leap_seconds.patch

stomar (Marcus Stollsteimer), 07/18/2012 05:13 AM

View differences:

time.c (Arbeitskopie)
* call-seq:
* time.sec -> fixnum
* Returns the second of the minute (0..60)<em>[Yes, seconds really can
* range from zero to 60. This allows the system to inject leap seconds
* every now and then to correct for the fact that years are not really
* a convenient number of hours long.]</em> for <i>time</i>.
* Returns the second of the minute (0..60) for <i>time</i>.
* <em>[Yes, seconds really can range from zero to 60. This allows the
* system to inject leap seconds every now and then to correct for the
* fact that days are not exactly 86400 seconds or 24 hours long.]</em>
* t = #=> 2007-11-19 08:25:02 -0600
* t.sec #=> 2