


Bug #6738 » lib_logger_rdoc_typos.patch

stomar (Marcus Stollsteimer), 07/16/2012 02:19 AM

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lib/logger.rb (Arbeitskopie)
# The messages have associated levels, such as +INFO+ or +ERROR+ that indicate
# their importance. You can then give the Logger a level, and only messages
# at that level of higher will be printed.
# at that level or higher will be printed.
# The levels are:
# +FATAL+:: an unhandleable error that results in a program crash
# +ERROR+:: a handleable error condition
# +WARN+:: a warning
# +INFO+:: generic (useful) information about system operation
# +DEBUG+:: low-level information for developers
# +UNKNOWN+:: An unknown message that should always be logged.
# +FATAL+:: An unhandleable error that results in a program crash.
# +ERROR+:: A handleable error condition.
# +WARN+:: A warning.
# +INFO+:: Generic (useful) information about system operation.
# +DEBUG+:: Low-level information for developers.
# For instance, in a production system, you may have your Logger set to
# +INFO+ or even +WARN+
# +INFO+ or even +WARN+.
# When you are developing the system, however, you probably
# want to know about the program's internal state, and would set the Logger to
# +DEBUG+.
# === Example
# This creates a logger to the standard output stream, with a level of +WARN+
# This creates a Logger to the standard output stream, with a level of +WARN+:
# log =
# log.level = Logger::WARN
# log.debug("Created logger")
#"Program started")
# log.warn("Nothing to do!")
# log.debug('Created logger')
#'Program started')
# log.warn('Nothing to do!')
# begin
# File.each_line(path) do |line|
# end
# end
# rescue => err
# log.fatal("Caught exception; exiting")
# log.fatal('Caught exception; exiting')
# log.fatal(err)
# end
# file ='foo.log', File::WRONLY | File::APPEND)
# # To create new (and to remove old) logfile, add File::CREAT like;
# # file = open('foo.log', File::WRONLY | File::APPEND | File::CREAT)
# # file ='foo.log', File::WRONLY | File::APPEND | File::CREAT)
# logger =
# 4. Create a logger which ages logfile once it reaches a certain size. Leave
# 10 "old log files" and each file is about 1,024,000 bytes.
# 4. Create a logger which ages the logfile once it reaches a certain size.
# Leave 10 "old" log files where each file is about 1,024,000 bytes.
# logger ='foo.log', 10, 1024000)
# 5. Create a logger which ages logfile daily/weekly/monthly.
# 5. Create a logger which ages the logfile daily/weekly/monthly.
# logger ='foo.log', 'daily')
# logger ='foo.log', 'weekly')
# +debug+. +add+ is used below to log a message of an arbitrary (perhaps
# dynamic) level.
# 1. Message in block.
# 1. Message in a block.
# logger.fatal { "Argument 'foo' not given." }
# 2. Message as a string.
# logger.error "Argument #{ @foo } mismatch."
# logger.error "Argument #{@foo} mismatch."
# 3. With progname.
#'initialize') { "Initializing..." }
#'initialize') { 'Initializing...' }
# 4. With severity.
# but to delay their evaluation until and unless the message is
# logged. For example, if we have the following:
# logger.debug { "This is a " + potentially + " expensive operation" }
# logger.debug { 'This is a ' + potentially + ' expensive operation' }
# If the logger's level is +INFO+ or higher, no debug messages will be logged,
# and the entire block will not even be evaluated. Compare to this:
# logger.debug("This is a " + potentially + " expensive operation")
# logger.debug('This is a ' + potentially + ' expensive operation')
# Here, the string concatenation is done every time, even if the log
# level is not set to show the debug message.
# logger.level = Logger::INFO
# == Format
# default. The default format and a sample are shown below:
# Log format:
# SeverityID, [Date Time mSec #pid] SeverityLabel -- ProgName: message
# SeverityID, [Date Time uSec #pid] SeverityLabel -- ProgName: message
# Log sample:
# I, [Wed Mar 03 02:34:24 JST 1999 895701 #19074] INFO -- Main: info.
# You may change the date and time format via #datetime_format=
# You may change the date and time format via #datetime_format=.
# logger.datetime_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
# logger.datetime_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
# # e.g. "2004-01-03 00:54:26"
# Or, you may change the overall format with #formatter= method.
# Or, you may change the overall format via the #formatter= method.
# logger.formatter = proc do |severity, datetime, progname, msg|
# "#{datetime}: #{msg}\n"
# end
# # e.g. "Thu Sep 22 08:51:08 GMT+9:00 2005: hello world"
# # e.g. 'Thu Sep 22 08:51:08 GMT+9:00 2005: hello world'
class Logger
VERSION = "1.2.7"
# Logging severity.
module Severity
# Low-level information, mostly for developers
# Low-level information, mostly for developers.
# generic, useful information about system operation
# Generic (useful) information about system operation.
INFO = 1
# a warning
# A warning.
WARN = 2
# a handleable error condition
# A handleable error condition.
# an unhandleable error that results in a program crash
# An unhandleable error that results in a program crash.
# an unknown message that should always be logged
# An unknown message that should always be logged.
include Severity
# Logging severity threshold (e.g. <tt>Logger::INFO</tt>).
attr_accessor :level
# program name to include in log messages.
# Program name to include in log messages.
attr_accessor :progname
# Set date-time format.
# Logging formatter, as a +Proc+ that will take four arguments and
# return the formatted message. The arguments are:
# +severity+:: The Severity of the log message
# +time+:: A Time instance representing when the message was logged
# +progname+:: The #progname configured, or passed to the logger method
# +severity+:: The Severity of the log message.
# +time+:: A Time instance representing when the message was logged.
# +progname+:: The #progname configured, or passed to the logger method.
# +msg+:: The _Object_ the user passed to the log message; not necessarily a
# String.
# +true+ if successful, +false+ otherwise.
# When the given severity is not high enough (for this particular logger), log
# no message, and return +true+.
# When the given severity is not high enough (for this particular logger),
# log no message, and return +true+.
# === Description
# * Logfile is not locked.
# * Append open does not need to lock file.
# * If the OS which supports multi I/O, records possibly be mixed.
# * If the OS supports multi I/O, records possibly may be mixed.
def add(severity, message = nil, progname = nil, &block)
severity ||= UNKNOWN
# :call-seq:
# info(message)
# info(progname,&block)
# info(progname, &block)
# Log an +INFO+ message.
# +message+:: the message to log; does not need to be a String
# +progname+:: in the block form, this is the #progname to use in the
# the log message. The default can be set with #progname=
# <tt>&block</tt>:: evaluates to the message to log. This is not evaluated
# +message+:: The message to log; does not need to be a String.
# +progname+:: In the block form, this is the #progname to use in the
# log message. The default can be set with #progname=.
# <tt>&block</tt>:: Evaluates to the message to log. This is not evaluated
# unless the logger's level is sufficient
# to log the message. This allows you to create
# potentially expensive logging messages that are
# === Examples
#"MainApp") { "Received connection from #{ip}" }
#'MainApp') { "Received connection from #{ip}" }
# # ...
# "Waiting for input from user"
# 'Waiting for input from user'
# # ...
# { "User typed #{input}" }
# Log an +UNKNOWN+ message. This will be printed no matter what the logger's
# level.
# level is.
# See #info for more information.
# Severity label for logging. (max 5 char)
# Severity label for logging (max 5 chars).
def format_severity(severity)
# Default formatter for log messages
# Default formatter for log messages.
class Formatter
Format = "%s, [%s#%d] %5s -- %s: %s\n"
# == Description
# Application -- Add logging support to your application.
# Application --- Add logging support to your application.
# == Usage
# 1. Define your application class as a sub-class of this class.
# 2. Override 'run' method in your class to do many things.
# 3. Instantiate it and invoke 'start'.
# 2. Override the +run+ method in your class to do many things.
# 3. Instantiate it and invoke #start.
# == Example