


Bug #6410 » 0003-Add-documentation-for-SDBM.patch

revisions from zzak - zzak (zzak _), 05/11/2012 12:36 AM

View differences:

* call-seq:
* sdbm.closed? -> true or false
* Returns true if the database is closed.
* Returns +true+ if the database is closed.
static VALUE
fsdbm_closed(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
*, mode = 0666)
* Creates a new database handle by opening the given _filename_. sdbm actually
* Creates a new database handle by opening the given _filename_. SDBM actually
* uses two physical files, with extensions '.dir' and '.pag'. These extensions
* will automatically be appended to the _filename_.
* If the file does not exist, a new file will be created using the given _mode_, unless _mode_ is explicitly set to nil. In the latter case, no database will be created.
* If the file does not exist, a new file will be created using the given
* _mode_, unless _mode_ is explicitly set to nil. In the latter case, no
* database will be created.
* If the file exists, it will be opened in read/write mode. If this fails, it will be opened in read-only mode.
* If the file exists, it will be opened in read/write mode. If this fails, it
* will be opened in read-only mode.
static VALUE
fsdbm_initialize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
*, mode = 0666)
*, mode = 0666) { |sdbm| ... }
* If called without a block, this is the same as
* If called without a _block_, this is the same as
* If a block is given, the new database will be passed to the block and
* will be safely closed after the block has executed.
* If a _block_ is given, the new database will be passed to the _block_ and
* will be safely closed after the _block_ has executed.
* Example:
* call-seq:
* sdbm[key] -> value or nil
* Returns the value in the database associated with the given _key_ string.
* Returns the _value_ in the database associated with the given _key_ string.
* If no value is found, returns nil.
* If no value is found, returns +nil+.
static VALUE
fsdbm_aref(VALUE obj, VALUE keystr)
* sdbm.fetch(key) -> value or nil
* sdbm.fetch(key) { |key| ... }
* Returns the value in the database associated with the given _key_ string.
* Returns the _value_ in the database associated with the given _key_ string.
* If a block is provided, the block will be called when there is no value
* If a _block_ is provided, the _block_ will be called when there is no _value_
* associated with the given _key_. The _key_ will be passed in as an argument to
* the block.
* the _block_.
* If no block is provided and no value is associated with the given _key_,
* If no _block_ is provided and no value is associated with the given _key_,
* then an IndexError will be raised.
static VALUE
* call-seq:
* sdbm.key(value) -> key
* Returns the key associated with the given _value_. If more than one
* key corresponds to the given value, then the first key to be found
* will be returned. If no keys are found, nil will be returned.
* Returns the _key_ associated with the given _value_. If more than one
* _key_ corresponds to the given _value_, then the first key to be found
* will be returned. If no keys are found, +nil+ will be returned.
static VALUE
fsdbm_key(VALUE obj, VALUE valstr)
* call-seq:
* sdbm.index(value) -> key
* This method is the same as SDBM#key and has been deprecated.
* :nodoc:
static VALUE
fsdbm_index(VALUE hash, VALUE value)
/* call-seq:
* { |key, value| block } -> array
* { |key, value| block } -> Array
* Returns a new array of key-value pairs for which the _block_ returns
* true.
* Returns a new Array of key-value pairs for which the _block_ returns +true+.
* Example:
* veggies = do |key, value|
* value == 'vegetable'
* end #=> [["apple", "fruit"], ["pear", "fruit"]]
* end #=> [["apple", "fruit"], ["pear", "fruit"]]
* end
static VALUE
/* call-seq:
* sdbm.values_at(key, ...) -> array
* sdbm.values_at(key, ...) -> Array
* Returns an array of values corresponding to the given keys.
* Returns an Array of values corresponding to the given keys.
static VALUE
fsdbm_values_at(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE obj)
* sdbm.delete(key) -> value or nil
* sdbm.delete(key) { |key, value| ... }
* Deletes the kay-value pair corresponding to the given _key_. If the
* key exists, the deleted value will be returned, otherwise nil.
* Deletes the key-value pair corresponding to the given _key_. If the
* _key_ exists, the deleted value will be returned, otherwise +nil+.
* If a block is provided, the deleted key and value will be passed to the
* block as arguments. If the key does not exist in the database, the
* value will be nil.
* If a _block_ is provided, the deleted _key_ and _value_ will be passed to
* the _block_ as arguments. If the _key_ does not exist in the database, the
* value will be +nil+.
static VALUE
fsdbm_delete(VALUE obj, VALUE keystr)
* call-seq:
* sdbm.shift -> array or nil
* sdbm.shift -> Array or nil
* Removes a key-value pair from the database and returns them as an
* array. If the database is empty, returns nil.
* Array. If the database is empty, returns +nil+.
static VALUE
fsdbm_shift(VALUE obj)
* sdbm.reject! { |key, value| block } -> self
* Iterates over the key-value pairs in the database, deleting those for
* which the _block_ returns true.
* which the _block_ returns +true+.
static VALUE
fsdbm_delete_if(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
*, value) -> value
* Stores a new value in the database with the given _key_ as an index.
* Stores a new _value_ in the database with the given _key_ as an index.
* If the key already exists, this will update the value associated with
* the key.
* If the _key_ already exists, this will update the _value_ associated with
* the _key_.
* Returns the given _value_.
* call-seq:
* sdbm.empty? -> true or false
* Returns true if the database is empty.
* Returns +true+ if the database is empty.
static VALUE
fsdbm_empty_p(VALUE obj)
* sdbm.each_value
* sdbm.each_value { |value| ... }
* Iterates over each value in the database.
* Iterates over each _value_ in the database.
* If no block is given, returns an Enumerator.
* If no _block_ is given, returns an Enumerator.
static VALUE
fsdbm_each_value(VALUE obj)
* sdbm.each_key
* sdbm.each_key { |key| ... }
* Iterates over each key in the database.
* Iterates over each _key_ in the database.
* If no block is given, returns an Enumerator.
* If no _block_ is given, returns an Enumerator.
static VALUE
fsdbm_each_key(VALUE obj)
* Iterates over each key-value pair in the database.
* If no block is given, returns an Enumerator.
* If no _block_ is given, returns an Enumerator.
static VALUE
fsdbm_each_pair(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* sdbm.keys -> array
* sdbm.keys -> Array
* Returns a new array containing the keys in the database.
* Returns a new Array containing the keys in the database.
static VALUE
fsdbm_keys(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* sdbm.values -> array
* sdbm.values -> Array
* Returns a new array containing the values in the database.
* Returns a new Array containing the values in the database.
static VALUE
fsdbm_values(VALUE obj)
* call-seq:
* sdbm.has_key?(key) -> true or false
* Returns true if the database contains the given _key_.
* Returns +true+ if the database contains the given _key_.
static VALUE
fsdbm_has_key(VALUE obj, VALUE keystr)
* call-seq:
* sdbm.has_value?(key) -> true or false
* Returns true if the database contains the given _value_.
* Returns +true+ if the database contains the given _value_.
static VALUE
fsdbm_has_value(VALUE obj, VALUE valstr)
* call-seq:
* sdbm.to_a -> array
* sdbm.to_a -> Array
* Returns a new array containing each key-value pair in the database.
* Returns a new Array containing each key-value pair in the database.
* Example:
* Creates a new Hash using the key-value pairs from the database, then
* calls Hash#reject with the given _block_, which returns a Hash with
* only the key-value pairs for which the block returns false.
* only the key-value pairs for which the _block_ returns +false+.
static VALUE
fsdbm_reject(VALUE obj)