


Bug #5428 ยป 0001-Format-numbered-list-in-Usage-paragraph.patch

sdaubert (Sylvain Daubert), 10/09/2011 10:42 PM

View differences:

* = Usage
* (1) require ""
* (2) do Coverage.start
* (3) require or load Ruby source file
* (4) Coverage.result will return a hash that contains filename as key and
* coverage array as value.
* 1. require ""
* 2. do Coverage.start
* 3. require or load Ruby source file
* 4. Coverage.result will return a hash that contains filename as key and
* coverage array as value. A coverage array gives, for each line, the
* number of line execution by the interpreter. A +nil+ stands for
* <i>disabled coverage for this line</i>.
* = Example