Feature #16456
Updated by aaronc81 (Aaron Christiansen) almost 5 years ago
A method defined with `...` as its parameter list is equivalent to one defined with `*args, &blk`, according to `Method#parameters`. ```ruby ``` def foo(...); end p method(:foo).parameters # => [[:rest, :*], [:block, :&]] ``` Even in Ruby 2.7, `...` and `*args, &blk` are not _quite_ equivalent as the latter may produce a warning where the former does not. In Ruby 3.0 and beyond, `...` and `*args, &blk` will have a substantial semantic difference. Due to this, I don't consider the current behaviour of `Method#parameters` particularly ideal when dealing with methods using this new syntax. If the goal of `...` is to be a "delegate everything" operator, even when parameter passing is changed like in Ruby 3.0, I would propose that `Method#parameters` considers it a unique type of parameter. For example: ```ruby ``` def foo(...); end p method(:foo).parameters # => [[:delegate, :"..."]] ```