Feature #12719
Updated by halogenandtoast (Matthew Mongeau) over 8 years ago
Other languages have operators for performing partial updates on maps. I feel like Struct could be more useful if it provided an easy way of performing partial (or full) updates. After the change you can do the following: ~~~ ruby Point = Struct.new(:x, :y) p = Point.new(1, 2) p2 = p.merge(y: 4) p | { y: 4 } p3 = p2.merge(x: 10) p2 | { x: 10 } puts p.inspect # => #<struct Point x=1, y=2> puts p2.inspect # => #<struct Point x=1, y=4> puts p3.inspect # => #<struct Point x=10, y=4> p.merge!("x" => 9) p.inspect # => #<struct Point x=9, y=2> ~~~