


Bug #11593

Updated by gazay (Alex Gaziev) almost 9 years ago

Koichi, can you please help. There are lines in a dump that are not referenced by anyone else. And these are not ROOTs. For example, I'm looking analysing leak in my dump by address of object application and there I'm using ObjectSpace.dump_all to build graphs from ROOT objects to leaked objects to understand where is no other the leak. 
 And I found that I can't trace some of objects which have by their references to this object: 

 $ ag 0x7fc4adc55a20 dump.json 

 1812949:{"address":"0x7fc4adc55a20", "type":"DATA", "class":"0xaf6c70", "struct":"proc", "references":["0x7fc4adc55a48", "0x7fc504140390", "0x7fc4adc55a20", "0x7fc5041404d0"], "memsize":104} 

 How can it be? Is it a dead object who got in a dump or am I missing something? ROOTs.
