Bug #20938
Updated by eightbitraptor (Matt V-H) 9 days ago
The following code defines 2 programs that declare string literals using `%` and a single byte delimiter. I'd expect these programs to have the same output no matter which delimiter is used.
With Prism, both programs output the same value (the string content: `1_\n`), but using parse.y the output values differ depending on the delimiter.
Are the outputs supposed to be the same or different?
program1 = "%\n1_\r\n\n" # => parse.y: 1_, prism: "1_\n"
program2 = "%'1_\r\n'" # => "1_\n"
p eval(program1)
p eval(program2)
[[Github Issue]](https://github.com/ruby/prism/pull/3290)