Bug #20714
Updated by Earlopain (A S) 2 months ago
I've encountered a few places around bundled gems where the library doesn't care if the gem is available, but will still provide some functionallity if it is. The way to accomplish that right now seems to be by setting `$VERBOSE = nil` and resetting it later again to not bother the user with the warning about the gem. However, this has the effect of silencing the warning about other gems as well, that may not be prepared about the bundling. From `ruby/reline` for example: https://github.com/ruby/reline/blob/c90f08f7e308d2f1cdd7cfaf9939fe45ce546fd2/lib/reline/terminfo.rb#L1-L15 Or the `logging` gem: https://github.com/TwP/logging/blob/df41715364f7eb8c65098cd3c3316677ef1f3784/lib/logging.rb#L9-L15 I propose to simply delay the warning to the next require. GitHub PR at https://github.com/ruby/ruby/pull/11545 ...