



Bug #3000


Open SSL Segfaults

Added by docwhat (Christian Höltje) almost 15 years ago. Updated almost 14 years ago.

ruby -v:


According the OpenSSL docs, we need to set the store-> to NULL before doing a verify on an x509 store.

See the attached patch. It's a simple change and prevents segfaults or undefined behavior when using SSL. This is probably a security problem, but I don't know enough to figure out how to exploit it.

The patch applies to the latest 1.9.1 as well as the p243 it was written for.


openssl.patch (447 Bytes) openssl.patch One Line Patch docwhat (Christian Höltje), 03/24/2010 06:20 AM

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to Ruby master - Bug #3817: current ruby-openssl impl wrongly utilizes CRYPTO_EX_DATA in X509_STOREClosedActions
Actions #1

Updated by docwhat (Christian Höltje) almost 15 years ago

Okay, I thought this seemed familiar....

bug #1678 and bug #405 are also the same problem. This should really be fixed. It is a simple fix and has potential security issues.

Actions #2

Updated by nahi (Hiroshi Nakamura) almost 15 years ago


On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 06:20, Christian Höltje wrote:

According the OpenSSL docs, we need to set the store-> to NULL before doing a verify on an x509 store.

Would you please point an URL of the above document? I cannot find it...

I think that current ruby-openssl impl wrongly utilizes CRYPTO_EX_DATA
in X509_STORE
(I'm not talking about one in X509_STORE_CTX) and it requires fixes
a little bit more.

// NaHi


Actions #3

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 15 years ago


2010/3/25 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi :

On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 06:20, Christian Holtje wrote:

According the OpenSSL docs, we need to set the store-> to NULL before doing a verify on an x509 store.

Would you please point an URL of the above document? I cannot find it...

Me too.

But, I confirmed that CRYPTO_set_ex_data actually dereferences the
field in the following version of openssl:

0.9.6a / 0.9.7a / 0.9.8a / 0.9.8j-n / 1.0.0-beta5

Though I cannot determine whether it is in ruby-openssl or openssl
itself, there is certainly a bug.

I'll commit Christian's patch soon. Thanks!

Yusuke ENDOH


Actions #4

Updated by nahi (Hiroshi Nakamura) almost 15 years ago


On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 22:56, Yusuke ENDOH wrote:

Though I cannot determine whether it is in ruby-openssl or openssl
itself, there is certainly a bug.


I'll commit Christian's patch soon.  Thanks!

It's OK for a few days workaround. Please don't mind when I'll revert
the "fix" later.

// NaHi


Actions #5

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 15 years ago


2010/3/26 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi :

On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 22:56, Yusuke ENDOH wrote:

Though I cannot determine whether it is in ruby-openssl or openssl
itself, there is certainly a bug.


I'll commit Christian's patch soon. Thanks!

It's OK for a few days workaround. Please don't mind when I'll revert
the "fix" later.


BTW, why don't you become a maintainer of ruby-openssl?
I guess you're eligible.

Yusuke ENDOH


Actions #6

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 15 years ago

  • Status changed from Open to Closed

Applied at r27064. Thank you!

Actions #7

Updated by nahi (Hiroshi Nakamura) almost 15 years ago

It would be better off waiting for Christian's response.

Would you please reopen this ticket, Yusuke?

Actions #8

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 15 years ago


2010/3/28 Hiroshi NAKAMURA :

It would be better off waiting for Christian's response.

When you revert the patch, he can complain if he is not satisfied
with the revert.
But I believe Christian will not complain about how to fix, unless
SEGV occurs.

Would you please reopen this ticket, Yusuke?

In terms of release management, I don't want to leave bug ticket
open just because of such a confirmation.

And I guess it is better for you to register a new ticket for your
concern of [ruby-core:28969] with the detail description.

Yusuke ENDOH


Actions #9

Updated by nahi (Hiroshi Nakamura) almost 15 years ago


On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 12:44, Yusuke ENDOH wrote:

It would be better off waiting for Christian's response.

When you revert the patch, he can complain if he is not satisfied
with the revert.
But I believe Christian will not complain about how to fix, unless
SEGV occurs.

I'm not waiting for the confirmation. I'm asking Christian for
guessing how the "fix" you committed is correct.

Would you please reopen this ticket, Yusuke?

In terms of release management, I don't want to leave bug ticket
open just because of such a confirmation.

Closing a ticket too soon generally is not good for release management
I think. But I'm not a member of 1.9.1 development so it's your

I don't think it should be done but you can close these tickets as well:

// NaHi


Actions #10

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 15 years ago


2010/3/28 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi :

On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 12:44, Yusuke ENDOH wrote:

It would be better off waiting for Christian's response.

When you revert the patch, he can complain if he is not satisfied
with the revert.
But I believe Christian will not complain about how to fix, unless
SEGV occurs.

I'm not waiting for the confirmation. I'm asking Christian for
guessing how the "fix" you committed is correct.

I cannot get your point.
I just commited the patch written by Christian himself. Why
do we need his guessing?

Would you please reopen this ticket, Yusuke?

In terms of release management, I don't want to leave bug ticket
open just because of such a confirmation.

Closing a ticket too soon generally is not good for release management
I think. But I'm not a member of 1.9.1 development so it's your

Currently, there is a convention that a ticket is closed when
a commit is done.
In fact, redmine even has an automatic mechanism that closes
ticket when any committer writes ML reference to ChangeLog in
trunk. (The mechanism does not work sometimes, though.)

It is good to discuss the convention, but I prefer the current

Indeed, it is better to ask original poster to confirm whether
his/her issue is actually solved or not before closing tickets.
But it requires human-resource to manage tickets. We cannot
afford to do so.

I don't think it should be done but you can close these tickets as well:

Thank you. I couldn't identify some of these tickets.

  • #3000 and #1678 are already closed.
  • I'm not sure whether #2596 is really the same problem.
    I'll close it later unless there is objection.
  • #1142 needs backport to ruby_1_9_1.
  • #405 needs backport to ruby_1_8_7.

Yusuke ENDOH


Actions #11

Updated by nahi (Hiroshi Nakamura) almost 15 years ago


On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 16:43, Yusuke ENDOH wrote:

When you revert the patch, he can complain if he is not satisfied
with the revert.
But I believe Christian will not complain about how to fix, unless
SEGV occurs.

I'm not waiting for the confirmation. I'm asking Christian for
guessing how the "fix" you committed is correct.

I cannot get your point.
I just commited the patch written by Christian himself.  Why
do we need his guessing?

Not by the reporter. I thought we should know how the "fix" is
correct (or not.) But I've now understood that you closed the ticket
for the fact that you've applied the patch by contributor. I think
it's OK for you.

Closing a ticket too soon generally is not good for release management
I think. But I'm not a member of 1.9.1 development so it's your

Currently, there is a convention that a ticket is closed when
a commit is done.

Thanks for the explanation. But I wasn't talking about the point
about confirmation by a reporter. There's a ticket that the cause is
not fully identified yet but someone closed the ticket with a applying
a workaround patch while I was digging into it by asking the reporter.
I said it's not good about this point.

// NaHi


Actions #12

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 15 years ago


2010/3/28 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi :

There's a ticket that the cause is
not fully identified yet but someone closed the ticket with a applying
a workaround patch while I was digging into it by asking the reporter.

Aha, I understand what you mean.

There was certainly a bug at hand. And I thought the patch worked
out the bug in the short term. So I committed it and closed this

Indeed, the patch may be formally wrong. The patch might be poking
undocumented feature or bug of openssl. As you said, ruby-openssl
might need major revamping including its design.

However, such document investigation and major revamping take cost.
Because there is no maintainer for ruby-openssl, we can't help but
do superficial fix, unfortunately.

Hiroshi, please think about becoming maintainer for openssl. It
will make everybody happy :-)

Yusuke ENDOH


Actions #13

Updated by nahi (Hiroshi Nakamura) almost 15 years ago


On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 21:24, Yusuke ENDOH wrote:

There's a ticket that the cause is
not fully identified yet but someone closed the ticket with a applying
a workaround patch while I was digging into it by asking the reporter.

There was certainly a bug at hand.  And I thought the patch worked
out the bug in the short term.  So I committed it and closed this

Indeed, the patch may be formally wrong.  The patch might be poking
undocumented feature or bug of openssl.  As you said, ruby-openssl
might need major revamping including its design.

However, such document investigation and major revamping take cost.
Because there is no maintainer for ruby-openssl, we can't help but
do superficial fix, unfortunately.

The problem, for me, was closing the ticket without giving a time to
identify the cost for fix. Applying the workaround patch is OK. You
could have waited a response as I wrote in [ruby-core:29074].

Hiroshi, please think about becoming maintainer for openssl.  It
will make everybody happy :-)

Becoming a maintainer fixes the 'closing ticket too soon' problem? I
don't think so. And I'm afraid but I'm already had enough projects
lined up. I think we should consider [ruby-dev:40741] for real (gem
out openssl for 1.9)

// NaHi


Actions #14

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 15 years ago


2010/3/29 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi :

On Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 21:24, Yusuke ENDOH wrote:

However, such document investigation and major revamping take cost.
Because there is no maintainer for ruby-openssl, we can't help but
do superficial fix, unfortunately.

The problem, for me, was closing the ticket without giving a time to
identify the cost for fix.

Time will not solve a concern unless there is a person who
considers the concern, I think.

Hiroshi, please think about becoming maintainer for openssl. ?It
will make everybody happy :-)

Becoming a maintainer fixes the 'closing ticket too soon' problem?

I think so. If you are a maintainer, the ticket can be left
open with assigning to you. A release manager can ask you
the current status, and can encourage you to address/update
tickets assigned to you :-)

Okay, now I can verbalize more precisely what I really hate.
I hate open and NOT ASSIGNED tickets. They should be clarifed
where their responsibility lies. If there is no one who has
responsibility, it is unfortune but unavoidable to close
such tickets as WONTFIX.

Yusuke ENDOH


Actions #15

Updated by nahi (Hiroshi Nakamura) almost 15 years ago


On Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 22:15, Yusuke ENDOH wrote:

The problem, for me, was closing the ticket without giving a time to
identify the cost for fix.

Time will not solve a concern unless there is a person who
considers the concern, I think.

Even though I'd posted a question before closing? You don't allow
non-maintainer's contribution? I don't think you don't.

Okay, now I can verbalize more precisely what I really hate.
I hate open and NOT ASSIGNED tickets.  They should be clarifed
where their responsibility lies.  If there is no one who has
responsibility, it is unfortune but unavoidable to close
such tickets as WONTFIX.

I prefer to keep those tickets untouched or label 'Information Needed'
status. Closing ticket too soon sometimes leads "Out of sight, out of
mind." It's good to let issue tracker express the project status as
it is.

// NaHi


Actions #16

Updated by mame (Yusuke Endoh) almost 15 years ago


2010/3/30 NAKAMURA, Hiroshi :

Okay, now I can verbalize more precisely what I really hate.
I hate open and NOT ASSIGNED tickets. They should be clarifed
where their responsibility lies. If there is no one who has
responsibility, it is unfortune but unavoidable to close
such tickets as WONTFIX.

I prefer to keep those tickets untouched or label 'Information Needed'
status. Closing ticket too soon sometimes leads "Out of sight, out of
mind." It's good to let issue tracker express the project status as
it is.

Agreed. I guess 'Feedback' exists for the status.

But I dislike it because 'Feedback' tickets appear in the list of
'open' tickets. It is cumbersome to grasp tickets that we must
handle yet.

If there is a kind of label that means like 'Feedback' and does
not appear in the list, such as 'Contribution Wanted', I'll use
the label. But currently, there is no maintainer of redmine :-(

BTW, Christian Holtje, do you look the discussion? Could you
please answer Hiroshi's question?

Yusuke ENDOH


Actions #17

Updated by docwhat (Christian Höltje) almost 15 years ago

Sorry for not responding sooner. I haven't been getting emails from redmine. I just switched my email address to gmail so we'll see if that fixes this problem.

I'm no expert with openssl, but you can see in code like this:

I went by the assumption that it needs to be NULL or a STACK. Looking at the code, I don't see it setting the STACK on initialization (GetX509Store), so I figured it should be NULL.


Actions #18

Updated by docwhat (Christian Höltje) almost 15 years ago

This was fixed in r27064.


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